Abstract Submission form for Annual Sessions 2015

Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Orthopaedic Association
30th 31st October 2015, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Please read and follow the guidelines set out below.
Presenting Author:
(Family Name)
(First Name/s in full)
Mailing Address:
Title of Abstract:
No: of words:
Abstract is submitted for Oral presentation only* / Poster presentation* / either*
Has the paper been presented elsewhere or published? Yes/No
Secretariat use only
Registration No:
Date received:
Is the abstract less than 250 words?
Is it structured as requested?
Names of authors, place of work not
mentioned in 3 copies?
CD attached.
Guidelines for the Submission of Abstracts
All abstracts should reach the Secretary, The Sri Lanka Orthopaedic Association, C/o, The
College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka, No. 6, Independence Avenue, Colombo 07, before 15.00 hours
on Thursday, 29th August 2013. Late entries will not be accepted. The organizer will not accept
responsibility for postal delay.
1. The abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by referees. The corresponding author will be informed
of the results in due course.
2. For those wishing to submit more than one abstract, the Abstract Form may be photocopied or down
loaded from the Association website.
3. The presenting author is required to register for the sessions. The corresponding author should sign
the abstract form.
4. All abstracts must be printed on A4 sized papers with margins set at 30 mm all round or use the form
provided. The font should be Times New Roman Font size 12. Begin the text of the abstract without
indentation using double spacing. Three copies should be submitted (the original and two copies
without the names of authors or the name of the institution).
5. Provide the TITLE in Bold Capital Letters.
6. Provide Name of Author(s) followed by the name of the institution and the country, (in the original
7. Indicate the names of the authors according to the following format: Initial of given names without
punctuation followed by family name or given names followed by family name, e.g. LH Leong or
Lim Heng Leong. Omit degrees, titles and full address.
8. Underline the name of the presenting author.
9. Abstracts should be 250 words or less. Any abstract exceeding this limit would be rejected.
10. The abstract should follow the following format.
a) Introduction, b) material and methods, c) results, d) discussion and conclusions. (References are
not necessary)
11. Use of standard abbreviations is desirable. Use special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after
the full word, the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers except to begin sentences.
12. Tables and graphics should be kept to a minimum.
13. The abstract should also be submitted in a properly labeled Compact Disk (CD). The abstract
must be saved in MS WORD 2010 format.
14. The Abstract will be reproduced in the Abstract Book. The CSSL reserves the right to make
alterations and to edit text to improve presentation.
15. If the work has been previously presented or published, in whole or in part, this should be stated
clearly in the abstract. This does not disqualify a paper but must be stated when submitting the paper.
16. ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Each paper will be allowed only 6 minutes for presentation with 2
minutes for discussion. Multimedia facilities will be made available.
17. POSTER PRESENTATIONS: The size of the poster should be approximately 1m (width) X 1.5m
(height). Screens (portrait) will be provided to put up posters. Posters should be made on material
which can be mounted easily.
Please type DOUBLE-SPACED. Use capital letters only for first letter of proper nouns and of sentences.
Abstract must be STRUCTURED whenever possible, and have 250 WORDS or less. THREE COPIES
to be submitted. (The name of authors should not appear in 2 copies)