GOLD-TRADER: A WEB-BASED MOBILE APPLICATION Abdullah Al-Ghushami, Muhammad Hilmi Yusoff,Afiq Aisamuddin School of Computing, UUM College of Arts and Sciences, University Utara Malaysia 0601 UUM Sintok Kedah,Malaysia,, Abstract-The information extraction is one of the common data processing that used to capture and retrieve real information. This paper showed information extraction concept that proposed for automation process of extracting large collections of data from several domains. This paper also presented about how to build web information extraction application. Such Gold-Trader application that used information extraction concept. This application was developed using PHP webscripting techniques. The reader will get to know Gold-Trader application as web information extraction application. For this application, we select gold and silver as our focused domain, as well as the readers will also know the development method process, benefits and the limitation of this application. Thus, this application enable user to extract the information from different web-pages.At the end of this article the readers will be able to develop their knowledge and have more understanding about information extraction mobile based applications. Keywords—Information Applicatoin; I. Extraction;Gold-Trader INFORMATIN EXTRACTION CONCEPT Nowadays, The World Wide Web has contained massive amount of the information or data in the internet. But due the complexity of structure of Web data sources, access to these massive information have limited to search and view information. The extraction of information helps users in getting their data quickly and efficiently [1]. Additionally, The Internet shows big amount of useful data that has always been designed for its users, which creates the hard toextract relatedinformation from multiplesources [1][4]. Thus, several Techniques for information extraction are developed for web-pages application. These techniques help users to managevarious web information, it also can create easy way to retrieve the information or data from different sources in the internet [3]. may be given to any type of process which clearly constructs and collects information that have been found. Additionally, information extraction applications can be functional as similar to information retrieval systems. It always replies to the data needed by the users [7]. At the moment, the majority of information extraction functions have been managed manually by people analysts who may view a source documents and update the database entries by hand. But this type of work can be considered as time consume, boring, and hard to control the quality. Furthermore, Information extraction task also have been defined as input and extraction target. input can classify as unstructured documents such as text which write in natural language or can be classified as semistructured documents that are spread in a Web page like tables or enumerated lists. Subsequently, Information extraction used to meets the issues or problem for extracting particular data or information from the collection of several sources[2][9]. Due to the information extraction problem, Information extraction techniques or technologies have been arisen to meet the needs for functional processing of texts in particular domains. Several techniques(i.e. PHP Scripting and Wrapper)[5] are used to extract information or data from input; in addition these techniques helps users to search any item from the last Information extractions have been dealing with any data in different formats[6][8]. In this paper, it is basically discussing about introduction and motivation of Gold-Trader application and show the implementation of this application in section 2. In this article, section 3 provides benefit of Gold-Trader application, section 4 shows the limitation and future recommendation. II. Furthermore, in the last decade, the information and data blast have been increased the demands in term of processing and analyzing big amount of data. The information extraction may consider as most common type of the document processing that grab and results real data consisted inside the document.The name of Information extraction INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION We have developed a web-based mobile application known as Gold-Trader for our web information extraction system project. For this application, we decided to choose gold and silver as our focused domain. The reason behind the given name of our application is that we hope we can extend the function of the application so that it can become an established marketplace for our targeted customers in the near future. Furthermore, the relevance for choosing gold and silver as the domain for the application is that, after we have done some research on what domain to choose, we found that this domain is less popular compared to the domain such as computer gadgets and flight ticketing. Yet, everyone knows the value behind it. Currently, people who look to possess gold and silver are just depending only on one website. This is because there lacks some website that does comparison of prices of gold and silver. Due to this, most of them suffer from lack of knowledge of gold and silver market prices, forcing them to spend recklessly on them.[10]. III. CONCEPT AND IMPLEMENTATION The idea behind the development of this application is simple and easy. First, we scrape a page from a website and store all the values we retrieved into an array. We collected and gathered all the data from these four gold and silver traders’ websites; GoldCrest Pavilion Sdn. Bhd. (, Gold Silver Resources Sdn. Bhd. ( home), Public Gold Marketing Sdn. Bhd. (, World Islamic Mint ( Next, we filtered the values to be used in the application and converted them into string. We wrote the code using PHP web-scripting language to implement these two concepts [7].Here are some of the core codes to do the information extraction from other websites into our application: 1) The file_get_contents () reads a content file from a certain web page and converts it into a string. It uses memory mapping techniques to scrape all of the data. $pg_string = file_get_contents(' y/v1/components/com_publicgold/wb/liveprice.p hp'); 2) The preg_match_all () function matches all occurrences of pattern in string ($pg_string). All of the data in “(.*?)”, will be stored in the array ($pg) in order. preg_match_all('/<td\\s*bgcolor=.*?>RM(.*?)<\ /td>/', $pg_string, $pg); Example of the code is <td bgcolor=red>RM199.00</td>, then it will store “199.00” into $pg array 3) This is how we store the array list into the $pg_sell_dinar_1 as a variable, so we can use it on our PHP. $pg_sell_dinar_1 = ($pg[1][12]); 4) Strip away all symbol, only set number 0 to 9 and “.” into the string. So, if the number got “,”, it will be removed away. Example 5,986.20, it will convert into only 5986.20. So the data can be converted into numbering and it can be manipulated for future use. $pg_sell_dinar_1 = preg_replace('/[^09.]+/', '', $pg_sell_dinar_1); 5) This is how we set the output to display. Example, 5986.20 convert into 5,986.20 or 5986 into 5986.00 <?php echo $english_format_number = number_format($pg_sell_dinar_1) ?> Finally, we organized the data well and displayed them nicely into our web-based mobile application. For this part, we have utilized Java programming language to code the frame. IV. BENEFIT OF GOLD-TRADER To always serve and provide great users’ experience has always become our keen in developing this application. For that reason, our application currently focuses on three important functions. These three functions were developed because these functions are mostly lacking in websites providing gold and silver information. We have simplified these three important functions of our application in usecase diagram in Appendix A. The first important function is users can view live updates of gold and silver market prices via our application. We provide the live updates of gold and silver market prices by using graphical animated graphs. We put this graph at the homepage of the application because we want the users to see this as the first thing for their ease and benefit. The sequence diagram for this function and the print-screen of the application’s homepage can be found in Appendix B. Part from providing live-updates of gold and silver market prices, we also offer the users the ease of viewing gold and silver prices from various companies. Parallel with the concept of information extraction, we take the liberty to extract the prices of gold and silver from those websites mentioned above so that users can have more options to choose to buy from any company that they want. Users can choose to view gold or silver prices from all companies in a nicely organized interface created and designed by us. The sequence diagram for this function and the print-screen of the application’s interface can be found in Appendix C. Last but not least, we make the users possible to compare the prices of gold and silver from all companies. Users may no longer have to open one-by-one all the gold and silver traders’ websites and check each and every prices they have offered. We have provided them all in our website in a simple-to-view table and all they need to do is just pick and choose. The sequence diagram for this function and the print-screen of the application’s interface can be found in Appendix D. V. LIMITATION AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATION gold and silver from all companies so that they can make comparison on which gold or silver to buy. Therefore, in the future we hope our web-based mobile application can be a great market place for all gold and silver traders and users can just click and pay from there. VI. This paper introduces Gold-Trade system as web-based mobile application implemented using the concept of information extraction system. This application uses gold and silver as a domain. This application was developed using PHP web-scripting language and Java programming language. Gold-Trader provides the users the ease of viewing live updates of gold and silver current market prices. The users can view prices of gold and silver from various gold and silver traders and make comparison of those prices. Currently, the application suffers from having to load a large amount of data every time the users open or refresh it and it does not provide an ease of doing transaction for the users and the gold and silver traders. All and all, Gold-trader guarantees the users the knowledge of spending on gold and silver wisely.This gold-trader system shows how to extract information which users have been interested in from different Web pages. APPENDICES a) APPENDIX A “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” This divine quote was uttered by Vince Lombardi, one of the greatest men in football in the US. This quote has reminded us that there is no such thing as perfection, yet as long as we keen to improve ourselves, there will always be something to celebrate. This indeed includes our developed application. There are several limitation in our application that we think could be improved as future development, provided more resources and time. One of the limitations is every time the users refresh the application to view the latest update of gold and silver prices, the application needs to load a big amount of data all over again. This is what we have to pay for putting graphical animated graph on the homepage. Thus, the possible solution that we think to be implemented in the near future is that to create an xml file every time users open or refresh the application. The file will be supposedly used to store all the data, so that the application will no more have to load all the data all over again. Another thing, currently we do not provide the direct link to the website we extracted the data from. As the ramification, the users themselves have to go the website where the price was extracted if they wish to buy any gold and silver. For now, we only provide them all the prices of CONCLUSION b) APPENDIX B c) APPENDIX C d) APPENDIX D REFERENCES F. Hong and Z. 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