Resume - Deep Space Systems Inc

Matthew R Allen
10167 Bentwood Cir  Highlands Ranch, CO 80126  Phone: 303-246-6252  E-Mail:
Dr. Allen is currently part of the system architecture team for Lockheed Martin’s Orion program. He has extensive experience in
various aspects of spacecraft design and systems engineering. Dr. Allen specializes in spacecraft and subsystem design, system analysis
and modeling, conceptual design methods, parametric modeling, and optimization methodologies. He has won numerous awards and
has authored numerous publications on multi-disciplinary design, analysis, and optimization methods.
Deep Space Systems
Littleton, CO
2013 to present
System Architecture Team – Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle
Member of a small system architecture team tasked with integrating the overall system and mission architecture for the Orion
exploration missions. Lead the development of the vehicle backup, safe mode, and survival mode systems and conops. Leading the
maturation of exploration mission architecture and vehicle capability through mission timelines and analyses. Helping lead an effort
to develop and integrate database tools and system models to integrate technical baseline products across the program.
Stellar Solutions (subcontractor at Lockheed Martin Space Systems)
Littleton, CO
2004 to 2013
Integrated Vehicle Performance Lead - Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle
Lead a joint NASA/Lockheed integration team with members across the program that is responsible for integrating and verifying
system level performance of the spacecraft. The team is responsible for design integration, tool development, and analysis in the
areas of: mission analysis, mission timelines, attitude timelines, power, thermal, consumables sizing, propellant sizing,
communications link margins, sequential mass properties, etc. The team is also responsible for developing design and operational
changes to ensure that system level performance requirements are met. Have developed several processes and tools to improve
analysis and integration that have been adopted across the program. Also develop and integrate the mission event sequencing data
that will drive the flight software for the overall mission. Assist with the development of test cases and validation of results for vehicle
level mission testing in integrated lab environment.
Spacecraft System Design Technical Lead - Orion Program
Lead a team of spacecraft design and systems engineers that maintain and integrate the overall spacecraft design. In addition to
overall design integration work, the team’s tasks included: performing system level trade studies, managing resources within the
vehicle (mass, power, consumables, etc.), the margins management plan and report, integrated energy balance analyses that size the
power and thermal systems, maintaining system level mission timeline tools for propellant and resource sizing, developing the
spacecraft system schematic, developing block upgrade strategies for future missions, and conducting major design reviews.
Spacecraft Design Engineer – Crew Exploration Vehicle
Developed and maintain the system level parametric models for sensitivity analyses and trade studies. Authored the overall
spacecraft description document and consumables analysis for NASA deliverables. Lead multiple system level trade studies,
including one identifying the overall system mass drivers and provided parametric data in support of requirements changes.
Developed and maintain a mission timeline tool for sizing of the spacecraft propulsion, power, and life support systems. Derived top
level module and subsystem mass allocations. Managed all design changes between vehicle configurations.
Systems Engineering and Integration Team – Crew Exploration Vehicle
Performed system level trade studies for spacecraft and mission design. Developed system and subsystem level requirements.
Responsible for the top level functional allocations of the spacecraft. Performed system level design compatibility analysis between
subsystems. Supported spacecraft and mission design of the CEV concept exploration and proposal efforts.
Experience (cont.)
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO
Doctoral Candidate – Center for Aerospace Structures, Boulder, CO
Conducted research covering a broad range of engineering design areas, resulting in a PhD dissertation titled "Design Methods for
the Reliability-Based Analysis and Design Optimization of Aerospace Multiphysics Systems." Developed methodologies for
incorporating uncertainties and risk management into design optimization frameworks utilizing high-fidelity analysis techniques.
Acquired an expertise in areas such as: probabilistic and reliability analysis, design optimization methodologies, parametric
modeling, structural analysis, dynamic analysis, finite element modeling, and reduced order modeling.
Research Associate – Aerosonde Robotic Aircraft, Boulder, CO
Supervised design teams and developed design improvements to a scientific UAV in areas such as: systems engineering, ice
detection and mitigation, engine development, payload integration, and operations.
Pratt and Whitney – Large Military Engines
West Palm Beach, FL 1999
System Design and Component Integration – Large Military Engines, West Palm Beach, FL
Performed secondary flow engineering within the advanced engines group. Analyzed engine failures and provided solutions to
management. Quantified engine flow leakage and provided design improvements.
Lockheed Martin – Control Systems
Johnson City, NY
Mechanical / Quality Assurance Engineering – Control Systems, Johnson City, NY, 1998
Provided mechanical engineering services to the quality assurance department for military aircraft engine control systems. Analyzed
process and component failures and proposed solutions to management.
PhD - Aerospace Engineering
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
MS - Aerospace Engineering
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
BS - Mechanical Engineering
Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
Continuing Education:
AGI – Satellite Toolkit Comprehensive training
MatLab – Simulink modeling course
MatLab – Stateflow training course
Lockheed Martin System Architecture course
ATI – Satellite Communications course
Microsoft Excel VBA training
Stellar Solutions – Systems Engineering training course
Phoenix Integration ModelCenter training
Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization conferences
AIAA Space conferences
Select Awards
 NASA Group Achievement Awards – European Service Module Development Team, Orion Safety Review, CEV Mass Reduction
Team, Orion-2 Program Optimization team.
 National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) – One of approximately one hundred that are awarded
nationally each year to graduate students in all disciplines of science and engineering who have ‘demonstrated ability and special
aptitude for advanced training in science and engineering.’
 NASA Group Achievement Award – Award for contribution to the Fourth Convection and Moisture Experiment
 Fredrica Clarkson Award - Award given to the top two graduating students at Clarkson University. Chosen by a committee faculty on
the basis of academic achievement, leadership, and professional promise.
 Phalanx Inductee and President - One of four university members selected for Clarkson's highest honorary leadership society
 Clarkson Honors Program Graduate and Chair - one of five students to complete the requirements for graduation.
 G. Weickum, M. Allen, K. Maute, and D.M. Frangopol (2008) Design Optimization of Stochastic Dynamic Systems by Algebraic
Reduced Order Models. Chapter 6 in Structural Design Optimization considering Uncertainty, Taylor and Francis, pages 135-154.
 M. Allen and K. Maute (2005) Reliability-based Shape Optimization of Structures undergoing Fluid Structure Interaction
Phenomena. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194:3472-3495, 2005.
 K. Maute, G. Weickum, and M. Allen (2005) Reduced Order Models for Reliability Analysis and Design Optimization of Microelectromechanical Sensors. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability ICOSSAR'05, June
19-23, 2005, Rome, Italy, pages 2049-2056.
 G. Weickum, M. Allen, and K. Maute (2005) Design for Reliability of Stochastic Dynamic Systems by Algebraically Derived
Reduced Order Models. Proceedings of the 3rd MIT Conference of Fluid and Solid Mechanics, June 14 - 17, 2005, Cambridge,
USA, pages 1324-1327.
 M. Allen and K. Maute (2004) Reliability-Based Optimization of Aeroelastic Structures, Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization 27 (4) 228-242.
 K. Maute and M. Allen (2004) Conceptual Design of Aeroelastic Structures by Topology Optimization. , Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization 27 (1-2) 27-42.
 M. Allen, M. Raulli, K. Maute, and D. Frangopol (2004) Reliability-Based Analysis and Design Optimization of Electrostatically
Actuated MEMS, Computers and Structures 82 (13-14) 1007-1020.
 M. Allen and K. Maute (2002) Reliability-Based Optimization of Aeroelastic Structures. AIAA 2002-5560, presented at the 9
AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, September 4-6 , 2002, Atlanta, GA.
 M. Allen and K. Maute (2003) Shape Optimization of Aeroelastic Structures under Uncertainties. AIAA 2003-3430, presented at
the 16 AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, June 23-26 , 2003, Orlando, FL.
 M. Allen, M. Raulli, and K. Maute (2003) Reliability-Based Analysis and Design Optimization of MEMS. Presented at the 7
USACM National Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 27-31 , 2003, Albuquerque, NM.
 M. Allen and K. Maute (2003) Probabilistic Structural Design of UAV’s under Aeroelastic Loading. AIAA 2003-6510, presented at
the 2 AIAA Unmanned Unlimited Conference and Exhibit, September 15-18 , 2003, San Diego, CA.
 M. Allen and K. Maute (2004) Parametric Extension of Reduced Order Models for Reliability-based Analysis and Design
Optimization. Presented at the 2nd Sandia Workshop on PDE Constrained Optimization, May 19-21st, 2004, Santa Fe, NM.
 M. Allen, G. Weickum, and K. Maute (2004) Application of Reduced Order Models for the Stochastic Design Optimization of
Dynamic Systems. AIAA 2004-4614, presented at the 9th AIAA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and
Optimization, Aug 30th - Sept 1st, 2004, Albany, NY.