REPUBLİC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRİCULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate Of Food And Control Ankara-TURKEY PLANT PEST RİSK ASSESMENT QUESTIONNAIRE 1-COMPLETE ADRESS OF NPPO WITH CONTACT INFORMATION: Telephone, fax and e-mail 2-INFORMATION ABOUT PROPOSED EXPORT COMMODITY TO TURKEY: 2.1. Scientific name, including author(s) 2.2.Taxonomic classification 2.3. Common name 2.4.Synonyms 2.5.Variety/cultivar 2.6. Plant part to be exported (e.g. fruit, seed etc.) 2.7.Purposed end use of the commodity (e.g. consumption,processing, propagation etc.) 2.8.Export destination (other countries) 2.9.Photographs of commodity 3.INFORMATION OF PRODUCTION AREA 3.1.States, regions, provinces, districts, etc. 3.2.Area maps: 3.3.Climatologically description of the production area 4. PEST LİST PEST INFORMATION SCİENTİFİC NAME Species, Author Order & Family Present Exporting Country Recorded On Crop In Exporting Country 1 5.INFORMATION ON PEST(S) PRESENT IN EXPORTİNG COUNTRY 5.1. Scientific names and author/s of pests present in exporting country: 5.2.Taxonomic classification 5.3.Synonyms 5.4.Natural hosts (scientific name, author) as decribed internationally) 5.5. List of plant part(s) affected 5.6. List of plant part(s) liable to carry pest in trade or transport 5.7. Sypmtomps 5.8. Means of movement and dispersal (vector, soil, seed etc.) Insect Pathojens 6.INFORMATION NON QUARANTINE AND REGULATED NON-QUARANTINE PESTS ON THIS CROP AS LİSTED BY THE EXPORTİNG COUNTRY 6.1.Quarantine pests: Provide detail on measures followed to prevent the introduction and spread of quarantine pests within the exporting country, with reference to this specific commodity. Details on current eradication or containment programs must also be provided. 6.2.Regulated non-quarantine pests: Provide detail on measures followed to suppers the regulated non-quarantine pests within the exporting country with, reference to this specific commodity. 7. INFORMATION ABOUT POST-HARVEST MANAGEMENT 7.1. Packing methods 7.2.İnspection procedures 7.3. Post-harvest disinfestationstreatmens 7.4.Storage conditions and security 7.5.Transportation(national and international) 8. CURRENT PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES (e.g field inspection, sampling, additional declaration etc.) 9.RESULT OF PEST RİSK ANALYSİS WHICH HAVE BEEN CARRIED OUT IN OTHER COUNTRIES 10. LITERATURE REFERENCES All data provided must be referenced Make use of superscript numbers in the text and number the references in the reference list. 11. CONTACT DETAILS Contact details of the relevant specialist in the fields of Entomology, Nematology, Mycology, Virology etc. Within the NPPO, must be provided. Pest specific communication will then take place directly between the scientists of the importing and exporting country’s NPPOs. 2