



1850 – 1890

Grade 8 Inquiry Questions

Creating Canada 1850 – 1890


1) Was National Policy successful in Canada?

2) Is the way in which Chinese immigrants treated by railway employers disgraceful?

3) Was the Metis North-West Resistance a justified reaction to their treatment by the government?

4) Is Louis Riel a true Canadian Hero? Should he have been hanged?

5) Which battle was the most influential of the

North-West Resistance?

6) If you were living in Eastern Canada, why would you move to the west?

7) What made life so difficult for settlers of the west?


Compulsory Activities:

Assignment #1 – Reading (Analyzing):

-Use the History textbook (chapters 1-6) and the internet to answer the following questions related to

Confederation and The Development of the West:

-What are the social, political, economic, and geographic factors that led to the creation of


-Who were key people involved in Confederation and what did they do?

-Whose voices were left out of in the creation of Canada?

-How was Canada in 1867 different from or similar to Canada today politically and socially?

-What factors affected the opening of the West?

-How and why was the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) completed?

-How did the numbered treaties and the Indian Act of 1876 affect First Nations?

-What were the causes and results of the North-West Resistance?

Assignment #2 – Reading (Point of View):

-Create a political cartoon about Confederation (examples on pg. 48 & 80) that represents one of the following perspectives from the 1860s:

-women who want more rights

-First Nations who want more control over their future

-Black people or new immigrants who came to British North America to find a better life

-French Canadians who are worried about their future in an English-speaking country

-Newfoundlanders or Prince Edward Islanders who reject Confederation

Assignment #3 – Oral Language/Media Literacy (Expressing thoughts/Opinions):

-Write two interview questions and answers for one of the following individuals:

-Amor de Cosmos

-Louis Riel

-William McDougall

-James Pope

-Use the interview with Joseph Howe from pages 73-75 as your model. Be sure to include at least one big question in your interview.

-Record your interview questions and answers using sound recording software of your choice


Assignment #4 – Reading/Media Literacy (Inferring):

-Choose a picture, cartoon or painting from the period, or from your topic that depicts your point of view/inference

-Be sure to explain how your picture, cartoon, or painting depicts it (see example below)

Assignment #5 – Writing/Reading/Media Literacy/Oral Presentation (Making Judgments/


-Pretend you are a Museum Curator and inform the public about your topic in an interesting and informative way (follow the guidelines)

-Include an opinion piece that answers your chosen inquiry question

-Be sure to support your opinion with convincing evidence

END TASK EXAMPLES - (CHECK OUT THESE WEBSITES FROM LAST YEAR): http://nationalpolicyinquiry.webs.com/ http://canadiannationalpolicy.webs.com/ westcanadasettlers.webs.com


History Assignment #4 – Reading/Media Literacy (Inferring)

-Choose a picture, cartoon, or painting from the period, or from your topic that depicts your point of view/inference

-Be sure to explain how your picture, cartoon, or painting, depicts it


The National Policy

-History textbook pg. 116 (pictures right under heading ‘The National Policy’)

According to this picture, the National Policy will make mechanics wealthy and comfortable. The picture indicates this by showing the mechanic sitting comfortably in his easy chair reading a newspaper while his family plays games, relaxes, or plays a piano in a well-furnished home.

According to the bottom half of this picture, it differs from the above scene by showing a distraught man sitting on a hard-backed chair, head in hands, in a bare, cold-looking room.

Therefore, the National Policy is about creating jobs for people, improving the Canadian economy, and being opposed to free trade in some way. The message of this poster is that Canada, or certainly its working-class people, will be much better off if a National Policy is brought in rather than free trade or revenue tariffs.

History Assignment #5 – Writing (Persuasive)

-Write an opinion piece that answers your question

-Be sure to support your opinion with convincing evidence


Why was Confederation important to Canada?

In the year of 1867 the nation we know as Canada came into being. The Confederation in this year only came about after many internal and external factors were overcome. These included political and economic pressures that were felt by the colonies. All of these pressures led the federal union and the colonies towards Confederation. .

As the colonies grew, they were building railroads and roads, which cost a great deal of money.

If several smaller colonies combined, they would have more taxes and more money to pay their debts as they grew.

The “Great Coalition”, which involved leaders such as John A. Macdonald, George Brown, and

GeorgeÉtienne Cartier, had proven by their influence that it was possible for English and

French-speaking Canadians to agree on big questions such as government reform. In some of the colonies, especially Canada East and Canada West, there was one government problem or crisis after another. A new system of decision making, with one central government and provincial governments to deal with local issues, might help make government more stable in the colonies.

The United States had gained their independence from Britain in 1783 after a long war. Not long after this, the States became involved in a war amongst themselves, (the Civil War). The British colonies did not want any more wars, and by combining under one strong central government, they might avoid further wars. They would also have a stronger military defense.

Confederation was not an easy time. British North America had to deal with several threats from the Americans, including fear of losing the West, fear of annexation and fear of war. Although issues such as Britain's changing views towards BNA and the need for trade were important, the Americans and their actions were the most influential in causing Canada to confederate and become the country it is today.

History Inquiry Project End Task


Congratulations!!!! You have just earned a prestigious job with a Canadian Historical Site and are in charge of creating an interactive attraction that will educate and entertain paying visitors that come to the site. You must cater to a diverse demographic including children and adults alike. Your boss has given you the following list of specific expectations that he is looking for in your attraction. a) The historic attraction must be captivating to a wide ranging audience. b) The historic attraction must be educational, historically accurate, and well sourced/researched. c) The historic attraction must be entertaining to encourage new and repeat visitors. d) The attraction should be innovative and unique. e) The attraction must include an essay style answer to your chosen inquiry question.

In order to be successful it is vital that you follow the steps of inquiry in a timely manner and regulate your progress to complete the project on time. The method by which you achieve the above expectations is entirely up to you, including the topic, medium, and perspective you choose.

Here are some guiding questions that will give you an idea of what we are looking for.

8) Was National Policy successful in Canada?

9) Is the way in which Chinese immigrants were treated by railway employers acceptable?

10) Was the Metis North-West Resistance a justified reaction to their treatment by the government?

11) Is Louis Riel a true Canadian Hero? Should he have been hanged?

12) Which battle was the most influential of the North-West Resistance?

13) If you were living in Eastern Canada, why would you move to the west?

14) What made life so difficult for settlers of the west?

We at the Historical Society are extremely excited to see your presentation at the unveiling. Your success in this particular project could lead to some exciting career opportunities in the future so be sure to bring us your best.

History End Task Rubric




Inquiry Process

Learning Skills




Level 1

- the student creates a project that does little to answer the inquiry question using little support and research.

Level 2

- the student creates a project that somewhat answers the inquiry question using some support and research.

- the student shows little evidence of using the inquiry process to create a final project that reflects his/her absolute best effort.

- the student lacked the learning skills necessary for him/her to monitor progress, use time wisely, remain organized, and complete a project he/she is proud of.

- the inquiry project is lacking in entertainment, historical accuracy, and sources / research.

- the student shows some evidence of using the inquiry process to create a final project that reflects his/her absolute best effort.

- the student somewhat used his/her learning skills to monitor progress, use time wisely, remain organized, and complete a project he/she is proud of.

- the inquiry project is somewhat entertaining, historically accurate, sourced

/ researched.

- the inquiry project is entertaining, historically accurate, well sourced / researched, and uniquely presented.

Level 3

- the student creates a project that sufficiently answers the inquiry question using ample support and research.

- the student shows evidence of using the inquiry process to create a final project that reflects his/her absolute best effort.

- the student used his/her learning skills to monitor progress, use time wisely, remain organized, and complete a project he/she is proud of.

Level 4

- - the student creates an effective project that thoroughly answers the inquiry question using credible and thorough support and research.

- the student shows ample evidence of using the inquiry process to create a final project that reflects his/her absolute best effort.

- the student used his/her learning skills well to monitor progress, use time wisely, remain organized, and complete a project he/she is proud of.

- the inquiry project is thoroughly entertaining, historically accurate, well sourced / researched, and uniquely presented. This project could be seen at a Canadian

Historical Site!


Planning-involves the exploration of a topic area and the selection of an inquiry question that appeal to your own interests. (1-2days)

Retrieving-involves the collecting of data and information for the inquiry and the development of an appropriate way to organize that information.

(3-5 days)

Processing-involves the evaluation and interpretation of data and information collected by recognizing and evaluating bias and consistently in different sources. Students will determine their own opinion based on their research and take a stand. (1-2 days)

Creating-involves creating a presentation that will communicate the findings of the inquiry to the audience. (5-

10 days)

Sharing-involves the sharing of new knowledge and understandings with a particular audience. (1 day)

Evaluating-involves evaluating their own inquiry process using the criteria that was established in the beginning phases and providing constructive feedback that would enable improvement in the future. (1 day)

Reflection-takes place throughout the whole process as students make time to look back at the questions, process, and direction of the inquiry. They may revise what they have done or decide to go forward in the intended direction. (1 day)
