Natural Philosophy and the Origins of Modern Science Course plan for 2015-2016 World-makers: early modern philosophers and their creation Dana Jalobeanu Guest speakers: Kirsten Walsh (post-doctoral fellow, Institute for Research in Humanities, University of Bucharest), Michael Deckard (Fullbright Fellow, University of Bucharest) Wednesday 14-18 This is a third year optional course designed for the students following the module of theoretical philosophy (but other students, graduates or undergraduates are welcome to attend). The main aim of the course is to discuss the major figures, ideas and debates of the scientific revolution. We will focus on some of the important scientific and philosophical figures who contributed to the “scientific revolution” of the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Here are some of the questions we are going to ask: What does it mean to be a natural philosopher? Are there philosophical/scientific roles? Is natural philosophy a profession, a vocation or a (Christian) duty? How many competing philosophical roles there are? Are they fundamentally different (say: the Aristotelian and the proponents of the “new” philosophy). Do all natural philosophers have something in common? Our work hypothesis is that most of the proponents of the “new” natural philosophy (early modern science) were world-makers: they aimed to replace the traditional view of the universe; they aimed to reform the received knowledge, and sometimes also the received social and intellectual roles of knowledge makers. Our discussion will focus on some primary texts. We will especially look for how natural philosophers reflected on their public role when engaging in “world-making.” What did they claim they were doing? How did they justify the attempt to replace the “old, received view of the world” with a “new philosophy”? The course will consist of one hour lecture and three hours of seminar. Course and seminars will mainly consist of discussions. Each meeting will concentrate on two readings: a primary source and a secondary source (supplementary reading material can be found in the associated folder in the common drop-box). Each seminar will begin with a 20 minutes presentation of an author/representative figure of the scientific revolution and will continue with a discussion of the texts. Students are required to write and prepare such presentations (ppt. also required), trying to set the required readings in a historical context aiming to facilitate de understanding. Date Course and seminars Readings Introduction: From the Scientific 07.10 Revolution to the “scientific revolutions”: historiographical debates. Natural philosophy and early modern science. The iconic figures of the scientific revolution. 14.10 The cloister and the university: the received view of the world (I) 14.10 Seminar: Historiographical biases and the access to the primary sources 21.10 Teaching and learning natural philosophy in the traditional setting. What is natural philosophy before the scientific revolution? 21.10 The cloister and the university: the received view of the world (II) Seminar 28.10 The public life and the contemplative ideal of knowledge: Francis Bacon 28.10 Seminar: Francis Bacon 04.11 The Renaissance “mathematician” and B.J.T. Dobbs, “The Janus Faces of Genius” Reisch, Margarita philosophica (translation and commentary by Cunningham and Kusukawa) Francis Bacon, New Atlantis (also: Bacon’s letter to Launcelot Andrewes on Seneca, Demosthene and Cicero). Secondary reading: the “new world:” Astronomy, astrology and practical mathematics from Copernicus to Kepler Omodeo, Chapter 2 04.11 Seminar: Johannes Kepler 11.11 Teaching the new science, from the university to the court: Galileo Galilei, mathematician and/or philosopher Kepler, Astronomia nova, Introduction Secondary reading: Biagioli, Galileo’s instruments of credit, Introduction, Chapter 1 Supplementary reading: 11.11 Seminar: Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei, Dialogue on the two new world systems, Day 1 Giovan Battista della Porta, Natural Magic, introduction (the course will be organized as a reading group too!!) 18.11 Natural magic and experimental philosophy: Giovan Battista della Porta and William Gilbert 18.11 Seminar: William Gilbert, experimental philosophy and cosmology William Gilbert, De magnete, book VI, ch. 1-3 Secondary reading: Freudenthal, Gilbert’s cosmology Suppementary reading: Gatti, Giordano Bruno and the Renaissance Science, chapter IV (Bruno and Gilbert’s group) 24.11 The Christian virtuoso and the new science in England. Robert Boyle and the early Royal Society 24.11 Seminar: Robert Boyle, Christian virtuoso 02.12 The first “professional”: Robert Hooke’s experimental philosophy and the Royal Society 02.12 Seminar: Robert Hooke 09.12 World makers: Descartes and Newton 09.12 Seminar: Descartes and Newton Boyle, Christian virtuoso Hooke, Micrographia (Preface) Hooke, A general scheme… Descartes, Le Monde (chapters 1, 6, 7) Newton, De gravitatione 16.12 The private and the public face of the natural philosopher: Newton 16.12 Seminar Newton 06.01 Utopia and the Royal Society: Oldenburg, Evelyn, Wilkins, Beale on the reformation of knowledge, the advancement of learning and various utopian ‘scientific’ projects 06.01 Seminar on the utopian plans of the FRS 13.01 Communicators and promoters of the new science. The public face of science Dibner Ms 1031 b Hypothesis on Light Secondary reading: Lynch, Solomon’s Child Henry Oldenburg – correspondence RH – the continuation of New Atlantis Cowley – the plan for organizing Royal Society 13.01 Women philosophers 20.01 Colloquium Assignments Seminar presentation: introduce the author (30% of the evaluation) The seminar will begin with a 20 min presentation of the author whose text is under discussion. Students are required to choose one author and to prepare such a presentation, focusing on the context of the text for the seminar and the relevant details for its understanding. In introducing an author it is important to emphasize what was his/her general plan/project and how does our reading relate to that more general plan. Also, I would like to know more about the intellectual context in which our author’s ideas have developed, about his intellectual sources, friends and foes, about his successes (in his own time: was he read? Did he have students and followers?) and failures (What did he hoped to achieve? How much did he manage to do? What prevented him to do more? How did he/she reflect on the causes of his/her failure?). Try to reconstruct a portrait as free as possible from the various biases of the various historiographies. Analyze a primary source (from the bibliography) (30% of the evaluation) Write a 4-6 pages ‘introduction’ to a primary source from the bibliography. Explain its main ideas, define its terms, place it in the context (among the author’s other writings, for example), provide the reader with the appropriate footnotes (definitions, explanations of terms, references to the background etc.) and the running commentary that would help her understand the text better. Show at what points in your analysis the reader might benefit from reading secondary literature and why. What are the difficult problems this text is posing? What kind of problems are they? (terminological, conceptual, contextual, interpretative) What do we need in order to solve them? Draft a list of questions and a bibliography which might help the reader solve some of these questions. Discuss secondary literature referring to a primary source (30 % of the evaluation) Select and discuss two secondary sources referring to the author/primary source you have worked on. Use the bibliography and ask for help when you need it.