DEVELOPMENT OF STRUCTURE AND PROCESS FOR EVIDENCE BASED CREDIT ASSESSMENT 5/20/2013 Fundamental Premise Department faculty are responsible for the determination of the acceptability of transfer credit based on college transcript coursework and the awarding of credit based on evidence of accomplishing learning outcomes through experiences outside of traditional college courses. Changes in the landscape of higher education and public policy require that IUPUI be prepared to accommodate larger numbers of these non-collegiate experiences as well as review them more quickly. Introduction With the adoption of the Principles of Undergraduate Learning (PULs), IUPUI embraced the concept that our curricula are built upon the concept of learning outcomes. The integrity of this concept was reinforced with the Association of American Colleges and Universities specification of the Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) principles. The recent development of the learning outcomes underlying the State of Indiana General Education Core and the premise of the transfer of the completed General Education core among state higher education institutions independent of the courses which compose the core also has required us to understand how learning outcomes can be accomplished independent of specific course requirements. IUPUI already has mechanisms in place to award credit for prior learning, but the application of those processes is limited to some academic units, is not consistently applied, and has no structure to permit us to learn from prior decisions. The following are a representation of what is currently in place. Through a process managed by Undergraduate Admissions, credit is awarded for coursework completed at regionally accredited higher education institutions. Students with AP scores of 3 or higher are awarded credit in specific subject areas. (See ) Credit is also granted for International Baccalaureate courses. Individuals can receive credit based on performance on CLEP and Dantes examinations. ( ) Military service members who submit the DD-214 form to Undergraduate Admissions receive credit per school-level policies for basic/boot-camp training and development curricula (8.0 units for Purdue Program/12.0 units for IU Programs). . A systematic process for awarding credit for additional military training is not in place. Individuals with specific professional credentials are granted credit toward degree completion (For an example, see RN to BSN program ) The School of Engineering and Technology (ET) provides a portfolio development course as a platform for assisting students with tools for linking evidence of college comparable learning outcomes to IUPUI’s PULs and student learning outcomes for specific courses delivered by programs in that school. Some departments awarded credit based on departmentally developed examinations or based on validation through completion of higher level courses. The current processes to award credit based on evidence from learning outside of the structure of transcripted college course are not well organized, vary across departments, and do not permit decisions to be captured for use with future students to ensure uniformity in awarding credit. As is 1 done with the award of transfer credit, capturing the decisions which have the potential to be applied to subsequent students will increase the instances when the decisions can be enacted by Undergraduate Admissions on behalf of the departmental faculty. Capturing the decisions and displaying appropriate information via a website also will permit prospective students to determine if they may be eligible for credit via the evidence based assessment process. Multiple trends and initiatives require IUPUI to develop the formal structure to globally support and leverage best practices to assess prior learning, training, and education not recorded on a college transcript and award credit with the maximum potential to apply to degree requirements across degree programs. If IUPUI is to grow the number of students enrolled and, more importantly, increase our degree production, we must enhance our ability to recruit and serve students who enter IUPUI in categories other than traditional-aged beginners. Several of the Task Forces involved in the IUPUI Strategic Planning process identified the need to better serve individuals with some college who are returning to complete their degrees (referred to as ‘near completers’). Critical to their re-engagement is providing opportunities to grant credit toward degree completion in areas where they can demonstrate that they have mastered the learning outcomes within a course. HEA 116 Military Education and Training requires state educational institutions to meet the standards of the American Council on Education (ACE) for awarding academic credit. IUPUI has not developed the structure to fully accommodate implementation of this legislation. This is both an issue of legal compliance and remaining competitive since some institutions are beginning to award credit based on military occupation classifications. IUPUI needs to develop the administrative structure to promote and support evidence based learning outcomes assessment by the academic units to award credit. This approach is consistent with IUPUI’s strategic vision of reducing time to degree. Terminology Related to Credit Essential to this proposal is a standardization of the terminology used to describe the various types of credit that can be awarded for learning done outside of the IU system. For ease of discussions, credit is broken into four categories: (1) Test Credit refers to credit awarded based on a score from a standardized examination. (2) Transfer Credit refers to credit awarded for courses taken at another regionally accredited institution. (3) Credential Credit refers to credit awarded for the completion of a certification or training program which includes a standardized curriculum and standardized documentation of completion. This would include credit for military training. (4) Evidence-Based Credit refers to credit awarded based on the completion of a portfolio documenting the college course-level knowledge or competencies a student has mastered but is not otherwise documented as test credit, transfer credit or credential credit OR to credit awarded based on performance on a departmentally generated examination. Currently, the campus has a robust process and mechanism for reviewing external test scores and college courses for transfer credit, storing credit articulations to speed up the awarding of credit for 2 future students, and presenting these articulations via websites for the benefit of prospective and current students. This process is managed via the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Description of the General Structure to Support Evidence Based Credit Assessment With modifications and enhancements, the current IUPUI structure that supports the determination of the equivalency of transfer credits can be adapted to provide the administrative mechanisms to accomplish evidence based credit assessment. Three scenarios are presented to demonstrate how the overall process will function: credit for training resulting in credentials, credit through an evidence based assessment of prior learning demonstrated through a credential, and credit through an evidence based assessment of prior learning which includes the awarding of credit based on performance on departmentally generated examinations. A single point of entry will be responsibility for the administrative processes of evidence based credit assessment. The Office also will handle the administrative processes for transfer credit assessments. Process for Awarding Credit for Training that Resulted in a Credential When an individual has completed training which results in some type of credential, but not transcripted college credit, a process is needed to facilitate the initial review of the credential by the appropriate academic unit to determine if credit should be awarded and to permit administratively awarding of the credit for subsequent individuals on behalf of the academic unit. Examples of this form of credit would potentially include training received via the military, professional development certifications, or professional certifications. The defining feature of this form of credit is that it is the result of a defined set of training with standardized outcomes that culminates in a standardized credential as the result of a form of assessment. In cases where the credential also incorporates credit that would be awarded on a college transcript, credit will first be assessed based upon the college transcript before additional credit could be awarded based upon training not included on the transcript. In no cases should credit be awarded twice (once based on a college transcript and again for the additional training). To facilitate the consistent and timely review of credentialed training at IUPUI, the review of such credentials should follow a process similar to that of credit transferred from another college or university. This standardization has several benefits: (1) A centralized process of reviewing and award credit to ensure consistency and adherence to university and campus policies regarding credit transfer; (2) A central point of contact for student interactions, allowing for consistent messaging and communication management via the enterprise CRM; (3) The ability to track the status of articulation requests across academic departments; (4) A unified database of credential articulations (similar to the Credit Articulation and Transfer System currently in place for transfer credit) which could be presented to both internal and external constituents for transparency regarding the transferability of credit from non-university credentials. To establish this process, the following steps are required: (1) A single point of entry must be identified as responsible for the coordination and management of the credential credit process; (2) The campus must adopt a central policy regarding credential credit to guide departments in their review of articulation requests. This policy should: 3 a. Encourage departments to award credit for training credentials which provide outcomes similar to those of their courses; b. Emphasize outcomes rather than course content when reviewing credentials; c. Encourage departments to establish parameters for the awarding of credit for credentials that the Office of Undergraduate Admissions can use to suggest articulations for newly encountered credentials; (3) Provide for and fund the development and implementation of a database for the awarding of credential credit which includes a front-facing web-interface; (4) Academic departments must identify coordinators for the review of these credentials who will be expected to support students and comply with university practices; (5) A .5 FTE position should be established in the single point of entry to serve as the coordinator of the process and the manager of the database for articulating credential credit. Process to Support Portfolio Development for Prior Learning Assessment While IUPUI could defer the Prior Learning Assessment process to outside review processes such as Council for Adult and Experience Learning (CAEL) sponsored Learning, the preferred process is to develop the structure that will permit students to generate a portfolio and have the credit determination made by IUPUI departments. IUPUI can facilitate the process of awarding credit based on portfolio assessment by using the School of Engineering and Technology (ET) portfolio development course (TCM 39900) as a platform for assisting students with tools for linking evidence of college comparable learning outcomes to IUPUI’s PULs and student learning outcomes. The course could remain as a credit-bearing course or could be offered as a non-credit (MOOC-like) structure so that students prepare their portfolios in a standardized manner to facility the assessment process. Similar to the process described for the review of credentials, the student would submit the completed portfolio through a central point which would route the documentation to the appropriate department for consideration. As described in the prior scenario, each department will have an identified coordinator which will enable Admissions to facilitate the review process completion in a timely manner. Once the review process is completed, the credit as determined by the academic unit will be place on the student’s transcript. Currently, credit via portfolio review is handled through the special credit process within the Office of the Registrar. It would be assigned to the new central point in the proposed structure. To establish this process, the following steps are required: (1) A central unit would be made responsible for the coordination and management of the evidence-based credit process; (2) The campus must adopt a central policy regarding evidence-based learning to guide departments in their review of articulation requests. This policy should: a. Encourage departments to award credit for evidence-based learning which provide outcomes similar to those of their courses; b. Emphasize outcomes rather than course content when reviewing portfolios; 4 (3) Provide for and fund the development and implementation of a database for the collection and routing of portfolios to departments for review; (4) Academic departments must identify coordinators for the review of these portfolios who will be expected to support students and comply with university practices; (5) Establish training for faculty to review and coordinate the development of these portfolios; (6) Establish a compensation mechanism for the review of portfolios by faculty members; (7) Develop and collect campus policies on PLA (See EAB report on PLA Process to Support Awarding Credit through Examination (External and Departmental Examinations) IUPUI academic departments have established policies for the awarding of credit for Advanced Placement (AP) examinations [Advanced Placement Credit], International Baccalaureate examinations [International Baccalaureate Credit], the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) [CLEP Credit], and the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Program (DANTES) [DANTES Credit] The administrative process of placing the credit on the transcript is handled by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and would be assigned to the new Office for Assessment of Transfer, Credential, and Prior Learning Credit in the proposed structure. Students may also receive special credit through department generated examinations. For example, the Mathematics Department offers credit by examination for several 100 and 200 level courses for students who present a valid reason such as transferring to IUPUI with similar but not equivalent credit for a math course, students who have already taken the course with a satisfactory grade more than two years ago, or students who struggle with electronic test taking, but do well when evaluated based on the work completed, rather than just the final solution. Another example is World Languages and Cultures, . As more opportunities develop for individuals to acquire knowledge outside of credit bearing courses, expansion of the credit by examination for more courses is warranted. Currently, credit by examination is handled through the special credit process within the Office of the Registrar. It would be assigned to a central unit in the proposed structure. Summary of Recommendations A single point of entry would be identified which will serve students seeking credit from external standardized examinations, college coursework, professional certifications or other credentials. The expansion of campus policies to include expectations and limitations for awarding credit for professional credentials and un-credentialed prior learning which ties these policies to the strategic mission of increasing and facilitating degree completion. The policy information must be easily located through search functions so that prospective and current students understand the potential for receiving credit through these processes. The campus administration should advocate for broad adoption of the alternative pathways for students to acquire credits described in this document. 5 The creation of a database to store information on decisions for standardize examinations, professional certifications, and other credentials as well as to route materials to departments for consideration of credit. Additional Issues for Consideration as Implementation Occurs Training for faculty members Payment to faculty members for PLA assessments Development and collection of campus policies on PLA o See EAB report on PLA Appropriateness of online learning modules to prepare for examination based credit o Example--Education Portal has over 3,400 online lessons that can be used to supplement instruction or as self-learning tools. The videos are 5-10 minutes long, are reported to be taught by subject matter experts and available at no cost. The modules purport to prepare students to pass CLEP, Excelsior College’s Credit by Examination, and DSST (DANTES) examinations. 6 Evidence-Based Credit Assessment at Indiana University Campuses Campus Credit by Exam/Credentials Departmental Examples Military Credit Prior Learning Fee Assessment Other IUPUI ssions/resources/credit_by_ examination.html duate/resources/proficiencycredit dmissions/resources/mil itary.shtml .html http://www.bursar.iupui.ed u/optfees.asp entationGuidebook/PlacementTest ing/WorldLanguage.aspx nscript/explain/special_credit.html pecred.html ssions/undergraduate/credit / ecred.html etin/iupui/20122014/undergraduate/special -opp/waivers-credit.shtml IUB /iub/college/20122013/policies/academicpolicies/credit-exam.shtml pfaa/academicguide/index.p hp/Policy_H-13 ish/index.php/academics/wtgp/ wtgp_policies4#exam mics/portfolio.shtml /iupui/20102012/schools/socialwork/undergraduate/laborstudies/competency.shtml b/college/2012-2013/degreerequirements/foreignlang.shtml b/college/20112012/departments/chemistry/c redit-exam.shtml undergraduate/calcexam.phtml edit.html http://veterans.indiana. edu/startinghomepage/i ndex.shtml If by credentials or experience: $20 per credit, $100 maximum. If by exam: Beginners no charge 1st 2 terms Transfers: no charge 1st term If later than above, current program rate ome/index.php/policies/sp ecial-credit/ ript.html Fees for special credit/credit by examination are waived for undergraduate students enrolled in at least 12 credit hours. Regular credit hour rates apply for graduate students and undergraduate students enrolled in fewer than 12 credit hours. 7 IUE /policies/Academic_Credit.p hp missions/transfers/trans ferringCredits.php ation/programs/transitio n/assessment.php credit by exam: $19.50 /tuition/fees.php IUK n/iuk/2012-2013/specialcredit/credit-byexamination.shtml missions/transferstudents/index.shtml esident_faculty/policies_pro cedures/calendar_principles .shtml services/academic_affairs/ policies_procedures/advan ce_placement.shtml services/bursar/tuition_an d_fees.shtml If by credentials or experience: $21 per credit, ceiling of 5 credits per class If by exam: Beginners no charge 1st 2 terms Transfers: no charge 1st term If later than above, current rate IUN IUS mic-affairs/curriculumprocesses/credit-hour.htm r/register-forclasses/grades/helpfulinformation.html ish/index.php/academics/wtgp/ wtgp_policies4#exam missions/veterans.htm missions/apply-foradmission/transferstudents/resources.html n/admissions/costs.shtml ll-2012-and-spring-2013-feeschedule.pdf If by exam: Beginners no charge 1st 2 terms Transfers: no charge 1st term If later than above, current program rate /view-costs-deadlines/allfees.html credit by exam: $19.50 8 IUSB rar/timeguidelines.php dmissions/transfercredit s.php ar/tuition_and_fee_rates/n ew2013fees.php credit by exam: $21.50 per credit IPFW ttees/senate/regulations/cr edit.html USSS Processing of Special Credit mmittees/senate/regula tions/credit.html _job_aid.pdf Policy summaries IUPUI IUB IUE IUN IUSB IUS Academic departments at IUPUI on a case-by-case basis, may grant students course credit based on demonstration of proficiency in a particular discipline. A personal skill, talent, job experience or other experiential based proficiency may be considered in the evaluation process. Each department establishes the appropriate academic standards and methods of evaluation. In general, students may be required to sit for an exam, complete an assignment, audition or provide a portfolio to establish their level of skill. Some departments also may require that a student take additional, typically more advanced, courses in the discipline before awarding the introductory or lower level credit. Special credit may be awarded to degree seeking IU Bloomington students who possess, by previous education or experience, a background in a discipline represented by an IU Bloomington program. Credit may be awarded based on the student’s credentials, experience, or completion of an examination that documents proficiency in the subject area. Each academic unit has policies that define how special credit hours are awarded. Special credit may be awarded to degree-seeking IU East students who possess, by previous education or experience, a background in a discipline represented by an IU East program. The categories under which students are awarded credit are (1) credit by credentials, (2) credit by experience, and (3) credit by examination. Special credit may be awarded to degree-seeking IU Northwest students who possess, by previous education or experience, a background in a discipline represented by an IU Northwest program. The categories under which students are awarded credit are (1) credit by credentials, (2) credit by experience, and (3) credit by examination. Each school and many disciplines have different policies that define how these mechanisms apply to students seeking credit. Special credit may be awarded to degree seeking IU South Bend students who possess by previous education or experience a background in a discipline represented by an IU South Bend program. Credit may be awarded based on the student’s credentials, experience, or completion of an examination that documents proficiency in the subject area. Each academic unit has policies that define how special credit hours are awarded. Academic departments at IUS on a case-by-case basis, may grant students course credit based on demonstration of proficiency in a particular discipline. A personal skill, talent, job experience or other experiential based proficiency may be considered in the evaluation process. Each department establishes the appropriate academic standards and methods of evaluation. In general, students may be required to sit for an exam, complete an assignment, audition or provide a portfolio to establish their level of skill. Some departments also may require that a student take additional, typically more advanced, courses in the 9 discipline before awarding the introductory or lower level credit. IUK Special credit may be awarded to degree-seeking IU Kokomo students who possess, by previous education or experience, a background in a discipline represented by an IU Kokomo program. The categories under which students are awarded credit are (1) credit by credentials, (2) credit by experience, and (3) credit by examination. Each school and many disciplines may have different policies that define how these mechanisms apply to students seeking credit Sources for summaries are in the Credit by Exam column above Enrollment Services 10-May-13 IUPUI Enrollment Services Minor edits made 2/22/14 10