ANCWG/2015/008 PROJECT 2 - LFASS PAYMENT DISTRIBUTIONS This note provides a summary of the distribution of LFASS funding and the changes in LFASS payments between 2007 and 20131. The tables below outline both the total funding and funding per hectare provided to Agricultural Regions and Sectors. A table outlining the area of grazing category claims is also provided below. Total funding and funding per hectare is then mapped by parish to provide an illustration of where most funding goes and how much funding parishes receive relative to each other. Changes in Funding The table below details the number of parishes which received different rates of per hectare LFASS funding in 2007. The table also indicates how many of these parishes saw an increase or decrease in their per hectare LFASS funding between 2007 and 2013. Table 1 – Count of Parishes with Increased or Decreased Payments between 2007 and 2013 by 2007 payment band 2007 Number of No % % % No £/ha Parishes Increases Decreases Change Increases Decreases Change £0 128 8 0 120 6% 0% 94% £0-10 74 68 6 0 92% 8% 0% £10-20 143 124 19 0 87% 13% 0% £20-30 190 142 48 0 75% 25% 0% £30-40 221 152 69 0 69% 31% 0% >£40 137 96 41 0 70% 30% 0% Key Points Between 2007 and 2013, total LFASS funding increased by £6m, an increase of 10%. Over the same period, the average LFASS rate per hectare rose by £4.82, an increase of 27.5%. This percentage increase is reflective of the changes in LFASS rates coupled with a changing pattern of land claims. The regions which receive the most LFASS funding are Highlands, Dumfries & Galloway and Argyll & Bute. The regions which receive the most per hectare are Orkney, Fife, Dumfries & Galloway and NE Scotland. Parishes which had higher per hectare payments in 2007 were more likely to see smaller increases or a fall in their payments. The Farm Types which receive the most LFASS funding are Specialist Beef, Mixed Cattle and Sheep (LFA) and Specialist Sheep. The Farm Types which receive the most per hectare are Cattle and Sheep (Lowland), Specialist Beef and Mixed farms. Changes in Grazing Area claimed 1 These changes include an increased budget, policy changes in 2009 and 2011 and changes in the number of claims/ claimed area. 1 ANCWG/2015/008 Table 2 below outlines the areas of LFASS grazing category land claimed in 2007 and 2013, and the change between the two years. Table 3 details how many parishes saw an increase in grazing category land and how many saw a decrease in grazing category land. Table 2 – Area Claimed by Grazing Category, 2007 and 2013 Grazing Category 2007 Area (Ha) 2013 Area (Ha) Difference A 1,727,059 1,372,205 -354,855 B 695,555 647,371 -48,183 C 348,929 325,799 -23,131 D 606,683 569,946 -36,737 2 Total 3,378,226 2,915,321 -462,905 % Change -20.5% -6.9% -6.6% -6.1% -13.7% Table 3 – Count of Parishes with Increased and Decreased Area Claims for each Grazing Category Increases Decreases Category Count Area Count Area A 143 88,135 410 -442,990 B 190 40,382 369 -88,565 C 204 23,678 393 -46,808 D 259 27,503 463 -64,240 Total 234 133,398 538 -596,303 The total area of LFASS grazing category land fell by more than 460,000 Ha between 2007 and 2013. This was mainly due to a large fall in category A by 354,000 Ha. The other categories saw decreases of between 23,000 and 49,000 Ha. As map 6 below demonstrates, the biggest decreases in total parish area were observed in the Highland, North East and Island Parishes. Where large decreases (>25% decrease) in parish grazing land occur, they tend to occur in in category A. These large decreases in Parish category A land were spread across Scotland. Despite this, where large increases (>25% increase) in area were noted, they also tend to be category A land. Again these increases were spread across Scotland. There are 6 farms in 2007 that didn’t receive any payments that had grazing category land and 10 farms in 2013. This explains why the average total rates are not equal to total payments divided by total area. 2 2 ANCWG/2015/008 Table 4 - Total Funding in Agricultural Regions AgRegion Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Clyde Valley Dumfries & Galloway East Central Eileanan an Iar Fife Highland Lothian NE Scotland Orkney Scottish Borders Shetland Tayside Unknown Total Total 2007 LFASS Funding £5,796,177 £3,492,140 £3,451,878 £8,765,887 £1,690,166 £1,594,171 £433,445 £9,578,218 £1,200,334 £5,947,773 £3,237,696 £5,788,337 £2,148,061 £3,932,310 £2,164,418 £59,221,012 Total 2013 LFASS Funding £7,224,639 £3,768,779 £3,495,659 £9,137,924 £1,805,588 £1,809,670 £344,795 £12,181,637 £1,184,230 £6,330,923 £4,029,316 £6,156,963 £2,560,243 £4,499,333 £628,600 £65,158,299 Change £1,428,463 £276,638 £43,781 £372,037 £115,422 £215,499 -£88,650 £2,603,419 -£16,104 £383,150 £791,620 £368,626 £412,182 £567,023 -£1,535,818 £5,937,288 % Change 24.6% 7.9% 1.3% 4.2% 6.8% 13.5% -20.5% 27.2% -1.3% 6.4% 24.5% 6.4% 19.2% 14.4% -71.0% 10.0% Change £6.76 £3.46 £1.59 £2.50 £3.21 £4.59 £1.24 £4.53 £2.77 £6.05 £15.50 £1.73 £6.78 £3.43 £0.89 £4.82 % Change 38.7% 14.6% 6.4% 8.6% 21.0% 38.0% 3.9% 45.3% 11.6% 22.8% 32.7% 7.1% 36.8% 31.1% 7.8% 27.5% Table 5 - Funding per Hectare in Agricultural Regions AgRegion Argyll & Bute Ayrshire Clyde Valley Dumfries & Galloway East Central Eileanan an Iar Fife Highland Lothian NE Scotland Orkney Scottish Borders Shetland Tayside Unknown Total (Average) 2007 LFASS Funding Per Hectare £17.46 £23.70 £24.81 £29.00 £15.29 £12.08 £31.63 £10.00 £23.77 £26.58 £47.42 £24.31 £18.40 £11.04 £11.36 £17.53 2013 LFASS Funding Per Hectare £24.21 £27.17 £26.39 £31.50 £18.50 £16.67 £32.86 £14.53 £26.54 £32.62 £62.92 £26.04 £25.18 £14.46 £12.25 £22.35 3 ANCWG/2015/008 Figure 1 Figure 2 4 ANCWG/2015/008 Table 6 - Total Funding to Farm Types Farm Type Cereals General Cropping Specialist beef (SDA) Specialist sheep (SDA) Mixed Cattle and sheep (LFA) Dairy Cattle & Sheep (Lowland) Mixed Horticulture Specialist Pigs Specialist Poultry Other Unknown Total Total 2007 Funding LFASS £633,527 £846,164 £22,883,220 £9,195,148 £17,998,064 £1,371,070 £325,657 £4,552,953 £35,262 £9,909 £120,635 £230,612 £1,018,793 £59,221,012 Total 2013 Funding LFASS £587,537 £1,079,317 £25,581,987 £11,221,259 £19,413,101 £1,467,162 £226,514 £4,630,865 £143,169 £3,978 £191,171 £213,519 £398,720 £65,158,299 Change -£45,990 £233,153 £2,698,767 £2,026,111 £1,415,037 £96,092 -£99,143 £77,913 £107,907 -£5,931 £70,536 -£17,093 -£620,073 £5,937,288 % Change -7.3% 27.6% 11.8% 22.0% 7.9% 7.0% -30.4% 1.7% 306.0% -59.9% 58.5% -7.4% -60.9% 10.0% 2013 LFASS Funding Per Hectare £26.14 £12.47 £34.96 £12.70 £21.19 £27.02 £34.90 £30.93 £22.38 £21.85 £20.23 £13.69 £12.25 £22.35 Change £10.72 -£0.38 £6.48 £3.17 £5.21 £5.82 £4.15 £3.59 £5.58 -£6.93 £13.04 £4.80 £0.89 £4.82 % Change 69.5% -2.9% 22.8% 33.2% 32.6% 27.5% 13.5% 13.2% 33.2% -24.1% 181.4% 54.0% 7.8% 27.5% Table 7 - Funding per Hectare to Farm Types Farm Type Cereals General Cropping Specialist beef (SDA) Specialist sheep (SDA) Mixed Cattle and sheep (LFA) Dairy Cattle & Sheep (Lowland) Mixed Horticulture Specialist Pigs Specialist Poultry Other Unknown Total (Average) 2007 LFASS Funding Per Hectare £15.43 £12.84 £28.48 £9.53 £15.98 £21.20 £30.74 £27.33 £16.80 £28.78 £7.19 £8.89 £11.36 £17.53 5 ANCWG/2015/008 Figure 3 Figure 4 6 ANCWG/2015/008 Map 1 7 ANCWG/2015/008 Map 2 8 ANCWG/2015/008 Map 3 9 ANCWG/2015/008 Map 4 10 ANCWG/2015/008 Map 5 11 ANCWG/2015/008 Map 6 12