ST. JOSEPH’S TOLLCROSS ST. JOACHIM’S CARMYLE WEEKLY BULLETIN 0141 778 1054 Thursday Mass 10.00am Mass St. Joachim’s Friday Mass 9.30am St. Joseph’s Saturday 5.30pm Vigil St Joseph’s Sunday 10.00am St Joachim’s Sunday 11.30am St Joseph’s Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament St. Joseph’s Friday 10am -12noon Thursday 7.30pm – 8.30pm St. Joachim’s (Please enter by the side door of the church on the disabled access ramp.) BAPTISMAL PREPARATION The next Baptismal Preparation session will take place on Sunday 3rd May after 11.30am Mass in St. Joseph’s. CHILDREN’S LITURGY (St. Joseph’s) Meeting 7pm Monday 27th April. All welcome. We need some new volunteers to continue our Children’s Liturgy during Mass here in St. Joseph’s. MARY’S MEALS (St. Joseph’s) Many thanks to all who contributed to our Coffee Morning. Donations totalled £178.00 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B 19th April 2015 Readings Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 You killed the prince of life. God, however, raised him from the dead. 1 John 2:1-5 He is the sacrifice that takes our sins away, and not only ours, but the whole world’s. Luke 24:35-48 So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead. This week’s Feasts Saturday 25th Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist MASS TIMES Monday Funeral Mass Anne Cassidy 9.30am St. Joseph’s (Reception Sunday 6.30pm) Tuesday Funeral Mass Bernard Smith 9.30am St. Joseph’s (Reception Monday 6.30pm) Wednesday Mass 9.30am St. Joseph’s COFFEE MORNING (St Joseph’s) Coffee Mornings on Tuesdays in the Parish hall 10am. FIRST COMMUNIONS There will be meetings of Parents and Children who are due to make their First Communion. These meetings are as follows, St. Joachim’s Tuesday 21st April at 6.30pm St. Joseph’s Thursday 23rd April at 6.30pm Children and Parents should attend. A further Circle of Friends session for children only will take place next Saturday 25th March in both parishes. HAIR DRESSING SALON at CARDINAL WININING On Thursday morning 9.30am – 12 noon Cardinal Winning School run a hair dressing salon. This is a free service, appointments 0141 778 3714. COFFEE MORNING (St Joseph’s) Coffee Mornings as usual on Tuesdays from 14th April in the Parish hall. SOCIAL PLANNING GROUP (St. Joachim’s) Meeting Tuesday 28th April at 7pm. All Welcome! PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS SICK Annie Green, Jimmy Downing, Janie McDonald, Sinead Keenan, Paulo da Silva, Rolando De Rosa, Michael Ryan, Patricia Ogolini, Joseph Gormley, Paul Arrowsmith, Jim Farrell, Susan McDonald, Bridie Cassidy, Christine McMullen. RECENTLY DEAD MONTH'S MIND ANNIVERSARIES CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE (St. Joseph’s) Patrick McMahon, Patrick McShane,, Charles Boyce,. Meeting Monday 20th April 7pm. More volunteers are needed if this group is to take off. Please consider giving your time – two hours per week. Please come along. St. Joseph’s SICK PVG VOLUNTEERS (St. Joseph’s) As part of the annual parish Safeguarding Audit, all volunteers who have received or applied for PVG, are requested to check their details after Mass. The information to be checked will be available in the Children's Liturgy Room. SVDP Society of St Vincent de Paul’s annual Ozanam Talk, “The Eucharist as the source of our Apostate” will take place in Blessed John Duns Scotus, Ballater Street on Monday 20th April 7.30. See notice in porch. VOLUNTEER DRIVER (St. Joseph’s) A volunteer driver is needed to pick up 2 ladies from Braidfauld St for the Sunday morning mass at 11.30am if you can help, please speak to Fr. McKenzie or to a member of the St Vincent de Paul. Jean McGowan, Don Shields, Cathie Smith, Francesca Canavan, Helen Banks, David Timmins, May Fenwick, Paul Kelly, John (Jackie) McMahon, Fr. James Meehan, Chloe Bartley, John Bell, Fraser Boyce, Mary Phillips, Desmond Henagen, Peter Sherry, Susan Cunningham, Jean Morrison, Barbara Foley, John Welsh, Mary Virgo, Duncan McGregor, Janette Hayes, John Carrroll, Anne Stevenson, May Quarrell, Carole Quarrell, Mary Tominey, Margaret Smith, Eileen Dimarco, Iris Daly, Isa Murphy, Fraser Shaw, Terri Friel, Billy McGown, Helen Maguire, Margaret Crawford, Robert Kelly, Helen Maguire RECENTLY DEAD Dr. Jack Grant, Rose Malcolm, Marion O’Neill, Johnny Gallacher, Anne Cassidy, George Carrol, Bernard Smith. MONTH’S MIND Sam Shields, Michael Scanlon, Mary & Harry Boyce, John & Joan McAvoy, William & Florence Shaw, Florence Heraty, Hugh & Mary Heraty, Alexander McLeish ANNIVERSARIES Martha Gardiner, Michael Stirling, Roseann McLeish, Margaret Scally. PARISH FINANCE GROUP (St. Joseph’s) The Finance Group will consider their report to the parish for April 26th. THANK YOU Many thanks to all for all cards, gifts and good wishes I received on my birthday. Holy Mass will be offered for all. Mary Mulgrew St. Joseph’s and St. Joachim’s are parishes of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, a designated religious charity, number SCO1814.s