December - Little Britain

December 10, 2013
The Little Britain Township Board of Supervisors held its regular monthly meeting on
Tuesday, December 10th, at the Municipal Building, 323 Green Lane, Quarryville,
Pennsylvania. Prior notice of the meeting was given.
Chairman, Jerry Emling, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A moment of silence
was followed by the salute to the flag.
Jerry Emling
Randy Jackson
Dan Proffitt
Jeff Wood
Pat Wood
Christine Jackson
Margaret DeCarolis
Jim Bullitt
Sue Bullitt
Brian Masterson
Dan Risk
MINUTES: Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried to adopt
the minutes of the November 12th meeting as printed.
SANITATION: It was reported that Mr. Stoner generated no income during November
in Sanitation fees.
ZONING: Zoning Officer, Christine Jackson reported issuing 8 building, 4 occupancy, 5
driveway and 2 demolition permits during November, along with the acceptance of 1
Zoning Hearing Application. Ms. Jackson also advised of the following:
 Zoning Hearing Application of Levi Fisher.
 Township Engineer, Ed Fisher will be here in February to review the ACT 167
Ordinance for Stormwater Management.
ROADS: Roadmaster, Dan Risk reported on the following November road crew:
 Cleaned side gutters on Fulton View, Black and Kinseyville Roads.
 Attended County Supervisors Convention.
 Picked up mower tractor from Quarryville.
 Cleaned stormwater grates.
 Mowed road banks with boom mower.
 Performed all maintenance on the Backhoe and rubber tire Loader.
 Backfilled on Kirks Mill and Pine Grove Roads.
 Removed side spreader on Peterbilt.
 Trimmed trees on Brown Road.
 Placed rip-rap the King Pen Road bridge.
 Performed routine equipment maintenance.
 Replaced Stop and Road signs on Short Road.
 Took tire to Rhoad Star for re-treads.
Checked roads for damage following storm.
Repaired lights on mower tractor.
Checked for fallen trees on Black Road.
Picked up parts for mower tractor.
Met with Asphalt Industries.
Repaired flat tire on Ford.
Removed dumped tires on Green Lane.
Prepared trucks and equipment for snow.
Removed bamboo from Kirks Mill Road.
Checked on down power lines on 272 and removed tree following storm.
Mr. Proffitt questioned the number of tires dumped on Green Lane and was advised there
were approximately 12 of them. Mr. Emling questioned the pricing of the retreaded tires
and was advised the expense was approximately $200.00 per tire. Mr. Risk said the new
tread was quite aggressive and the tires were only being used on the backs of the
vehicles. Mr. Emling questioned if new tires were priced through the government
purchasing programs and was advised they were not. He suggested that pricing be
checked there going forward. A discussion pursued pertaining to the growth of bamboo in
various areas of the Township and the difficulties encountered in containing its growth.
Mr. Risk indicated he planned to contact Mr. Schmidt to confirm if he could spray
anything to help control it. Zoning Officer, Ms. Jackson advised he may wish to contact
the States Obnoxious Weed person for help on this matter.
TAXES: The Board was advised that the Township received $1,071.78 in Real Estate
and $34.83 in Interim tax during the month of November.
PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Ms. Wood and
carried authorizing the payment of General Fund checks 8982 through 9013 in the
amount of $23,325.77. Motion was made by Ms. Wood, seconded by Mr. Wood and
carried authorizing the payment of General Fund checks 9014 through 9015 in the
amount of $296.37. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Proffitt both abstained from voting due to a
financial conflict. Motion made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Proffitt and carried
approving payment of State Fund check 1924 in the amount of $49.64.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: The meeting was opened for public participation, with no
PLANNING COMMISSION: Motion made by Mr. Proffitt, seconded by Mr. Jackson
and carried adopting the minutes of the November 26th Township Planning Commission
Eli & Susie Ebersol: Brian Masterson of Regester Associates presented the
minor plan for a double house, requesting approval for the signing of the mylars.
Following a review of the plan, Mr. Jackson motioned approval be granted for the
signing of the mylars. The motion was seconded by Ms. Wood and carried.
Paul & Aimee Satterfield: Brian Masterson of Regester Associates presented the
Sewage Facility Module for this plan requesting their approval. Following a
review of the plan, Ms. Wood motioned that approval be granted for the signing
of the Sewage Facility Module. Mr. Proffitt seconded the motion, which carried.
RESOLUTION #6-13: 2014 Tax Rate- Motion made by Mr. Wood, seconded by Mr.
Jackson, and carried to adopt Resolution #6-13 confirming the Real Estate Tax rate of .39
mills for the year 2014.
RESOLUTION #7-13: 2014 Budget- Motion made by Mr. Proffitt, seconded by Mr.
Jackson and carried adopting Resolution #7-13 as The Little Britain Township budget for
END OF YEAR PAYMENTS: Motion made by Mr. Proffitt, seconded by Mr. Wood
and carried, authorizing the Secretary/Treasurer to pay all end of year bills.
2014 APPOINTMENTS: The Board was advised of those positions up for reappointment at the January re-organizational meeting. It was noted that the Township
Planning Commission was hoping to make recommendations for the 2 vacant positions
that will be on their Board as of January due to the resignation of John Sensenig along
with the previously open position.
ELECTED AUDITOR AND TAX COLLECTOR: The Board was advised that per the
County Election office, that 6 to 7 people received one write-in vote each for the
positions of Auditor and Tax Collector. Those written in were then notified of their
nomination and of a straw-pole that was to be held. Curtis Jones won the drawing for
Auditor; however he is not interested in filling that position. Due to his being out of town
when he received his notification of nomination, he was unable to remove his name from
the drawing. Agnes Reeder won the drawing for the position of Tax Collector and has
expressed an interest in filling the position. The Secretary/Treasurer spoke with her
briefly and recommended she contact the County Treasurer’s Office for additional
information on the training, certifications and bonding necessary. The Board was also
advised that Mrs. Reeder indicated her desire to establish hours at the Municipal Building
for collecting taxes. Following a discussion in which concerns were stated pertaining to
Mrs. Reeder’s inability to perform any functions of tax collector until bonded, her desire
to perform tax collection at the municipal building and computer concerns, a motion was
made by Mr. Jackson, seconded by Mr. Proffitt and carried denying the use of the
municipal building or a township computer for record keeping. An additional discussion
pertaining to the Townships ability to remove the position of elected tax collector from
the ballet pursued. The Secretary/Treasurer will seek information from the solicitor on
that matter. A motion was then made by Ms. Wood, seconded by Mr. Jackson and carried
approving the appointment of the Lancaster County Treasurer’s Office as the Townships
tax Collector in the event Mrs. Reeder resign the position.
PARK MATTERS: Mr. Emling stated concerns over the lack of restroom facilities at
the Park once the facilities on-site are closed for the winter. He suggested the Board
consider the installation of a port-a-potty during those months as he believes the lack of
such provisions could pose a health issue. Following a brief discussion, it was determined
that the Secretary/Treasurer would obtain estimates for this service to present to the
Board at their January meeting. Mr. Emling also expressed concern over the continuing
deterioration of the fencing at the Park. Mr. Risk questioned if the Board would be
interested in replacing the fencing with large landscaping stones. The Board discussed
this option but questioned what liability issues that may present and agreed to revisit the
matter at a later time. Ms. Wood indicated concern over a pavilion roof needing repair
and indicated she would obtain an estimate Sean Armstrong, who previously made
repairs on the gazebo.
EMPLOYEE MANUAL: Motion was made by Mr. Proffitt, seconded by Mr. Jackson
and carried adopting a new employee manual, which will become effective on January 1,
2014. It was noted that a meeting with the Township employees would be held prior to
the end of the year to review the manual with the employees.
TRAINING/SEMINARS: Upcoming training and seminars were reviewed.
ACKNOWLEGDEMENT: Mr. Emling expressed his appreciation to Mr. Jackson and
Mr. Wood for their service to the Township and wished them both well in whatever new
endeavors they select.
ADJOURNMENT: At 8:02 p.m. being no further business, motion was made by Mr.
Jackson, seconded by Mr. Wood and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margaret D. DeCarolis