2014 Conference - Call for Abstracts Instructions The IACRN Conference Planning Committee invites you to submit an abstract addressing one of the objectives for the 2014 conference listed below. Authors may choose their preferred presentation format: Podium or Poster presentation. Important Deadlines Abstract Submission Deadline: June 1, 2014 Notification Letters Sent Week of: July 1, 2014 Submit the completed abstract submission form (separate document) to Helaine Labovitz at hlabovitz@iacrn.org Conference Theme & Objectives: This year’s conference, “Feeling the Pulse of Clinical Research Nursing: Impact and Value through Caring, Communication, and Compliance” has five broad objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To provide Clinical Research Nurses (CRNs) with resources to enhance the conduct of clinical research through the art and science of nursing. To describe strategies that support effective coping with ethical dilemmas and the resulting moral distress. To identify strategies to successfully navigate and build relationships between institutions and individuals with shared interests through communication and collaboration. To provide innovative and effective mechanisms for the CRN to support research compliance and patient adherence to the clinical research protocol. To explore the economic value of the CRN in the context of caring, communication and trial compliance. Abstract Presentation Formats: 1. Podium Abstracts: Abstracts accepted for podium presentations are offered in a session with 2 other abstracts and grouped by related category. Speakers have 20 minutes to present, which includes 5 minutes for questions and answers. Only the first author may present the podium session. 2. Poster Abstracts: Abstracts may also be accepted for poster presentation. Posters are grouped by category and displayed for both days of the conference, November 6-7, 2014. Posters need to be removed at the end of the meeting on November 7, 2014. At least one author must be present at the poster during the assigned session to allow for dialogue with participants. Authorship and Selection: First authors must be IACRN members in good standing. Authors should not submit more than two abstracts on the same topic. For abstracts with more than one author, the first author will be the contact person. First authors may submit more than one abstract but only one will be accepted for each presentation format. Selection of abstracts will be based solely on blind peer review and will be reviewed for relevance to meeting objectives and the audience, as well clarity and content of the presentation Conference Registration: The first author must register for at least the day(s) scheduled to present an abstract. Presenters are responsible for expenses such as travel, hotel, and meeting registration fees. Discounted registration is not available. Register for the 6th Annual IACRN Conference by visiting http://iacrn.org/. Abstract Writing Steps Step 1: Determine what type of project you will submit (i.e. Clinical, Research, Evidenced-Based, Quality Improvement, and Creative Solutions) Step 2: Construct abstract content to include: Title Introduction, or background Statement of the purpose of study Methods Results Conclusion Step 3: Have someone review the abstract for clarity Step 4: Submit abstract as instructed by the organization General Writing Tips Limit length to no more than 350 words. Recommend writing first draft without regard to word limit – will allow for an evaluation of the scope and organization of information to be included and identify missing information. Should be written without jargon specific to the study or clinical area – average reader should be able to understand its message. Adjectives/adverbs rarely necessary. Articles may sometimes be omitted. It may be helpful to ask another person not involved in the abstract writing to review final draft for errors, flow, and understandability. For more information on abstract submissions, please contact Helaine Labovitz at hlabovitz@iacrn.org For more information please check out the IACRN educational presentation, “Writing a Conference Abstract: Tips for Success” http://iacrn.org/AbstractQ&A Submission Instructions 1. The cover page for general abstract submission should contain: A. Title of the abstract. The abstract title should clearly indicate the nature of the subject. Acronyms should not be used in the title and should be written out on first mention. A quantifiable objective must be submitted and the body of the abstract should be in paragraph form, using complete sentences, and avoiding special characters. B. First author (presenting author and contact person): a. First & Last Name b. Credentials c. Institution Affiliation/Name d. Mailing address e. E-mail address f. Primary Phone C. Other authors including names and affiliations (limit to 6 authors) 2. Abstract Information A. Type of presentation format: Podium or Poster B. Conference objectives presentation meets C. The body of the abstract must be no more than 350 words. Abstracts that contain more than the specified number of words will not be accepted within the application D. One learning objective 3. Biographical Information (First authors only). This information is important because it spells out your credibility in presenting the topic A. Degrees B. Present position C. Description of job responsibilities D. Educational background E. Qualifications 4. Conflict of Interest Disclosure: In accordance with ANCC Standards, all planners and presenters involved in the development of CE content are required to disclose to the accredited provider their relevant financial relationships with commercial interests. A commercial interest is any company that produces or provides healthcare goods or services, with the exception of non-profit or government organizations and non-health care related companies. This does not include providers of clinical services to patients. A financial relationship may include, but is not limited to, being a(an) employee, consultant, independent contractor, research grant recipient, shareholder; or serving on an organization’s speaker bureau. It may also include holding a position on an advisory board or some other role of benefit to the commercial interest. An individual has a relevant financial relationship if he or she has a financial relationship in any amount occurring in the last 12 months with a commercial interest. The planning team will use this information to identify and resolve and potential conflicts of interest. Relevant financial relationships will be disclosed to program participants.