WEEKLY WRITING PIECE # 5 (WWP # 5) *Remember: WWP # 4 was the optional re-do Comparison / Contrast Essay Assn. Truman/Plato DUE DATE: Wednesday, October 28 at the start of the period! REMINDER: It must be turned in at the start of the class period in the proper format. If you turn it in anytime later in the school day and/or the next day it is 10pts off per day. OVERVIEW: A comparative analysis essay is an essay in which two separate works of literature are compared to a common theme or idea and then individually analyzed and discussed how each work relates to the common theme or idea. With this task in mind, and thinking about many of the ideas and themes we have been discussing over the course of this unit, you are being asked to write a comparative analysis essay on the two works of The Allegory of the Cave and The Truman Show. ASSN: Write a comparative analysis essay where you answer one of the following questions: How does The Truman Show reflect the idea(s) of____________________ as discussed in Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave ? OR What themes are reflected both in The Truman Show and in Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave, and what is similar/different about how they are expressed? OR Come up with your own question to answer / thesis statement where you intend to compare/contrast and analyze the two works. FORMAT: -Heading in Top Right Corner John Smith WWP # 5 Chapdelaine Date -Typed double space font Calibri or Times New Roman Size 12, normal 2” margins -Must be organized into 5-6 paragraphs and should be at least two complete pages double spaced. Aim for three! EXTRA POINTS: *If you attach graphic organizers/rough drafts and/or notes to the back of your finished work.