October 15, 2015 - Los Angeles Southwest College

In honor of its founding history, Los Angeles Southwest College empowers a
diverse student population to achieve their academic and career goals, and to
become critical thinkers and socially responsive leaders.
Student Success and Support Program
Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2015
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: PCR
LaTanya Atkins
Johnel Barron
Rose Calderon
Shauna Carter
Joni Collins
Gabriela Corona
Ralph Davis
Leige Doffoney
Tyffany Dowd
Consuelo Estrada
Christina Gonzalez
Ron Haynes
Syed Khaled Hussain
Ming-huei Lam
Pedro Montalvo
Reggie Morris
Tara Nishiyama
Blanca Rodriguez
Marian Ruane
Alexis Tucker
Yvette Tucker
Sabrena TurnerOdom
Present: L. Atkins, J. Barron, J. Collins, T. Dowd, C. Estrada, C. Gonzalez, S. Hussain, K. Iwamizu, M. Lam, T. Nishiyama, B. Rodriguez, Y. Tucker, C.
Agenda Topic
Approval of minutes from
Review of LASC Monthly
Report in association with
SSSP efforts
CSSO’s update
SSSP Update
Syed Khaled
Minutes approved as corrected by M. Lam unanimously: Motion by T. Dowd; Second by L. Atkins
Maury Pearl, La
Vonne Hamilton, &
Deborah Harrington
Please see August reports prepared on 10/6/2015. We continue to lead the District – 6 months in a row.
Mrs. Leige Doffoney
Syed Khaled
S. Hussain: 80% Completion of SEP’s, 83% Completion of Orientation and 82% Completion of Assessment;
District averages for completion of SEP’s, Orientation and Assessment are 74%, 73% and 71%, respectively.
Report shows both Comprehensive and Abbreviated SEP’s combined. Credit for work being completed goes to
counselors and student workers in SSSP office. Goal was to reach 90% but the assessment closure during the
summer affected numbers.
S. Hussain: Mrs. Doffoney will be interim VP for next 6 weeks.
SSI Symposium, October 30, 2015, hosted by LASC. Please reserve your seats right away. Other
colleges are snapping up the seats:
RSVP: https://larnatdsummitone.eventbrite.com
If you have any questions, please contact the 3CSN L.A. Regional Network at
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SSSP Directors Conference, Sacramento, September 2015
Strengthening Student Success Conference, Oakland, October 2015
New computers – still in Receiving. P. Sanford is working on it.
Other SSSP developments
S. Hussain: Symposium will accommodate 65 attendees. Placement for Success: Implementing Multiple
Measures is the title of the symposium. J. Barron is promoting symposium to high schools. Next attendance of
H.S. counselors, principals and teachers. Food will be provided for the event. This symposium is the launching
pad for multiple measures project. The multiple measures project will be under our control. Everyone’s
participation is imperative. This symposium was promoted at conferences in Sacramento and Oakland to all
colleges in attendance. Kenneth Keys, former counselor, stated he will be bringing several team members. Goal
is to have more symposia and workshops at LASC. Goal is to request professional development credit with Dr.
Callendar’s support. Goal is to align the high school’s curriculum with Southwest’s curriculum. Counselors are
key to this process being successful. Counseling budgets for high schools are affected by college success
through tracking. Everyone needs to RSVP at the link above for the symposium. L. Atkins, K. Carpenter, C.
Gonzalez, E. Mizu, B. Rodriguez are the members of the Steering Committee for the symposium. LASC’s
faculty will receive first priority. Meeting requests will be sent for the Steering Committee.
J. Barron: Concern about outside attendance affecting the ability to host high schools being invited.
M. Lam: Capacity for Multi-purpose Room is about 200.
C. Gonzalez: May not be able to arrive at event until 12 PM.
K. Iwamizu: Only 20 spaces left for registration as of today.
Conference Updates
S. Hussain: Directors Conference Update: cannot buy clothes or fulfill outreach tasks involving recruitment.
Equity gap allows LASC to target male African Americans and Latinos. J. Barron needs assistance with
completing outreach projects. Offices of T. Dowd and S. Hussain are funding J. Barron. Hired L. Atkins to
accommodate increase in students. Applied to increase FTE allocation of counselors from 3.62 to 6.5 for 20152016. The request has been sent to Mrs. Doffoney. California Community Colleges SSSP Handbook on page
4.9 shows what is allowable and not allowable. There are guidelines for what the reports should include. SSSP
Report is due on Oct. 30. Budget Report and SSSP Plan are required. LASC’s plan For every dollar given,
SSSP has to match with 2 dollars. There are stipulations regarding what items can be used to match. Report will
be distributed soon and will require electronic report. SSSP is capable of absorbing program and then
expanding program. Guidelines may limit what SSSP can fund. The handbook should be uploaded online. The
form needs to be converted to LASC’s guidelines. Even if deadlines passes, the goal should be to input a
proposal for following year. Encouraged all members to look at plan online.
T. Dowd: Already funding outreach projects since last spring. Equity can fund books. Possible creation of book
loan program. Equity has funded instruction before but specific confirmed Equity Proposal Form includes all
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program that need funding so that all programs are given equitable resources.
M. Lam: FYE will be ending Sept. 2016. Other colleges attended meeting this morning and other schools have
been funded exclusively by SSSP and Program 100. Goal is bring discussion forward to the SSSP Committee
about ways to support FYE. There is a grant in place that funds 125 students. Last year, FYE supported nearly
150 students. Has spoken with Mrs. Doffoney with concerns about funding for FYE. FYE belongs to the
J. Collins: There is a deadline for proposal coming up in November. There are other programs besides FYE that
may need further funding. There may need to be a list of deadlines listed so that all programs know when they
need to provide necessary proposals.
B. Rodriguez: It is important that every program knows what is allowable so there is awareness and
understanding of the limitations.
Estrada/Syed Khaled
Multiple Measures Conference
S. Hussain: Met with 3 people on panel. Student success rate with transferring and graduation sky-rocketed.
Self-reporting and self-placing is accurate 84% of the time. Foothill College: started multiple measures one
year ago. “Kiss of Death” is when student is assessed due to placement in Basic Skills. Was encouraged to
assess students before they come to campus. Most students are going through online orientation. Process could
involve asking students the level at which they are. Instead of students being assessed, students can meet with a
counselor. Very few students will place into Basic Skills. CCC Apply will allow LASC to identify questions
that need to be answered for students to self-place. The placement test will not be eliminated so that students
who have been away from school for long periods of time will be able to test. Many students underestimate
their placement. Encouragement is for counselors, equity members and student success coordinators to attend.
BSILI is a conference coming up in March at Lake Arrowhead. SSSP funding is available for attendance.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project.
T. Nishiyama: Questions about MMAP have been developed. There will be a meeting coming up soon. There is
a conference coming up for Multiple Measures.
C. Gonzalez: There is a lot of work to be done.
Multiple Measures
S. Hussain: The district posted a limit for how many times a student can retest in a year. Other colleges are
cheating and retesting students by using Accuplacer and bypassing APMS. Other colleges are manually
calculating students and coding students on S091. Meeting was called by B. Duxler with respect to retesting.
How often do we want students to be able to retest? With the implementation of multiple measures, nontraditional students will need to go through test-retest process. Goal is to vote before Common Assessment
Initiative is implemented.
M. Lam: There is a lot of work falling on FYE given the advertisement for FYE’s program. I would agree to
one-month period between each test. Student would need to study and prepare in between each testing period.
Non-traditional students have different needs that need to be considered. There should be more consideration
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given to multiple measures and common assessment initiative. This change may affect the movement itself.
T. Dowd: Goal of Summer Jam was to have a pre-test and post-test for students to assess where they are and
how they have improved. There may need to be a process and limitation so that the student does not continue to
take and retest the test. There could be a special appeals process for a third attempt.
B. Rodriguez: Who will go through intervention program for students to retest? Students should be able to
retest, period. At El Camino, there might be a two-day waiting period between each test.
L. Atkins: Keep in mind the type of students LASC serves. The retesting option may not be able to
accommodate students who attempt to enroll late. Students who enroll late and test late may not be afforded the
opportunity to retest in time for the semester in which they are trying to enroll.
Motion by J. Barron that students get the opportunity to test twice in a calendar year, second by T. Dowd. Vote
was unanimous.
Student Success
Student Equity
Non-credit transition into
credit programs
Sabrena TurnerOdom
Tiffany Dowd
Marian Ruane, Syed
Khaled Hussain
Ming-huei Lam
12 Report from Counseling
13 Report from DSP&S
14 Report from Foster
T. Dowd: Equity training will be on Nov. 6 and facilitated by Kenneth Gonzalez. Flyer will be distributed to
the campus. Equity Office is working on a mentor program. A Culturally Relevant and Quality Customer
Equity Proposals are due on Oct. 30. Funding would be for 2015-2016 year with possibility of funding
M. Lam: Early Alert was presented to Senate.
C. Estrada: Phone calls have been started. Last report included 250 students with repeats for various reasons.
First workshop is scheduled for tomorrow with a PowerPoint presentation and flyers about services on campus.
Contact person will be provided so that they are aware of students who have or have not acted upon Early
Alert. Issues are inaccurate or not-in-service contact information. Reports are being pulled with action made,
dates and other pertinent information for faculty members.
Early alert (follow up from
previous meetings)
10 Report from Outreach
11 Report from Admissions
K. Iwamizu: Another means to bridge gap with students is to encourage students to take accelerated courses,
such as English 145.
Johnel Barron
Kimberly Carpenter
Rose Calderon &
Blanca Rodriguez
Jose Lara
Joni Collins
B. Rodriguez: Students can also be contacted.
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Youth/Community Services
Report from Veterans
Report from Financial Aid
Report from ASO
New business/ items from
the floor:
19 Next meeting:
Yvette Tucker
Linda Hall
Pedro Montalvo
Syed Khaled
Thursday, November 5, 2015. Location: TBA.
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