Supplementary materials Primers used in real-time PCR detection of ChIPed DNA and cDNA To validate the results of NF-κB binding and gene expression obtained by ChIP-Seq and DNA microarray, several genes were selected to validate by real-time PCR. The primers used in real-time PCR detection were listed in Table S1. Table S1 PCR primers for detecting gene transcription and ChIPed genomic DNA PCR primers for detecting gene transcription with cDNA (5′ to 3′) WNT5A-cF GACTATGGCTACCGCTTTGC WNT5A-cR CCACCTTGCGGAAGTCTGCC TRPM7-cF CTGTTCCAGTAGTTGTGTGT TRPM7-cR GTCTCGGAATGGTAAGGAAT IREB2-cF TAGTCGGCACAGATTCACACA IREB2-cR CAAATCACCCTGTTTTACTGC TNFAIP2-cF AGCATCACGCTGGACTTG TNFAIP2-cR TTTTCCAGGGTCTCCACA SLC2A3-cF TGGCTGCTTTATGGGACTG SLC2A3-cR ATGGGCTCTTGAACACCTG IRAK2-cF AGCACCTCCATTCCTAAG IRAK2-cR TCCTGTAGGGAACCATTT GAPDH-cF GTGGCAAAGTGGAGATTGTT GAPDH-cR CTCGCTCCTGGAAGATGG PCR primers for detecting NF-κB p65 binding with ChIPed genomic DNA (5′ to 3′) WNT5A-gF AGTAGGGGCCGACTGACA WNT5A-gR TGGTTTTGGTGTGGATGT TRPM7-gF TCCTGGCTAACATGGTGA TRPM7-gR AGGCTTGTCTTGAACTCC IREB2-gF CTCCACCTCCTGGGTTCAA IREB2-gR AGTCACGGTCGGCAGAAAG TNFAIP2-gF TTCGCCAAGTCCAGTCCC TNFAIP2-gR TTGCCTGATTATGTCATTAGTA SLC2A3-gR AGAAGTCTGGTAGTTTGCC SLC2A3-gF GGGATTCTCTTGCTGGTTC IRAK2-gF CACGAGGGTGCTTTAGTT IRAK2-gR ATCTGAAGAAAGCGAAGC IL6-gF AGCGCTAGCCTCAATGACGACCT IL6-gR GGCAGTTCCAGGGCTAAGGATTTC NFKBIA-gF GACGACCCCAATTCAAATCG NFKBIA-gR TCAGGCTCGGGGAATTTCC IκBε-gF TTCCTTGACTGCTGGGGTG IκBε-gR CTTTGGGGGAGGGCATGTAG Groγ-gF CCCAGCTCTTTCCTCCAACC Groγ-gR TCGGCGAACCCTTTTTATGC GO analysis of DTGs of NF-𝛋B RelA in HeLa cells To find the biological processes involved in by the identified DTGs of NF-κB RelA in TNFα-stimulated HeLa cells, GO analysis was performed. It was found that 266 activated genes were involved in 251 biological processes, 24 molecular function and 21 cell component GO terms with P value over 0.05. 318 repressed genes were involved in 78 biological processes, 29 molecular function and 30 cell component GO terms with P value over 0.05. These significant GO terms were further classified according to their relationships, such as all GO terms related to immunity. As a result, main biological processes involved in by NF-κB RelA were obtained, which were displayed in Figure S1. It was clear that the activated target genes mainly related with 39 GO term key words, including typical defense response, leukocyte (activation, differentiation and migration), inflammatory response, chemotaxis (leukocyte, lymphocyte, neutrophils), locomotion (locomotory behavior and positive regulation), immune (response to, system development and process, signal transduction, T cell activation and differentiation, and regulation of immune response and system process), lymphocyte (activation and differentiation), response to various stimuli (endogenous, external, extracellular, abiotic, biotic, chemical, corticosteroid, cytokine, hormone, mechanical), responses (to starvation, wounding, bacterium, LPS, molecule of bacterial origin, nutrient levels, organic substance), stress (response to stress and regulation), apoptosis (apoptosis and anti-apoptosis), cell cycle (regulation), cell death (programmed cell death), cell differentiation, cell proliferation, cytokine (production and biosynthesis), gene expression (DNA-binding, transcription, translation), biosynthetic process (macromolecule), metabolic process (phosphate, nucleic acid,protein, nitrogen compound), development (ectoderm, epidermis, organ, system), signal transduction (cytokine-mediated, enzyme linked receptor protein, protein kinase cascade, transforming growth factor beta receptor, intracellular signaling cascade, regulation). Besides these typical NF-κB related typical biological processes, the GO analysis also revealed that the activated genes also related with muscle (smooth and striated muscle cell development and differentiation;muscle fiber and tissue development;heart development), bone (regulation of ossification), blood (circulation, blood vessel development and morphogenesis, angiogenesis, vasculature development, hemopoietic or lymphoid organ development, hemopoiesis), reproduction (female sex differentiation, ovulation, development of primary female sexual characteristics), homeostasis (chemical homeostasis, homeostatic process), enzyme activity (regulation of oxidoreductase, transferase and kinase activity, positive regulation of catalytic activity), transport (regulation), anatomical structure (development and morphogenesis), localization (regulation), and hormone secretion, behavior, and others. The molecular function analysis of activated genes revealed that the most enriched GO terms related to transcription regulation and DNA-binding. The former contained 7 related Go terms, including transcription factor activity (40 genes), transcription regulator activity (49 genes), transcription repressor activity (18 genes), transcription factor binding (22 genes), transcription activator activity (17 genes), transcription cofactor activity (15 genes), transcription coactivator activity (9 genes), transcription corepressor activity (7 genes), and RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity (8 genes). The latter contained 5 related GO terms, including sequence-specific DNA binding (25 genes), DNA binding (56 genes), double-stranded DNA binding (6 genes), nucleic acid binding (64 genes) and structure-specific DNA binding (7 genes). The most enriched molecular function GO terms of repressed genes related to nucleic acid binding and transcription repressor activity. These data demonstrated that the key molecular function of NF-κB DTGs mainly related with nucleic acid binding and transcription regulation. GO analysis of repressed genes revealed that most GO terms of biological processes related to cell propagation, such as cell cycle, mitotic cell cycle, cell cycle process, cell cycle phase, M phase of mitotic cell cycle, mitosis, M phase, nuclear division, organelle fission. Another significant class of biological process GO terms of repressed genes mainly related to cell metabolism, such as cellular biosynthetic process and macromolecule biosynthetic process. The GO analysis demonstrated that the molecular function of repressed genes mainly related to nucleic acid binding, transcription repressor activity (TBL1XR1, RSF1, ID2, KLF12, RBAK, C19ORF2, PATZ1, PIAS1, ZEB1, IFI16, NRIP1) and enzyme activity (GTPase, hydrolase, kinase, phosphotransferase and transferase). NF-κB is a ubiquitous transcription factor that plays a key role in immune, inflammatory responses, cell growth control and apoptosis. Many studies revealed that NF-κB activity is induced in most cell types in response to a wide variety of stimuli, with major roles in cell activation, survival, and differentiation (Ghosh and Hayden 2008, Hoffmann et al. 2006, Vallabhapurapu and Karin 2009). The GO analysis of DTGs identified in this study agreed with these previously found functions. For example, most GO categories of biological processes enriched in genes bound by NF-κB in LPS-induced U937 cells (Schreiber et al. 2006) were also enriched in TNFα-induced HeLa cells, such as responses to stress, wounding and stimulus, and inflammatory, defense response and immune responses. Especially, the enriched GO categories of molecular function in two cells were almost identical, including transcription regulator activity, binding, DNA binding, receptor binding, G-protein-coupled receptor binding, chemokine activity, chemokine receptor binding. Figure S1. GO analysis of DTGs of NF-κB. GO analysis was firstly performed with identified DTGs, and then GO terms with P value over 0.05 were classified according to key words they shared which reflected their functional relationship. Finally the GO term numbers of each class were counted and plotted into histogram. FC, fold change of gene transcription in TNFα stimulation. References Ghosh S, Hayden MS (2008) New regulators of NF-kappaB in inflammation. Nat Rev Immunol 8:837-848. Hoffmann A, Natoli G, Ghosh G (2006) Transcriptional regulation via the NF-kappaB signaling module. Oncogene 25:6706-6716. Schreiber J, Jenner RG, Murray HL, Gerber GK, Gifford DK, Young RA (2006) Coordinated binding of NF-kappaB family members in the response of human cells to lipopolysaccharide. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103:5899-5904. Vallabhapurapu S, Karin M (2009) Regulation and function of NF-kappaB transcription factors in the immune system. Annu Rev Immunol 27:693-733.