For Internal Use Only STANFORD UNIVERSITY Research Compliance Office Human Subjects Research Sponsor-Investigator Checklist – IDE (Devices) This checklist is based on the Sponsor and Investigator responsibilities outlined in the FDA Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR 812, Investigational Device Exemptions, Subparts A-G. Documents listed in the column on the right correspond to regulations listed in the left column. Additional responsibilities: Dean of Research memo, June 4, 2007 Protocol Director: Admin Contact: Coordinator: Institution/Division/Department: eProtocol: xxx e-mail (408) Address/ rm # (650) Address/ rm # (650) 725-xxxx Address/ rm # CR Date: mm/dd/yyyy (Panel ) Initial IRB Approval Date: mm/dd/yyyy (Panel ) Protocol Title: Children’s Finding: Risk Level: IDE #: xxxxxxx (Approved: mm/dd/yyyy) Multi-site: Monitoring Entity: IDE Description: xxxxxxx [manufacturer] FDA IDE Annual Report due by: Send Investigator List to FDA: IDE holder: Training Participants: Review Participants: Trainer: Reviewer: Training Date(s): Review Date(s): mm/dd/yy Trainer Recommendations: Reviewer Recommendations: Note: This document is for use with significant risk device studies. Not all aspects of this document are appropriate for Treatment Use IDEs; consult 21 CFR 812.36 Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 1 of 10 Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G What is a clinical trial? 1.0 Regulatory Documentation *SU DoR All correspondence with FDA including: 1.1 As the Sponsor, maintain an effective IDE: Initial IDE application (812.20) with: o Investigational Plan (812.25) FDA approval of IDE obtained before initiating study. (812.20(a)(2)) and (812.30(a)) Labeling of Investigational Devices. (812.5) Supplemental FDA applications for: o changes in investigational plan: (812.35(a)(1-4) o IRB approval for new facilities (812.35(b) Maintain Sponsor Records and correspondence (812.140(b)) Certify that study is registered* on; send form, 3674, to the FDA (with 3414 form); Reports: o Progress Reports (FDA and all reviewing IRBs, at least annually) (Semiannually for Treatment IDEs); (812.150(b)(5)) o Completion or Termination notice (FDA, within 30 working days); (812.150(b)(7)) o Final Report (FDA, all reviewing IRBs, and participating investigators, w/in six (6) months of termination or completion); (812.150(b)(7)) Unanticipated Adverse Device Effect. (Evaluate and report to FDA, all reviewing IRBs, and participating investigators w/in 10 working days) (812.150(b)(1)) Unanticipated adverse device effects A sponsor who conducts an evaluation of an unanticipated adverse device effect under §812.46(b) shall report the results of such evaluation to FDA (MedWatch 3500A) and to all reviewing IRB's and participating investigators within 10 working days after the sponsor first receives notice of the effect. Thereafter the sponsor shall submit such additional reports concerning the effect as FDA requests. (812.150(b)(1)) Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 2 of 10 Original IDE application (including Form 3514) Date____________ FDA approval letter: Date___________ Clinical protocol Device Manual/Description and Manufacturing Information, if applicable Copy of device label and labeling practice statement Amendments (w/ 3514) Dates__________ Unanticipated Adverse Device Effect (w/ 3514 and MedWatch 3200A) Dates_______________________________ Progress reports (w/ 3514) Date__________ Period______________ Date__________ Period______________ Date__________ Period______________ All correspondence with: Another sponsor, A monitor, An investigator, An IRB, or FDA, including required reports. Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) 1.2 As the Investigator, assure IRB review and approval. IRB documentation (IRB approved protocol, IRB approval letters, and IRB approved consents): An investigator shall assure that an IRB complies with the requirements for the initial and continuing review and approval of the proposed clinical study. [21CFR 56 (56.115 (5))] Initial review Continuing review Date: __________ The investigator shall also assure that he or she will promptly report to the IRB: All changes in the research activity; All unanticipated problems involving risk to human subjects or others; and That he or she will not make any changes in the research without IRB approval, except where necessary to eliminate apparent immediate hazards to human subjects. Date: __________ Amendments/Modifications Date: __________ Date: __________ Unanticipated Adverse Device Effect Date: __________ Protocol deviations/Non-Compliance Additional guidance is available on the IRB website: Human Subjects and IRB Home Page Other IRB correspondence IRB Rosters – copies for all years that study is approved by IRB Submit Documents for IRB Review (Initial and current updates/amendments) Including, but not limited to: Device Manual/Device Description Dates: __________ Clinical protocol FDA IDE Approval letter. Other FDA correspondence, e.g., clinical hold and progress reports and Final Report. Final Report Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 3 of 10 Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) 2.0 Qualified Investigators How to complete financial disclosure forms 2.1 As the Sponsor, maintain records (812.140(b) and select qualified investigators (812.43) For Sponsor and each site Investigator; (a) Select Investigators qualified by training and experience. (b) Control of Device – ship only to qualified investigators participating in the study. (c) Obtain signed agreements for each investigator that includes **: (1) Curriculum vitae (CV) (4)(i) Statement to follow investigational plan (5) Financial disclosure information (including any changes) (d) Current Investigator List – Send to FDA at 6-month intervals. First list required 6 months after FDA approval of IDE. (812.150(b)(4) ** Collect information before permitting an investigator to participate in clinical study. Signed Investigator Statement to follow Investigational Plan Dates: ______________________________ Current Investigator List (required - every six (6) months from approval date) Dates sent to the FDA: ___________________________________ For each clinical investigator: CV or Biographic Sketch Medical Licenses (copy of wallet card, valid for all years IDE is held) Financial disclosures (FDA 3454/3455 or equivalents): Use 3454, if there are NO financial interests or conflicts. Use 3455, if there are financial interests or conflicts. Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 4 of 10 Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) 2.2 As Investigator, conduct study according to signed investigator statement, protocol, and applicable regulations: (812 Subpart E) Events and Information that Require Prompt Reporting to the IRB Disclose accurate financial information to the sponsor to complete certification of financial disclosure statements. Review guidelines applicable to study: Obtain informed consent in accordance with provisions in 21 CFR 50. Protect rights, safety, and welfare of subjects; Report violations/deviations to IRB; Adverse event reporting requirements IRB FDA Informed consent Control devices under investigation; Supervise device use Submit progress reports to the sponsor at regular intervals (812.150(a)(3)) Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Violation/deviation Page 5 of 10 Recruitment Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G Clinical Trial Data Monitoring Committees 3.0 Monitoring 3.1 As the Sponsor, ensure ongoing monitoring investigations: 1. Document the sponsor's written monitoring procedures and the name and address of any monitor. (812.25) Guideline for monitoring clinical investigations Documentation of safety monitoring plan Documentation of data monitoring plan Monitor of study: 2. Select monitors qualified by training and experience. (812.43(d)) Protocol Director 3. Secure Compliance (812.46(a)): Secure Investigator compliance with the signed agreement, investigational plan, etc., or terminate investigator’s participation and discontinue shipments of the investigational device to the investigator; Require terminated investigator to dispose of or return the device, unless this action would jeopardize the rights, safety, or welfare of a subject. Other: ____________________ All Correspondence with monitor: Monitoring log N/A Who will be reviewing safety data: 4. Immediately conduct an evaluation of any unanticipated adverse device effect (UADE). (812.46(b)(1)) Protocol Director 5. Discontinue investigation within five (5) working days when the UADE determination identifies unreasonable risks to subjects and not later than 15 working days after the sponsor first received notice of the effect. (812.46(b)(2)) Obtain IRB and FDA approval before resuming terminated studies. (812.46(c)) Medical Monitor Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 6 of 10 DSMB Other ____________ Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G 4.0 Record Keeping 4.1 As the Investigator, maintain adequate and accurate case histories on each subject’s participation in the trial. (812.140 (3)) Records of each subject's case history and exposure to the device. Case histories include the case report forms and supporting data including, for example, signed and dated consent forms and medical records including, for example, progress notes of the physician, the individual's hospital chart(s), and the nurses' notes. Such records shall include: Informed Consent Relevant Observations and Adverse Device Effect (anticipated and unanticipated) A record of the exposure of each subject to the investigational device, including the date and time of each use, and any other therapy. FDA Good Clinical Practice Guidance (Review sections 8.2 and 8.3: Before and during the Clinical Trial) Source data Progress notes – Concomitant medications recorded – Subject eligibility documented (use Inclusion/Exclusion checklist) CRFs (Case Report Forms) signed or initialed and dated – See Page 10 Appropriately documented consent forms Documentation that informed consent was obtained prior to study procedures Documentation that subject was given a copy of signed and dated consent form Signature/date of staff obtaining data * Reference specific subject observations 5.0 Device Accountability 5.1 As the Investigator, permit use of investigational device only Enrollment log (Document chronological enrollment of subjects with subjects under the investigator's supervision. An investigator by trial number, e.g., study/subject ID) shall not supply an investigational device to any person not Screening log authorized under this part to receive it. (812.110) (Document identification of subjects who entered pretrial screening) Randomization log (if applicable) Delegation of Responsibility log (signed and initialed by each investigator, with their study participation start/stop dates, etc) Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 7 of 10 Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) 5.2 As the Sponsor and/or Investigator, maintain accurate, complete, and current records relating to the device investigation: (812.140)(a)(b) Device Receipt Device received from Industry Device accountability log includes: Receipt date Type and Quantity Batch # or code mark Return/disposition Method of disposal, return, or repair a. As the Sponsor, Records of shipment and disposition including: o name and address of the consignee, o type and quantity of device, o date of shipment, and o batch number or code mark. Device manufactured onsite Records of disposition shall describe the batch number or code marks of any devices: o returned to the sponsor, o repaired, or disposed of in other ways by the investigator or another person, and o reasons for and method of disposal. b. As the Investigator, maintain written records of receipt, use or disposition of a device that relate to: The type and quantity of the device, Dates of its receipt, and Batch number or code mark. The names of all persons who received, used, or disposed of each device. Why and how many units of the device have been returned to the sponsor, repaired, or otherwise disposed of. Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 8 of 10 Device Shipment Single center study – no device shipment Device shipped to multiple sites Device accountability log includes: Name and address of consignee Date Destination Who shipped Type and Quantity Batch # or code mark Return/disposition Method of disposal or repair Device use or disposition record including: Name of person who received or used Date Batch # or code mark Type and Quantity Disposition/record of return ID of person supervising device use Return of device, count & reason Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) 5.3 As the Sponsor, inform other investigators about the investigational product and prohibition of promotion and other practices. Plan to distribute updated information to all Investigators about product, safety information, protocol changes, etc. A sponsor shall supply all investigators participating in the investigation with copies of the investigational plan and the report of prior investigations of the device. (812.45) A sponsor, investigator, or any person acting for or on behalf of a sponsor or investigator shall not: Promote an investigational device that the FDA has not approved for commercial distribution. Current Investigator’s Brochure Initial and ongoing study education (Document who, what, and when, e.g., Training Log/Meeting Minutes) Single study center Multi-center study Charge subjects or investigators more than necessary to recover costs. Unduly prolong an investigation. Represent that an investigational device is safe and effective for the purposes for which is being investigated. (812.7) 6.0 Inspection 6.1 As the Sponsor or Investigator: Allow inspection of records and reports by authorized FDA employees. (812.145) Upon request, permit FDA officer to access, copy and verify any records or reports made by the investigator Basic review of FDA inspection procedures 7.0 Communication with Sponsor or Investigator, if applicable 7.1 As the Investigator, provide reports to sponsor and IRB: (812.150) a. b. c. d. Unanticipated Adverse Device Effects (within 10 working days) Withdrawal of IRB Approval (w/in 5 days) Progress reports (no less than yearly) Deviations from the investigational plan (ASAP or w/in 10 days, if emergency to protect subject) Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 9 of 10 All pertinent correspondence between sponsor and investigator (examples: enrollment numbers, adverse events, financial information and any changes in financial information) N/A Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue. Guidance Documents/Info to include in Regulatory Binder(s) FDA Regulations - IDE 21CFR 812 Subparts A-G e. Final reports (within three months) f. Financial disclosure reports g. Changes in financial disclosure As the Sponsor, collect and maintain Investigator reports for all sites if: Multi-site study, per IDE protocol; or Multiple protocols under one IDE. 7.3 As the Sponsor or Investigator, maintain records of correspondence with sponsor, monitor, and FDA, if applicable. Sponsor Monitor FDA N/A 8.0 Additional Good Clinical Practice (GCP) documentation 8.1 Laboratory Documentation Current laboratory certification Laboratory normal values – 8.2 Documentation of study staff signature/initials. (Obtain signatures and initials of all persons authorized to make entries and/or corrections on Case Report Forms- CRFs) Stanford University CONFIDENTIAL – For Internal Use Only Page 10 of 10 Staff signature log – often combined with delegation of authority log Document1 Hyperlinks to additional information are highlighted in yellow. General hints are highlighted in blue.