Social Studies Unit Rubric - Great Schools Partnership

Rubric for Summative Assessment- Are the colonists’ justified in overthrowing their government?
SS 1 E: Develop and
present arguments
both orally and in
Summative Tasks:
Written Speech
Debate participation
SS 6 B: Uses
evidence from a
variety of sources
GP 1.2: Uses
evidence and logic
appropriately in
Summative Tasks:
Written Speech
4 Exceeds
3 Proficient
• Claims, counterclaims,
reasons and evidence are
relevant to each other and the
overall argument
• The speech/argument is
organized: it anticipates the
audience’s knowledge level,
concerns, values and possible
• Main claims are supported with
logical reasoning, relevant data,
and evidence using credible
sources and claims are introduced
and distinguished from opposing
• Selects and organizes
evidence from primary and
secondary sources to support
an historical interpretation or
• Selects detailed, precise and
historically relevant and
accurate evidence from the
texts used to extend and
develop key ideas
• Speech/argument focuses on
a main idea; demonstrates
logical and seamless flow from
sentence to sentence and idea
to idea; has a strong sense of
beginning, middle, and end;
beginning and end must relate
closely to the same key idea
• The speech is organized: the
concluding statement draws
meaningful conclusions or
demonstrates succinct synthesis
of ideas
• Selects historically relevant and
accurate evidence from the texts
to support key ideas
2 Partially Proficient
• Introduces main claim
which is supported by
evidence BUT argument
does not address opposing
claims OR the line of
reasoning is not clear from
beginning to middle to end
• Speech/argument has an
identifiable main idea; the
development of the idea
lacks detail/support OR the
conclusion lacks
1 Does not Meet
• Unclear main claim
AND/OR alignment of
evidence is superficially
developed AND/OR factual
errors interfere with
argument’s logic
• Lack of organization
hinders comprehension of
the argument
• Selects evidence to
support key ideas but the
evidence is not detailed or
precise or student does not
make a compelling case for
its significance
• Use of evidence is
limited; major claims are
not clearly supported OR
are factually incorrect
Debate participation
SS 6 D
Analyze different
Summative Tasks:
Written Speech
Debate participation
Guiding principle A
GP A.3: Adjusts
communication based
on the audience
• Identifies and critiques
diverse perspectives on the
American Revolution and
articulates the priorities
different groups or people
hold in their perspectives
about that event
• Analyzes the factors that
influenced the perspectives of
people during the American
Revolution and led them to
interpret the same events
• Inferences/insight into historical
character’s perspective are clearly
• Inferences exhibit insight
articulated; inference is
about the historical character’s elaborated upon, not just stated
political and/or social life
in a few words or sentences
• Is able to compare and/or
contrast one or two factors
that influenced the
perspectives of people
during the Am Rev
• Inferences are vaguely
articulated AND/OR the
inference is stated without
• Is able to compare and
contrast one or two factors
only with support
• Makes inferences with
support from teacher
and/or classmates
• Anticipates the audience’s
knowledge level and concerns
and adjusts communication to
address those concerns
• Adjusts responses and/or
questions in a specific,
compelling, and fully developed
way to adresses the specific
concerns/needs of the audience
• Addresses the general
concerns/needs of audience
but the response is not
specific AND/OR compelling
AND/OR fully developed
• Attempts to address the
general concerns/needs of
audience but the response
is limited and
underdeveloped AND/OR
factually incorrect
• Mode of expression
expresses a unique
perspective in a compelling
manner that engages the
• Mode of expression conveys
relevant and accurate information
that is clear to the audience and
engages their interest
• Mode of expression does
not always enhance his/her
ideas or engage the
• Mode of expression is
too simple or too
confusing to engage the
audience OR the modes of
Summative Tasks:
Loyalists and Patriots:
Debate Rebuttals and
responses to
questions Neutralists
Questions/ statements
posed to Patriots and
GP A.4: Uses a
variety of modes of
Summative Tasks:
• Poster/political
• Nameplate
• Speech
• Extemporaneous
speaking in role
audience and enhances their
expression used distract
the audience from
understanding thesis or