What is Speculative Fiction

What is Speculative Fiction?
Speculative fiction is a term, first made up by Robert Heinlein in 1941, that has come to be
used to describe works in the genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.
But if we already have science fiction, fantasy, and horror, then why do we need yet
another genre description? Because speculative fiction addresses fiction that includes
Weird Tales, Amazing Stories, and Fantastic Fiction. It also may include other genres, such
as Mysteries, Alternate Histories, and Historical Fiction. Speculative fiction can be a term to
describe works of science fiction, fantasy, and horror and also addresses works that are not
science fiction, fantasy, or horror, yet don't rightly belong to the other genres.
Speculative fiction is also more than the title for works of horror, science fiction, and
fantasy. The term also embraces works that don't fit neatly into the separate genres like
Tarzan, The Time Machine and The Island of Doctor Moreau. Tales that span the science
fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. Stranger in a Strange Land. The Twilight Zone. Stories
by Edgar Allen Poe. Tales that have been labelled simply as 'weird' or 'adventure' or
'amazing' because there was no proper place to put them.
When you've come across a story or movie or game that both is and isn't science fiction,
fantasy, and/or horror, then you've discovered speculative fiction. Examples of speculative
fiction may run the series from the outright weird and gory, such as 'Jaws' directed by
Steven Spielberg.
Speculative Fiction is Everywhere:
Nearly every major industry produces content for or about speculative fiction. From an
obvious industry such as cinema or toys, to industries that are not quite so obvious such
as the manufacture of clothing and jewelry (costuming).
Nearly all content and media created for children contains some aspect of speculative
fiction, such as talking animals, magic, or monsters. When speaking of children's literature
it's almost impossible not to find speculative fiction in the form of fantasy or science fiction.
The majority of computer game titles produced, whether for personal computer or gaming
consoles, also contain some element of speculative fiction. Whether it is a science fiction
strategy game like Halo, or a fantasy based first person role-playing game like World of
Warcraft. And I defy you to find a single pen and paper role-playing game that doesn't draw
on some element of speculative fiction. There may be one, but I wouldn't hold my breath
looking for it. Speculative Fiction is everywhere. It has invaded our lives... but what is it?
The best professional definition we could come up with is written below:
What is Speculative Fiction?
David Bowlin of ShadowKeep Magazine defines Speculative fiction as “a world that writers
create, where anything can happen. It is a place beyond reality, a place that could have
been, or might have been, if only the rules of the universe were altered just a bit.
Speculative fiction goes beyond the horror of everyday life and takes the reader (and writer)
into a world of magic, fantasy, science. It is a world where you leave part of yourself behind
when you return to the universe as we know it, the so-called real world. Speculative fiction
defines the best in humanity: imagination, and the sharing of it with others.”
Activities: Complete the following in your notebook in full sentences:
1) After reading the above passage, write your own definition of Speculative
2) Write down ten examples of speculative fiction that you know. These can
be books, movies, TV series or games.
3) What is your favourite film, book or game that uses speculative fiction,
and why?
4) Why do we need the term “Speculative fiction?”
5) What does the writer mean when he says that nearly every industry uses
speculative fiction? What examples does he give?
6) What does the writer mean when he says that speculative fiction has
“invaded our lives?”
7) What does David Bowlin think defines the “best in humanity?”
8) List five things that are typical in the speculative fiction genre, e.g.
9) Why do you think speculative fiction is such a popular genre? Give three
reasons and elaborate on them.