Article Critique 10

Article Critique 10
Jim Kernodle
Liberty University
EDUC 661
Dr. Szapkiw
December 23 2009
Article Critique 10
Improving Our Moral Landscape via Character Education: An Opportunity for School
Counselor Leadership
Annotated Bibliography/Summary
The counselors' proximity to effectively promote character education is about taking the
time and opportunity to become a leader in the moral landscape. Counselors know firsthand the
by-product of bad-mannered, irresponsible, and insensible student attitudes and behaviors. A
counselor spends a lot of time working on the poor choices that students make that are the results
of poor character and judgment. These poor character choices have an effect on the moral
landscape and academic surroundings. These behaviors often included lying, stealing, violence,
alcohol, drugs, tobacco use, sexual promiscuity, poor academic performance, and a general
dissatisfaction with life. This article shows data that backs the erosion of good character traits
and how one can fill the cracks of character corruption with knowledge and leadership.
The article shows that there is desperation for a change in the moral climate of our
students. The influences that abound within the reach of every student are overwhelming. The
character assassination that is in our schools has escalated due to the lack of leadership. The void
of this leadership must be filled if we are to stop this moral decay in our communities and
The school counselor has a front row seat to take on this leadership role. With this role,
the responsibility to check one's own character is imperative if a professional relationship is to be
maintained with the students. One's own values must be beyond reproach or this opens the door
to breed grounds for disrespect from the students. The school counselor must also be sensitive in
the leadership role of the cultural differences that are in our schools.
Character Counts! is one example of a character educational class that can be taught. This
simple class, with six character pillars, that can make an impact on a student's life. The simplicity
of these words is the values mention in this article that can change attitudes if used properly.
Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship are tools that can change
morals in used correctly by the school counselor. This article states that character education is
not a priority in the United States and this would be a perfect opportunity for the school
counselor to take action in changing that priority.
Something as simple as teacher moral values could have a sweeping effect on our
students own behavior. The underlying understanding of this article is that we as a community
need to change our own compass in order to change the students in our schools. Leaders must
come forward to begin these changes in our efforts to work with our students in combating the
corruption of our morals. The school counselor is on the front line of fighting this battle of good
character versus bad character traits.
This is a great article showing steps in changing our decayed moral values of some
students. What was not covered is where you start these classes. Where do you start these classes
with elementary schools, middle schools, or high schools or do you just start?
Britzman, M. J. (2005). Improving our moral landscape via character education: An opportunity
for school counselor leadership. Professional School Counseling, 8(3).