APPLICATION FOR PRIOR APPROVAL OF AFSCME TUITION REIMBURSEMENT ACTIVITIES - AFSCME APPLICATION PROCEDURES: 1. Courses must be related to the employee’s job and/or courses required for a degree, which is related to the employee’s job. 2. The combined maximum for reimbursement for professional development and/or tuition reimbursement $1,000. Tuition reimbursement is for tuition and fees for approved courses only. 3. Completed applications should be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Administration in accordance with the following deadlines: August 1for courses being taken during the Fall semester January 1 for courses to be taken in the Spring semester May 1 for courses to be taken in the Summer semester 4. Applicants will be informed regarding approval/denial of the request. 5. Following successful completion of the course(s), bargaining unit members must submit a Request for Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees for Completed Courses form to the Office of the Dean of Administration. The request must include proof of payment and successful completion of the course(s) with a grade of “C” or better. PART A: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT Name: Title: College Attending: Semester: Course Title Credit Hours Total Cost: Tuition Fees $ $ Relationship of the course(s) and/or degree to the job: Employee Signature: ___________________________________Date______________________ PART B: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE EMPLOYER Date Application Received: Comments: Approved Authorized Signature: Notification to Employee (date): Denied Date: