OCEANOGRAPHY GEOLOGY 155 LECTURE: TTH - 11:40-12:55 pm ROOM: SH-C162 OFFICE TELEPHONE: 323 343-2417 INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Pedro C. Ramirez OFFICE: La Kretz 160 OFFICE HOURS: TTH 10:30-11:30, W 1:05-3:05 EMAIL: pramire@calstatela.edu TEXT: GARRISON, R.E., OCEANOGRAPHY, WADSWORTH PUBLISHERS ABOUT THE CLASS: Geology 155 is an introductory oceanography course designed to provide students with the knowledge of some of the basic fundamentals and concepts of oceanography. With this basic knowledge students can further develop any interest they might have in oceanography. Evolution of the ocean basins, properties of ocean waters, ocean circulation, and the origin and types of waves are some of the subjects to be covered in the course. Chemistry and physics are not a requirement for this course. This course fulfills the science with a laboratory of the B2 block requirements of the university general education program. In addition to the required text and lecture notes, films, and, when appropriate, newspaper articles will be used to augment lectures. Students will be responsible for the material covered in lectures, assigned readings, films, and newspaper articles. Lecture notes and other materials will be placed on the web for access. INTERNET ACCESS - Internet access is required for this class. Lecture notes and other materials, including supplementary learning exercises, will be posted on the oceanography course web site: http://instructional1.calstatela.edu/pramire . You may access materials from home. However, if your connection is slow you may have difficulties loading the pages. Computer labs on campus are available for your use when you have a student computer account. To obtain a computer account at Cal State LA, go to the ITS Office, first floor, Library South (Palmer Wing). You must present your student identification. If you are a new student, your student ID must have a CIN number. EXAMS: Three quizzes and a final exam are scheduled for the course. The final exam is comprehensive, i.e. covers all material reviewed in the course. The points scored on the exams will be totaled and a percent of total class points calculated. Each quiz will last 50 minutes and will start at the beginning of class. A class grade will be assigned to each student, according to his/her performance on the exams and according to the following grading system A=>85%; B= 75-85%, C = 65-75%, D = 55-65%, F= <55%. I will use the +/- grading system. Make-up exams will be available only to those students who have valid excuses, such as death in the family, extreme illness, etc. Make-up exams will be composed of essay questions. The final examination will begin at 8:00 AM and end at 9:30 PM on December 9. Be on time for the final. STUDY AIDS: Study questions for lecture and text material will be placed online. Lectures will also be placed online about three days prior to the exam. Learning activities to reinforce important concepts discussed in class and reviewed in your text will also be available online. University policy allows a grade of incomplete to be given only to those who have been sick, injured, or have a similar valid excuse. Incompletes will not be given after poor performance in the course. If you are repeating any Cal State L.A. course in order to remove a D or an F from your transcript, you must file an academic renewal petition in Administration 146 no later than the last day to add a class. Instructions for doing this may be found under "Academic Renewal" in your Schedule of Classes. Also, the university has established policy governing academic dishonesty. This policy is described in Appendix D of the current university catalog and in your schedule of classes. Familiarize yourself with this policy. Cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated in class. CLASS SCHEDULE LECTURE TOPIC SEPT. 22 INTRODUCTION.................................................…………………...CHAP.1/ CHAP.2 OCT. NOV. Dec CHAPTER 27 29 PLATE TECTONICS.........................................................………..CHAP.3 PLATE TECTONICS.........................................................………..CHAP.3 4 6 PLATE TECTONICS.........................................................………..CHAP.3 NATURE OF SEA FLOOR................................................……….CHAP.4 11 13 SEDIMENTS.....................................................……………………….CHAP.5 PROPERTIES OF WATER.................................................……..QUIZ/CHAP.6 18 20 SALTS & GASES.....................................................………………..CHAP.6 SALTS & GASES.................................................……………………CHAP.6 25 27 PROPERTIES OF WATER........................................…………….CHAP.6 HEAT, WINDS & CURRENTS.....................................................CHAP.7 (P156-161) 1 3 HEAT, WINDS & CURRENTS.....................................................CHAP.7 (P156-161) OCEAN LAYERING..................................................………………..CHAP.7 (P124-156) 8 10 OCEAN LAYERING.................................................…………………CHAP.7 (P124-156) WAVES...................................................................………………........QUIZ/CHAP.9 15 17 WAVES..........................................................................…………........CHAP.9 RIVERS & BEACHES......................................................................CHAP.10 22 24 RIVERS & BEACHES......................................................................CHAP.11 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 29 1 OCEANS & CLIMATE…..........................................………………..CHAP.11 OCEANS & CLIMATE....................................……….......................CHAP.15 *FINAL EXAM IS TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 10:45-12:00, SH-162