SOS folder -

SOS Approach to Feeding
SOS Approach to Feeding
(Sequential Oral Sensory)
 Basic course - 4 dage
Obs. Rejse og ophold bestilles og betales af den
enkelte kursusdeltager.
Kursus sproget er amerikansk – De taler tydeligt og er
lette at forstå.
Kurserne bliver afholdt et centralt sted i Danmark, så
det også bliver muligt at deltage fra de nordiske lande.
Kurset vil blive afholdt på et kursuscenter med
mulighed for overnatning – der vil også være
nærliggende steder.
Den endelige planlægning for kurserne er ikke på
plads… men der arbejdes ihærdigt på sagen!
Detaljerede oplysninger om hoteller / pensioner / Bed
and Breakfast / vandrehjem offentliggøres, så snart
stedet er endeligt booket.
Kontakt til arrangør:
Ulla Lebahn
mobil: 28 30 10 81
The SOS Approach uses a trans-disciplinary team
approach which assess the “whole child”:
 organ systems
 muscles
 development
 sensory
 oral-motor
 learning/behavior
 cognition
 nutrition
 environment
The program is an effective way to address
problematic feeding behaviors in a variety of
settings and populations.
Parents and caregivers of children who will not
eat are faced with a difficult and often puzzling
Because the interplay between weight gain and a
child’s experience of food can be complicated,
there is rarely an easy solution when a feeding
problem arises.
The SOS Approach focuses on increasing a child’s
comfort level by exploring and learning about the
different properties of food and allows a child to
interact with food in a playful, non-stressful way,
beginning with the ability to tolerate the food in
the room and in front of him/her; then moving on
to touching, kissing, and eventually tasting and
eating foods.
Basic Course (4 days)
Learning Objectives
1. Identify oral, sensory, motor, cognitive and
emotional developmental milestones key to
2. Recognize and describe the major reasons why
children won’t eat, as based on learning
theory principles
3. Identify physical, behavioral, motor, oralmotor, and sensory factors as a part of a
Feeding Assessment
4. Apply behavioral and social learning principles,
and systematic desensitization, to feeding
5. Create and implement a S.O.S feeding
program for toddlers and young children, in
group and individual treatment formats
6. Identify adaptations to the SOS approach for
special populations
Advanced topics
SOS approach to feeding Advanced kurser
Fremover afholdes advanced kurser udelukkende
som online seminarer (Webinars). Dvs. at man
efter deltagelse i basic kurset løbende kan
videreuddanne sig hjemme ved computeren.
OBS! Man kan kun deltage i Advanced –
kurserne efter deltagelse i Basic –
Director of SOS Feeding Solutions
Dr. Kay Toomey is a pediatric psychologist who
has worked for over 20 years with children who
don’t eat. She developed the
highly effective, familycentered SOS Approach to
Feeding to assess and
successfully treat children
with feeding problems
In addition to directing SOS Feeding Solutions at
STAR Center, Dr. Toomey speaks nationally and
internationally about her approach. She also acts
as a consultant to Nestlé Gerber Products. She is
currently the president of Toomey & Associates,
Inc., which provides her speaking services.
Dr. Toomey directs the SOS Feeding Solutions at
STAR (Sensory Therapies And Research) Center in
Greenwood Village, Colorado.
(held as webinars – not included in the
basic course)
Food Tolerance Decision Making
From Lunchables to Lunch and Variety to
Tools in your Pantry
Parents as Partners: Helping the “Challenging”
The Continuum of Care
Case Consultation
Managing Challenging Feeding Behaviors
Children with Gastroesophageal Reflux
Feeding the 6-16 Month Old Child
Helping Children Transition Off Supplemental
Tube Feedings
Feeding the Child on the Autism Spectrum
Food Scientist Model: SOS Approach to
Feeding Adaptation for the School Aged Child
Working With Infants
Working with Children with Severe
Developmental Impairments
SOS Approach to Feeding
afholder basic kursus i
Danmark, september 2016
Ved at deltage i kurserne vil du lære
utroligt meget om behandling af
spiseproblemer hos børn.
Behandlings konceptet er multifagligt og bygger
udelukkende på positiv forstærkning = Barnets
kompetencer opbygges med respekt for dets
grænser. (Der veksles mellem komfortzone og
nærmeste udviklingszone)