UT Standards Academy Lesson Plan Template: TITLE – With Grade Level and Topic How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics - Hortensia Jiménez Díaz http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-mendel-s-pea-plants-helped-us-understandgenetics-hortensia-jimenez-diaz#watch Ted-ed 7th Grade Standards Academy Day 2 GENERAL: Summary – 3- 4 sentences This lesson plan will guide facilitators and adult learners through the process of using TED-ed in their classrooms as another technology option. Science Curriculum Standard Tie – Disciplinary Core Idea (K-12 Framework) Standard 4 Students will understand that offspring inherit traits that make them more or less suitable to survive in the environment. Objective 1 Compare how sexual and asexual reproduction passes genetic information from parent to offspring. Disciplinary Core Ideas LS3.A: Inheritance of traits ILO – Science and Engineering Practice (K-12 Framework) ILO: Manifest Scientific Attitudes and Interests Science and Engineering Practices: Analyzing and Interpreting Data Cross Cutting Concepts/Core Idea (K-12 Framework) Patterns, Stability and Change. Core Idea: Heredity-Genetics of the parent get passed on to offspring Arguments based on evidence Math and/or ELA Curriculum Tie Speaking and Listening Standard 2 Analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study. Time Frame: Number of Class Periods – Number of Minutes 30 Minutes Group Size 20-36 Students Technology Tools Utilized Internet to access TED-ed http://ed.ted.com/ Bibliography NA Key Words offspring, inherit, inherited traits, acquired traits, genetics, INSTRUCTIONAL: Materials – Quantity and Vendor if necessary Internet Access Projector Background for Teachers – Website Links or Specific Content -Genetics Science Learning Center http://learn.genetics.utah.edu -Teach.geneics (Companion site for Learn.genetics) access to full lesson plans about genetics and heridity http://teach.genetics.utah.edu/ Student Prior Knowledge Reproduction passes information from parent to offspring. Sexual reproduction requires two parents, and provides variety in a species. This variety may allow the species to adapt to changes in the environment and help the species survive. A species may change due to the passing of traits naturally or by techniques used and developed by science. Genetic information is passed on in a predictable manner. Instructional Procedure Teacher Preparation: Go to http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-mendel-s-peaplants-helped-us-understand-genetics-hortensia-jimenez-diaz#watch Watch the 3:06 minute animation; How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics - Hortensia Jiménez Díaz. Become familiar with the THINK quiz questions, and the DIG DEEPER information and links. Review Standard 4 of the 7th grade science core http://www.uen.org/core (Students will understand that offspring inherit traits that make them more or less suitable to survive in the environment). Performance Task Students and teachers will view the Ted-ed animation; How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics - Hortensia Jiménez Díaz. Students will work through the THINK quiz questions, and the DIG DEEPER information and links to further their understanding about heredity. Strategies for Diverse Learners NA Extensions Students/teachers could search Ted-ed for other animations about heredity. Students/teachers could search Ted-talks for talks about heredity. Teachers could “flip” another teacher’s lesson on Ted-ed for their students to learn from. ASSESSMENT: Assessment Plan Pre-Assessment: Teacher led talk and argument about genetically transferred traits, take the 6 question quiz under the THINK section of the Ted-ed animation; How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics - Hortensia Jiménez Díaz Formative: Have students research the many options in the DIG DEEPER section of the Ted-ed section of the Ted-ed animation; How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics - Hortensia Jiménez Díaz Summative: Students will write a paragraph explaining what they understand about genetics, the way traits are passed on, and what Mendel taught us about how traits are passed on.