Rousay, Egilsay and Wyre Development Trust is a charitable company Limited by guarantee. Co. Reg. No: SC318527 Charity Reg. No: SC040407 Registered Office: The Manse, Rousay, Orkney, KW17 2PR. Telephone: 01856 821229. E-mail: REWDT Board Meeting, Company Office, Saturday 30th March 2013, 10:150 a.m. MINUTES Present: Richard Tipper (Chair), Bryan Milner (Vice-Chair), Hilary Byland, Zoë Flaws, Mark Hull, Eric Shortland, Kayleigh Tipper and John Garson In Attendance: Chris Cox (CDO), Michelle Koster (GAP Officer), Helen Castle (Co. Sec.), Shelagh Grieve (Crafthub) & Nick Beal (Crafthub). 1. Apologies for absence were received from Alison Mainland & Angus Flaws. 2. G13 009 Crafthub Team Presentation. The Crafthub team gave a presentation of their ideas for a craft shop (including workshop craft open days). The directors asked a number of questions throughout the presentation. At 11:00 the Crafthub team left the meeting whilst the board considered their grant application. They returned at 11:30. The funding was approved, after a vote, but at a lower rate of £13,500.00 (due to the winter salary costs in the financial spreadsheet) and will be issued in 4 stages. These stages are: - Immediately after the Crafthub bank account is opened £2,500, once M & As received and board approved a further £4,000 to be issued, then £3,500.00 in July and October. AP1: Crafthub to produce M of As for their organisation and submit to the board for approval ASAP. 3. Minutes of 25th February 2013 board meeting were approved (Proposed: Bryan Milner, Seconded: Eric Shortland). 4. Action points and other matters arising Actions Points. 29 January 2013 AP1: The Chair to draft an official ‘close’ letter to police for missing gardening equipment. Discharged 25 February 2013 AP1: The Chair to check the broadband connection at the Rousay Wi-Fi Centre. If the issues have been resolved, the opening times are to be advertised in the next available Review. OnGoing. AP2: The Chair to contact Chessa (HIE) to ask if using staff funding to pay for relief staff during periods of sickness would be possible. Discharged. 5. REWIRED: Please see Turbine Manager’s Report dated 25 March 2013 for details. TM discussed curtailment issues and showed the board graphs illustrating the concerns. Mark and Michelle were actively pursuing a number of possible measures to both counteract and mitigate for this situation, but most promising recently was an indication from SSE that they may have be able to provide limited upgrade to their infrastructure before the likely 2015 timescale as previously stated. 6. Grant/Loan Applications. a. Applications received (see GAP Officer’s report dated 13 March 2013) i. G13 008 - Parent Council. The Chair of the Parent Council informed the board that due to the successful fund raising by the school children the application has been reduced to £200 towards sending 2 P7 children to Laganlia for an outdoor experience with other P7s from other schools as part of transition to secondary school. The Parent Council Chair then left the meeting while the board considered the application. The board unanimously approved this grant request. John Garson (Parent Council Chair) then rejoined the meeting. ii. L 13 001 - Soames Excavations. Application for a Loan for £11,000 to procure new equipment. Board unanimously agreed to the loan subject to DSL checks and Trust terms. The Trust also agreed that it will pay the DSL set up core costs and the direct costs associated with the loan request will be added to the £11,000. b. Proposal for grants approval changes. Board agreed for GAP Officer to make the necessary changes to the forms and put the new forms onto the website. 7. Staff Reports a. CDO Report (see CDO Report dated 25 March 2013) i. Broadband facilities and training – progress report The Chair reported that as of yesterday the school broadband and phone lines were not working. CDO to contact BT as a matter or urgency and ensure that the line is fixed a.s.a.p. request a credit for downtime. LEADER audit for this project is on Tuesday 2 April, Chair has asked the CDO to ensure the room is adequately set up and signs, posters, opening hours and a list of useful links are all in place in preparation for the visit. ii. Water Taxi progress report John Garson left the meeting at 12:55 p.m. The board discussed the issues raised by the CDO regarding progressing the Water Taxi in particular the significant amount of capital needed to start up the operation, use of Lottery funding, and ongoing costs. Concerns were expressed by several members of the Board about committing this level of funding to one project and that it is likely to need considerable ongoing subsidy from turbine funds and/or other funding bodies. Likewise, although it was recognized that this was an important yet difficult matter without an obvious clear answer so far, there were also concerns raised by a number of members on slowness of progress and decision-making on this item. It was agreed that the Chair would work with the CDO to produce a comprehensive list of options together with their costings in order that the Board could 2 iii. i. ii. iii. review and finalise these at the earliest opportunity and plan how to best progress the item. GAP Officer Report (see GAP Officer Report dated 13 March 2013) Home Support. The board agreed to adopt the scheme as suggested by the GAP Officer’s report and to launch this ASAP. Formalising CPO. The board agreed to be member of a formalised CPO, with associated costs/commitments as stated in the GAP Officer’s report. Innovations and Infrastructure Fund. Responding to the end of financial year “rush”, the GAP Officer has brought in £52,384.90 of funding for CPO in the past 2 months. This has been split as £10,320 looking into Demand Side Management, £4,080.00 funding for an energy audit of the current Orkney grid and the balance of £37,984.90 for funding to lease electric cars for participating members of Community Power Orkney. Michelle reported that she had been appointed as Shapinsay’s Turbine Manager in a consultant capacity, following her period of 3 months covering the post on a temporary basis. REWDT will invoice Shapinsay Renewables Limited for Michelle’s time. Therefore the board has agreed that her employment can be handled by the Development Trust, subject to the usual invoicing criteria. The bank has informed REWIRED Ltd that as an SPV it should not continue to raise invoices for Michelle’s time. Therefore the board has agreed that her employment can be handled by the Development Trust, subject to the usual invoicing criteria. Due to time constraints the meeting was closed with the Company Secretary being asked to cover her report and any appropriate AOB’s submitted using the 48 hour email consultation. 8. Date of next meeting The next board meeting was suggested via an email to be held on Saturday 04 May 2013, 10.15am for both REWIRED and REWDT. Summary of outstanding action points 25 February 2013 AP1: The Chair to check the broadband connection at the Rousay Wi-Fi Centre. If the issues have been resolved, the opening times are to be advertised in the next available Review. Ongoing due to BT! 30 March 2013 AP1: Crafthub to produce M of As for their organisation and submit to the board for approval ASAP. Discharged 3