CCGSE Conference Program Report 2011

Program Chair’s Report
CCGSE Conference Program Chair’s Report:
1. Proposals: CCGSE had 88 proposal submissions this year through the online submission
system. One issue this year involved a few students submitting more than one proposal to the
CCGSE SIG. This is a problem for a few reasons but mostly because CCGSE only has one
session, and therefore students could not present more than one presentation at a time.
2. Reviews: Three call for reviewers were sent out in October of 2010. A web survey was
created through the Brock University website. Please see the link below:
It was then converted to a discussant survey in March of 2011 (can be reverted back for
subsequent years). The web survey creates an output in the form of an Excel spreadsheet
with all information nicely organized. Following, the program chair manually matched
reviewer with proposal and discussant with roundtable. The online reviewer system was not
used this year but it is requested that it is used in following years. The CCGSE reviewer form
will be revised for the upcoming year to include “total numerical value (based on criteria)”
and “Do you accept this proposal, accept with revisions, or reject”. Also, co-presidents will
hold a meeting to discuss criteria revisions.
3. Roundtables: We have 49 scheduled papers, which are divided into 20 roundtables. The
request for faculty and graduate student discussants, put out over the CSSE listserve, were at
an all time low this year. It was a struggle to find enough discussants until the 3rd call. Due to
the storage of discussants at the time when the program went to print, the discussants were
not listed in the program this year. As a result, the program chair has created a poster board
listing discussants, allocated to a roundtable. This year, there will be one discussant per
roundtable and 2-3 papers (the inconsistently is due to presenter drop out and venue
In addition, we had many presenters and discussants drop outs after the confirmation date
this year. Many of the reasons for not attending were lack of funding and distance of
4. Posters: This year we have 13 posters scheduled. The poster session will be held
concurrently, in the Aiken Centre (Hockey Arena), with the roundtables.
5. Symposiums: Three symposiums sessions were added this year. Originally, CCGSE was only going to
hold rountable and poster sessions, however 3 groups of authors submitted for symposiums and CSSE
had a few extra session spots available.
Program Chair’s Report
Sunday, May 29/ dimanche 29 mai
Timeslot 4/ Intervalle de temps 4
1:15 pm.-2:45 p.m./ 1h15-2h45
Session 4.01
CCGSE Roundtable Sessions
Séances tables rondes du CCGSE/CCÉDÉ
Roundtable 1:
Discussant: Stephanie Tuters
Dialectics of Democracy: Performance and Reality at the 2010 G20 Summit
Amy Cadman (Queen’s)
Another Zimbabwe is possible: A critical analysis of student movements’ perspectives on the crisis in
university education
Munyaradzi Hwami (Alberta)
Geographic Information System (GIS): An Amalgamation Tool in Environmental Education
Blessing Adaku Igbokwe (Windsor)
Roundtable 2:
Discussant: Dawn Fyn
Sex Education in Ontario Catholic and Public Schools: Impact on Students’ Attitudes and Behaviour
Stephanie Governo (Nipissing)
Catholic Education in Nova Scotia: Understanding Parents and their Motives
Alva Lolit Sy Ortile (MSVU)
Roundtable 3:
Discussant: Limin Jao
Lesson Study as Professional Development in North American Elementary Science Education
Terry Bridges (Queen’s)
Secondary Mathematics Teacher Identity: What the research says
Richelle Marie Marynowski (Alberta)
Roundtable 4:
Chair: Eliane Dulude
When Will I Stop Being From Away: A Doctoral Researcher’s Relocation into the World of Educational
Essie Lom (UNB)
Program Chair’s Report
A Case Study of Collaborative Peer Mentorship: Two Doctoral Students' Strategies For Negotiating
Academic Life
Christina Skorobohacz & May Al-Fartousi (Brock)
Roundtable 5:
Discussant: Sylvia McLellan, ES- Laura Steacy (Move to table 12)
From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity: the Adoption of e-Tutoring by a Rural Ontario School Board
Julie Corrigan (Ottawa)
Reading in a Digital Age: The Influence of Digital Storybooks on Grade 1 Students’ Reading Motivation and
Reading Achievement
Katia Ciampa (N/A)
The use of e-learning within classroom assessment education in pre-service teacher education: A literature
Chi Yan Lam (Queen’s)
Roundtable 6:
Discussant: Maryam Wagner
Formative Assessment: An Untapped Potential for Nursing Education
Monique Mallet-Boucher (UNB)
Peer feedback as a teaching technique in the mathematics classroom
Eleni Katsoulas (Queen’s)
Teacher Candidates’ Beliefs and Their Effect on the Use of Formative Assessment
Adam T. Mills (Queen’s)
Roundtable 7:
Discussant: Christie Fraser
Animal-Assisted Literacy Programs: Considerations for Thoughtful Entry and Empathetic Involvement in
Elementary Classrooms
Lori Ann Friesen (Alberta)
Challenges of conducting literacy research with Chinese immigrant children
Xiaoxiao Du (UWO)
"We CAN Write" Action Research Project
Katie Jane Harding (Queen’s)
Roundtable 8:
Discussant: Veena Balsawer
"A Heart of Understanding": 1.5 generation Korean immigrants' conception of maturity, translation of values,
and cultural belonging.
Minha Reokenally Ha (Calgary)
Program Chair’s Report
The experiences of ethnic minority females in China in an age of globalization: An ethnographic case study
Bailing Zhang (UWO)
Roundtable 9:
Discussant: Jennifer Thompson
Preparing to Know the Unknown: Fine Arts students/alumni perceptions of professional development within
the university undergraduate context
Lila Azouz & Tieja Thomas (Concordia)
MFA Students’ Perceptions of Becoming Artist Educators in Higher Education: A Grounded Theory
Constanza Helen Silva (Concordia)
Roundtable 10:
Discussant: Christopher Deluca (University of South Florida)
Where then is home? Cultural identity narratives: Canadian teachers at home and abroad.
Marcea Leigh Ingersoll (Queen’s)
Attending to the Conversations Within
Christina Audet (Lethbridge)
International Co-operative Education Work Placement Experiences
Anne Hardacre (Queen’s)
Roundtable 11:
Discussant: Andrea Schneider
Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Science Curriculum
Eun-Ji Amy Kim (Ottawa)
Health Promoting Schools and the Impact on Educational Programming in Alberta
Michelle Lynne Kilborn (Alberta)
What can Queer theory teach physical educators about fatness?
Rogerio Bernardes (OISE-IÉPO/UT)
Roundtable 12:
Discussant: Lisa J Starr (Victoria)
Marx, Durkheim and Weber, Stories of Society and Learning
Andrew (Andy) Rathbone (Alberta)
A co-produced auto-ethnographic comparative study of mature students’ initiation to the PhD program at an
Atlantic Canadian University
Francis Peter Bennett & Joan Rostant (UNB)
The Invisible Student: Part-time Doctoral Students
Mark A Kissel, Lori Goff & Peter J Bates (Brock)
Program Chair’s Report
Roundtable 13:
Discussant: Jiesu Luo
The Essential Skills Movement in Canada and Its Impact on Adult Learners and Adult Learning Programs
Natasha Bozek (UNB)
Navigating compulsory career studies in times of local and global economic challenge: A teacher's
experience in eastern Ontario
Lorraine Godden (Queen’s)
Roundtable 14:
Discussant: Diane Collier
Supporting Post Secondonary Students with Sensory or Mobility Impairments in Reaching Career
Stephanie Jane Berry (UNB)
Considering the Methodological Complexities of the Interview Approach when
Exploring the Work of Mothering and Disability.
Maria Lucia Di Placito (York)
Disability and Othering in Education
Mark Anthony Castrodale (UWO)
Roundtable 15:
Discussant: Terry Loerts
Multiliteracies and the Design of the Digital Self: An Analysis of the Discursive Construction of a Dancer
Kimberly Meredith (UBC)
Case Study in Media Bias: Racism and Online News Comment Boards
Doug Paul Rogers (MSVU)
Roundtable 16:
Discussant: Beev Vaid
Troubling Gender Binaries in Schools: A Focus on Sartorial Agency and Toilet Behaviours
Jennifer C. Ingrey (UWO)
What Does A Woman Need to Know?: Problematizing Feminist Theoretical Approaches in Women's
Studies Classrooms
Lia Gladstone (OISE-IÉPO/UT, Toronto)
Roundtable 17:
Discussant: Katherine Davidson
Gifted identity across the academic lifespan: How academic transitions influence identity formation and
Adrienne E Sauder (UWO)
Program Chair’s Report
Back to basics: Enhancing educators’ re-directive teaching by exploring gestural cues for anticipating selfinjurious episodes in a child with Autism
Melissa Helen Fleishman (Brock)
Roundtable 18:
Discussant: Michael Tan
The House That Critical Thinking Built: Blueprint for aporia
Stephany Anne Peterson (MSVU)
Characterization of Critical Thinking Indicators in Problem-Based Learning and Non Problem-Based
Learning Online Discussions of Undergraduate Science Learners Using the Community of Inquiry Model.
Michael-Anne Noble (Victoria)
Roundtable 19:
Discussant: Christina Parker
Valuing Persons in the Community of Inquiry
Bretton Matthew Clark (MSVU)
Conceptualizing the ideological role of character education: the framing of values and the construction of
Magdalena Stepien & Elizabeth Nowicki (UWO)
Roundtable 20:
Discussant: Anne-Marie Dooner
Testing Math or Testing English? Are test items for EQAO chosen appropriately?
Queenie Chi Wah Wong (Queen’s)
Large-scale assessments, beginner teachers, and at-risk students: Impacts of this mixture.
Allison Elizabeth Anne Chapman (Queen’s)
Roundtable 21 & 22 Canceled
Discussant: ES- Erin Carter
Discussant: ES-Laura Servage
Program Chair’s Report
Visual Instructional Practices: Enhancing the Learning of Children with Hearing Impairments
Poster Presentation/Séances par affiches
Patricia M. Kincaid (Queen’s)
More than eight dollars a day: Revitalizing the role of the Associate Teacher
Wendy A. Crocker (UWO)
The Status of English Instruction in China’s Secondary School System
Kai Rong Yang (Alberta)
Holistic Mathematics Education
Mandy Lam (Queen’s)
Responsible Stewards of the Earth: Narratives, Learning, and Activism
Ashley Sarah Lima (Ottawa)
Metacognition as an indictor of intelligence
Danielle Beckett (Brock)
What is purpose of science education?
Monica Chahal (Alberta)
Teaching for empowerment, action and change: envisioning a community forum for social justice educators
Cathryn Anne Smith ( Manitoba)
“Reading is...”: Articulating an understanding of literacy and reading comprehension
Brenna Quigley (Ottawa)
E-Reader Learning Innovation
Evelyn J Hickey (Calgary)
Immigrant children's social and cultural integration - Instructional and non-instructional interventions
Nadia Naffi (Concordia)
Teaching multiple perspectives: New Possibilities for History Education
David Scott (Mount Saint Vincent University)
Structural Assessment of Knowledge for Formative Assessment
Gul Shahzad Sarwar (University of Ottawa)
4:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m May 31
Chair: Eliane Dulude
Untangling Policy: Test Accomodation Policy, Substance Abuse Policy, and Parental Involvement Policy
Pei-Ying Lin, Ruth A. Childs, Marija Glisic, Orlena Broomes (OISE-IÉPO/UT)
Program Chair’s Report
Room/ Salle 230
4:30 – 5:45 / 16 h 30 – 1 7 h 45
Symposium/ Colloque
Chair: Samantha Cutrara
Understanding Franz Fanon and Issues of Violence: Imperative for Transformative Education / Comprendre
Franz Fanon et les questions de violence : un impératif pour la promotion de l’éducation transformative
Paul Banahene Adjei, Marlon Simmons, Fouzia Warsamw, Ahmed Ilmi (OISE-IÉPO/UT)
Room/ Salle 210
4:30 – 5:45 / 16 h 30 – 1 7 h 45
Symposium/ Colloque
Chair/ Prés.: Diana Masny (Ottawa)
“A Funny Thing Happened when I met Gilles Deleuze.” Experimentations with Multiple Literacies / « Une
chose étrange m’est arrivée quand j’ai rencontré Gilles Deleuze » : expérimentations avec de multiples
Julie Corrigan, Corina Hancianu, Brenna Quigley, Monica Waterhouse (Ottawa)