1. Agro-industrial residues in Denmark: potential The domestic biomass potential quantified in this section represents the currently available amount of the selected residues, following expected yields (business-as-usual agricultural and industrial practices) based on a number of literature sources (Table S1). Values are reported on both wet and dry matter basis. Corresponding energy potentials may be quantified by interested readers starting from the masses reported in Table S1 and using the LHV (or HHV or CH4 potential) reported in Table S15 (Appendix S5). residue ( ww) pp WF Eq. S1 (kg ww y-1) residue ( DM ) pp WF DM Eq. S2 (kg DM y-1) residue: residue produced from the industrial process (kg ww y-1) pp: primary product of the industrial process (kg ww y-1) WF: waste factor: residue (res)/primary product (pp) (kg res kg-1 pp) DM: dry matter content (kg DM kg-1 ww) The values for DM can be found in Table S15 (Appendix S5). The “waste factor” (WF) equaled: 9 for whey based on average residue production from cheese (estimated from statistics in Eurostat 2013), 0.1 for brewer grain (The brewers of Europe 2002), 0.14 for beet molass (estimated from statistics reported in CEFS (2013), 0.77 for beet pulp (estimated from statistics in CEFS 2013), 0.29 for beet top (LCA food 2003), and 0.73 for potato pulp (LCA food 2004). Note that the sum of the “waste factors” (WF) for beet residues (top, pulp, molasses) does not add up to 1 (because water is added during processing). The available domestic production of wheat straw (2700 Mkg ww y-1, i.e. 2400 Mkg DM y-1) was retrieved from Statistics Denmark (2014). The total straw production (including all the remaining crops) is also reported (as footnote of Table S1: 5600 Mkg ww y-1, i.e. 4900 Mkg DM y-1). Out of the total straw produced, 38% was left on-field, 30% was used for energy, 20% was used for feeding, and 12% for bedding (Statistics Denmark, 2014). Similar figures were quantified for the wheat straw (see Table S1). The potential for wild/nature grass (i.e., excluding grasses already in use for composting and grasses from urban areas/parks) was retrieved from a dedicated report (Jørgensen et al., 2008). S1 Table S1. Agro-industrial biomass residues in Denmark; nr: not relevant. In brackets is reported the standard deviation (68% confidence interval around the mean). Values are rounded to 2 significant digits. Agro-industrial residue Primary product Primary product (Mkg ww y-1) Biomass residue (Mkg ww y-1) Biomass residue (Mkg DM y-1) Current use Geographic/Temporal scope of the data Wheat straw Wheat 5000 (±500) 2700 (±290) 2400 (±70) Nature grassβ nr nr 2000 (±220) 430 (±47) Left on-field (37% ±5) Energy (39% ±3) Feeding (13% ±3) Bedding (11% ±2) Left on-field (100%) Brewer’s grainγ Beer 6600 (±600) 66 (±6) 16 (±1.5) Feeding (100%) DK 2006-2011 Sugar 520 (±30) 170 (±10) 39 (±2) Feeding (100%) DK 2006-2011 Sugar 520 (±30) 240 (±47) 62 (±12) Feeding (100%) DK 2006-2011 Starch 1500 (±250) 150 (±17) 21 (±2) Feeding (100%) DK 2007-2012 Sugar 520 (±30) 75 (±4) 60 (±3) DK 2006-2011 Wheyθ Cheese 2800 (±190) 2800 (±190) 180 (±12) Manureι Animal products Meat, dairy 34000 6200 Feeding, Alcohol (100%) Feeding (40%) Food (60%) Use-on-land (96%) Energy (4%) α Beet top δ Beet pulpε Potato pulpζ Beet molasses η DK 2007-20012 DK 2008 DK 2007-2012 DK 2013 α, ζ , θ Based on Statistics Denmark (2014). On average, for the period 2007-2012, the total straw produced (including straws from barley and other cereals) in Denmark was quantified to 5600 (±390) Mkg ww y-1, i.e.. about 4900 Mkg DM y-1. Of the total straw produced, 38% was left on-field, 30% was used for energy, 20% was used for feeding, and 12% for bedding. β Based on Jørgensen et al. (2008). This refers only to grass from low-lying and wet areas, unutilized. Grass cultivated for fodder and grass collected from urban areas/parks (garden waste) is not considered in this estimate. δ, ε, η Based on CEFS (2013). Total sugar production is estimated based on the ratio molasses/sugar = 0.14. For beet pulp, it is assumed that all beet pulp residues have DM content of 25% (Table S15). In reality, a share of the total beet pulp produced has DM 13% and a share is mixed with beet molass (DM content of this share unknown, see CEFS (2013) for detailed information). γ Based on The brewers of Europe (2012). ι Based on Luostarinen (2013). S2 References LCA food (2003) Sugar production (Sukker produktion). Available at: http://www.lcafood.dk/processes/industry/sugarproduction.htm (accessed February 15, 2015). CEFS (2013) CEFS sugar statistics 2012. Comite Europeen des Fabricantes de Sucre (CEFS), Brussels, Belgium. Available at: http://www.eurosugar.org/pdf/sugarstats2012.pdf (accessed February 15, 2015). Eurostat (2015). Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database (accessed February 15, 2015). Jørgensen U, Sørensen P, Adamsen AP, Kristensen IT (2008) Energi fra biomasse - Ressourcer og teknologier vurderet i et regionalt perspektiv. University of Aarhus, Aahrus, Denmark. Available at: http://pure.au.dk/portal/en/publications/energi-fra-biomasse--ressourcer-og-teknologiervurderet-i-et-regionalt-perspektiv%28de526950-0bb2-11dd-ac47-000ea68e967b%29.html (accessed February 15, 2015). Luostarinen S (2013) Energy Potential of Manure in the Baltic Sea Regions: Biogas Potential & Incentives and Barriers for Implementation. Baltic Forum for Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Manure Management. Available at: http://www.balticmanure.eu/download/Reports/bm_energy_potentials_web.pdf (accessed February 15, 2015). Statistics Denmark (2014). Available at: http://www.statbank.dk/statbank5a/default.asp?w=1280 (accessed February 15, 2015). The Brewers of Europe (2002) Guidance note for establishing BAT in the brewing industry. The Brewers of Europe. Available at: http://www.cerveceros.org/pdf/CBMCguidance-note.pdf (accessed February 15, 2015). The Brewers of Europe (2012) Beer statistics 2012 edition. The Brewers of Europe. Available at: http://www.brewersofeurope.org/uploads/mycmsfiles/documents/archives/publications/2012/stats_2012_web.pdf (accessed February 15, 2015).. LCA food (2004) Potato flour production (Kartoffelmel produktion). Available at: http://www.lcafood.dk/processes/industry/potatoflourproduction.htm (accessed February 15, 2015). S3