Lesson Plan Rubric

(1, 14%)
or modeling or
(1, 14%)
Materials and
(1, 14%)
Student Practice
(1, 14%)
Adaptations and
(1, 14%)
(1, 14%)
Lesson Plan
(1, 14%)
Does not meet standards
(0 pts)
Objectives missing, stated as vague
outcomes, or individualized
objectives missing when needed
Demonstration, modeling, or visuals
are missing or not related to lesson
Partially meets standards
(1 pt)
Objectives written as activities rather
than outcomes; some individualized
objectives stated, as necessary
Contains demonstration or modeling
or visuals that are somewhat related
to lesson objective
Contains no varied learning materials Contains some varied learning
or accommodations when they were materials and accommodations but
more would have enhanced lesson
Opportunities for student practice
Opportunities for student practice
are missing or inappropriate
are insufficient or somewhat
inappropriate to lesson objective
Neither identifies or uses
Identifies appropriate adaptations
adaptations or assistive technology
and/or assistive technology for
when they would have clearly
lesson but were not used although
enhanced lesson
they were available
Assessment procedures are missing
Assessment procedures are
or inappropriate
somewhat appropriate and
somewhat varied
Lesson plan is either not typed or
Lesson plan is either not typed or
contains three or more mechanical
contains one or two errors in
spelling, grammar, or punctuation
Meets or Exceeds Standards
(2 pts)
Contains clear behavioral objectives
and some individualized objectives,
as necessary
Contains effective demonstration or
modeling or visuals directly related
to lesson
Contains appropriate varied learning
materials and accommodations
based on needs of students
Opportunities for student practice
are sufficient, appropriate, and
directly related to objective
Identifies and uses appropriate
adaptations and assistive technology
devices, as necessary
Allows for a variety of appropriate
assessment procedures or strategies
depending on student needs
Lesson plan is typed and is free from
spelling, grammar, and punctuation