MSc Project Proposal: Parallelizing controller synthesis software using GPU’s Project description: There has been a recent boom on the “correct-by-design” synthesis of control software. Many techniques have been proposed in recent years based on the idea of constructing symbolic abstractions of control systems and employing automated synthesis approaches on those abstractions. However, the majority of these approaches suffer from big scalability problems. On the other hand, the main bottleneck of these techniques tends to be the highly parallelizable task of constructing a symbolic abstraction of the system. In this project we would like to explore these parallelization possibilities by implementing symbolic abstraction algorithms on a GPU. Prerequisites: Knowledge in the areas of non-linear control and hybrid systems is a must. Good programming skills in Matlab and C/C++. If possible, some familiarity with GPU programming is desired. Some knowledge on validation/verification of systems is a plus. References: [1] “Specification-Guided Controller Synthesis for Linear Systems and Safe Linear-Time Temporal Logic” M. Rungger, M. Mazo Jr. and P. Tabuada. To appear Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control, 2013. [2] “Pessoa: A tool for embedded controller synthesis” M. Mazo Jr., A. Davitian and P. Tabuada. Computer Aided Verification, CAV2010. Contact: Dr. Manuel Mazo Jr. <>