Psychology Club Thursday, September 29th, 2011 5:00-6:15pm LSU Introduction to Psychology Club and Information From Psi Chi o Meet new and returning members o Briefly describe reasons for joining, and what you hope to gain Popular responses Meet other psychology students Gain experience to help with graduate school Become involved at CSUDH o Psi Chi Psi Chi- The national honors society in Psychology President of the CSUDH chapter is Mike Kersten Emphasis on research, scholarships, meeting faculty Applications due October 7th, 2011. Must have taken 3 upper-division Psychology courses at CSUDH, with a cumulative GPA of 3.2, and a Psychology GPA of 3.5. Possible exceptions Applications available in Psychology office on 3rd floor of SBS, or in SBS A-241B. You may also directly e-mail Mike for an application at Turn in the application to Jo Ann Uno in the Psychology office. Saybrook University information session o Thoughts, Ideas, Interests, Critiques/Suggestions Attendance to events is highly recommended They are put on specifically for us, with our funds, to benefit us! :] Brown Bag Series o Speeches made by those in the field of Psychology regarding their work/experiences o Next Brown Bag- October 7th, 2011 Takesia Sturgis, Ph.D. (former CSUDH student) “Successful Parental Involvement with African American Children in Therapy” 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm in Loker Student Union (LSU) Room listed day of event Updates emailed o Important Dates: November 18th, December 2nd, December 9th 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, LSU Dr. Phil and The Doctor’s Show o These shows will donate $200 to the Psychology Club for attending! o 40 people representing CSUDH must go, and must go on one date, at one time The people going can be from the Psychology Club, friends/family from the Psychology Club, Psychology majors, or other CSUDH students. o Tentative dates Dr. Phil- October 10th, October 25th, November 7th, or 11/16 $200 provided The Doctors Show- October 6th, October 7th (afternoon or morning), and October 14th (morning) RSVP RSVP via a sign-up list passed around during meetings, or e-mail one of the cabinet members if you cannot attend the meetings Dress code To be decided Carpool A charter bus will pick up students at CSUDH 40 students must attend, all on the same date Donation of $200 will be given if 40 students attend Money will go in Psychology Club account. What for? o Suggestions for the money Hoodies, sweatshirts to spread awareness Scholarships GRE/CV workshops There are morning and afternoon shows available General Topics of Discussion o Psychology Club Scholarship Amount to be decided by vote Criterion, Dates, Judging Committee, Paperwork Think about this for the next meeting. What is the scholarship for? Who would it go to and why? How will we judge this? How much will the scholarship be? o Philanthropy NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Walk Huntington Beach- October 1st, 2011 Mental illness is a serious medical illness that affects one in four families. NAMI's support and public education efforts are focused on educating America about mental illness, offering resources to those in need and insisting that mental illness become a high national priority. Involvement in our community Feels great to give back, legitimizes club, looks good on a resume Philanthropy ideas for Psychology Club- open to suggestions! E-mail us of any community service you think the club would like to participate in. Big Brothers/Sisters National program One on one time with children Quality time spent with your matched “little” Briefed about the child and matched with one Same gender Activities twice per month- biking, movies, etc. AFSP American Foundation for Suicide Prevention National non-profit for understanding and preventing suicide Foundation funds research, provides educational sessions for professionals, educates the public, advocates for legislation that impact suicide prevention, and provides resources for survivors of suicide, those who have lost loved ones to suicide, and those at risk of suicide. Walks are put on to generate donations and awareness o “Out of the Darkness” Community Walks o Teams with goal money o Easy online donations Local walks on university campus- possibly host one at CSUDH Operation Shoebox CSUDH Collect empty shoeboxes Decorate boxes and fill w/ toiletries for women on skid row, shelters, etc. o What do you want from Psychology Club? Talks from those with a PhD, PsyD Possibly CSUDH alumni Clinical experiences for undergraduates Field Trips to other schools (Campus tours) Possibly meet with professors from other Psychology departments Workshops CV (Curriculum Vitae) Workshop o Date to be determined Research Opportunities Updated information about research at CSUDH will be posted o Research goes on in a Psychology faculty member’s lab. Their research interests and contact information will be available. CV- have ready for professors when approaching them about research o Academic Resume o GPA, relevant course info o What you have done in school o Templates to be posted on Psych Club website o T-Shirts/Hoodies Pricing 15-30 dollars Screenprinted or embroidered Design Black background with CSUDH colors for logo Logo CSUDH w/ Psych Logo o Banner To be discussed o Fundraising To benefit who? Organizations? Scholarships? Social events? Fundraising Ideas Paperwork Volunteers Recruitment for our club o Make class announcements o Send out e-mails/flyers Research opportunities o Can be found at Psychology Club webpage: Available Office Positions Secretary, Webmaster, Philanthropist o Job duties were discussed o Interested students expressed interest o Elections Secretary- Kelly Whaling Webmaster- Tristan Hahn Philanthropist- Open Fundraising Coordinator- Open Closing Discussion o Next meeting- October 27th, 2011 at 5:00pm in LSU o Questions? Presentation announcement o Kavita Ramdas o University Theater