VILLAGE OF SAYWARD MINUTES REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING March 5, 2013 COUNCIL CHAMBERS Present: Mayor John MacDonald Councillor Mike Marsh Councillor Diane Mason Councillor Norm Kirschner Councillor Al Braybrook Regrets: In Attendance: Darren Kiedyk, CAO/CFO 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM. 2. 3. Public Input (maximum 30 minutes). Introduction of Late Items. MOTION R13/251 MOVED AND SECONDED That Council add the following three items to New Business on the agenda 1. Decision on a tax exemption for the Province of BC for the Kelly Property. 2. Reimbursement to Lorne Simenson for his insurance deductable regarding the sewer back up damage. 3. A one year family membership to the Kelsey Centre to Debbie Coates in recognition of her volunteer work on the Sayward News. 4. Approval of Agenda. MOTION R13/252 MOVED AND SECONDED That the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council for March 5, 2013 be approved. CARRIED Minutes of Previous Meetings. MOTION R13/253 MOVED AND SECONDED That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on February 19, 2013 be adopted. CARRIED Petitions and Delegations. MOTION R13/254 MOVED AND SECONDED That Council receive a presentation from Elizabeth Greenside representing the Sayward Abandoned Cat Society regarding feral cats. CARRIED 5. 6. Elizabeth stated the following: The mission of the society is to trap feral and abandoned cats, have them spayed or neuter, vaccinated, de-wormed and given a general health check and return them to the place they were trapped. They also foster and place cats and kittens in homes were possible. They have a 50/50 cost share program geared toward families that can’t afford the full cost of fixing their cat. Part of their mission is to educate people about abandoned and feral cats. In 2011 the society spay/neuter and vaccinated 45 cats. They receive funding from the SRD and SPCA. They believe there are only about 10 feral cats in the village, 5 by the Sayward Towers and they are not the reason there are cougars in the village. All the feral cats that live near the Sayward Towers have been fixed. They believe a bigger problem in the village is unaltered domestic cats. They are requesting a $1,500 grant from the Village and/or SRD to help families who can’t afford to have their cats fixed and to continue their work with feral and abandoned cats. The Mayor thanked Elizabeth for her presentation and stated Council will consider her request for funding during budget deliberations. 7. Correspondence. MOTION R13/255 MOVED AND SECONDED That the following correspondence be received: February 25, 2013 correspondence from the Auditor General for Local Government re: Audit Planning for 2013/14. February 27, 2013 correspondence from the VIHA re: North Island Hospitals Project moves forward with Physician’s Support. March 1, 2013 correspondence from Western Economic Diversification Canada re: Government Invests in Improvements to Denman Island’s Community Infrastructure. March 1, 2013 correspondence from Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce re: Invitation to the Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre. CARRIED 8. Council Report. - Nil 9. Committee Member Reports. - Nil 10. Mayor’s Report. Mayor’s February Update Report MOTION R13/256 MOVED AND SECONDED That the Mayor’s March update report be received for information. CARRIED 11. Unfinished Business. MOTION R13/257 MOVED AND SECONDED That Council receive an update and presentation on recommended next steps regarding the Village of Sayward’s economic development strategy from Al Baronas, Algis Consulting Ltd. CARRIED Al Baronas presented each of the three documents provided to Council; 1. Updated SWOT analysis 2. Draft Sayward Economic Development 6 month Time and Activity Chart 3. Progress Report for February 2013 Al Baronas then talked about the need for an Economic Development Strategy for the Village. He believes that Vann Struth Consulting Group would be an excellent company to do the study as he has worked with the company on several successful projects. Al handed out a proposal from the consulting group and briefly talked about the contents of the strategy. He stated the cost of Economic Development Strategy would be approximately $31,000 of which they would eligible to receive a grant from ICET for 50%. The Mayor thanked Al for the presentation and stated that Council will discuss the strategy at the up coming budget deliberations. 12. New Business. MOTION R13/258 MOVED AND SECONDED That a permissive tax exemption not be granted to the Province of BC for the Kelly Property. CARRIED MOTION R13/259 MOVED AND SECONDED That staff work with the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources to remove the hazardous fallen tree located near the Kelly’s bridge site. CARRIED MOTION R13/260 MOVED AND SECONDED That the Village reimburse Lorne Simenson $500.00 for his insurance deductable which was attributed to sewer back up damage. CARRIED MOTION R13/261 MOVED AND SECONDED That Council grant a one year family membership to the Kelsey Centre to Debbie Coates in recognition of her volunteer work on the Sayward News. CARRIED MOTION R13/262 MOVED AND SECONDED That Mayor and Council send a letter to John Duncan MP thanking him for the good work he does for his constituents and in particular the residents of Sayward and Council looks forwarding collaborating with him in the future. CARRIED 13. 14. 15. 16. Bylaws. – Nil Staff Reports. Public Question Period (maximum 15 minutes). Adjournment: MOTION R13/263 MOVED AND SECONDED That the Regular Council Meeting of March 5, 2013 be adjourned. CARRIED The Council meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.