Resolutions Pertaining to AB 1228 Gipson housing: priority for homeless youth Public postsecondary education: campus CFWC 013-158 Homeless Families and Their Plight; GFWC 013-190 Homelessness; GFWC 013-310 Migrant Worker Families and Transient Youth CFWC 013-158 HOMELESS FAMILIES AND THEIR PLIGHT (Convention 1992, Amended 1997,Amended/Affirmed 2001, Amended/Reaffirmed 2006, Amended 2011) Whereas, As there are no easy solutions to homeless families and their plight; and Whereas, Homeless shelters provide only a temporary solution for the lack of adequate low-income housing; and Whereas, The Federal Government's 1987 Stewart B. McKinney Act (The Homeless Assistance Act) has provided billions of dollars, supplemented by financial assistance from State,County, City and local and private agencies, which has been inadequate to solve the homeless plight throughout the Country, and Whereas, Homeless numbers are increasing, therefore RESOLVED, THAT THE GFWC CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS GO ON RECORD IN URGING CLUBS TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED BY FINANCIAL AND VOLUNTEER SERVICE IN THEIR LOCAL SOLUTIONS TO HOMELESS FAMILIES AND THEIR PLIGHT. GFWC 13-190 Homelessness (formerly “Homeless”; Convention 1989; Reviewed 1993; Amended 1997; Amended 2001; Amended 2005; Amended 2009; Amended 2013) WHEREAS, There are increasing numbers of homeless people, including youth, veterans, elderly, disabled, and families with children; and WHEREAS, Poverty, lack of affordable housing, unemployment, medical expenses, domestic violence, incest and sexual abuse, mental illness and addiction disorders are major causes of homelessness; and WHEREAS, Food, safe shelter, clothing, medical and mental health services, substance and physical abuse treatment, education and employment training opportunities are greatly needed by the homeless; and WHEREAS, Homeless youth require specialized services to ensure their health, safety, emotional well-being, and education; therefore RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women’s Clubs urges its member clubs to: Contact local homeless coalitions to identify current needs and services available including access to public education, mental health care, and substance abuse treatment for the homeless population in their communities; Support funding for services for all at risk in the homeless population; Contact local homeless assistance providers and inquire how members can support their efforts; Support efforts to improve or develop transitional living programs with emphasis on education, life skills and employment training to enable homeless families and individuals to become selfsufficient members of the community; Support efforts to develop decent, affordable, and permanent housing to ensure that the cycle of homelessness is broken. 013-310 Migrant Worker Families and Transient Youth (formerly “Migrant Families and Transient Youth” Convention 1951; Amended and Reaffirmed 1984; Reaffirmed 1988; Reviewed 1992; Amended 1996; Reviewed 2000; Reviewed 2003; Amended 2007; Reviewed 2011) WHEREAS, The needs relative to housing, health, education and welfare of migrant worker families and transient youth remain unmet; therefore RESOLVED, That the General Federation of Women's Clubs urges its member clubs to ascertain the nature and extent of the problems of migrant worker families and transient youth in their communities, and to seek and support the appropriate solution.