ANNUAL REPORT - 2012 POPULATION HEALTH SERVICES (INDIA)-PHSI PHSI helped to prevent 588941 unsafe aboration in India in 2012 Population Health Services (India) – PHSI is a not for profit company, licensed under section 25, of the Indian Companies Act,1956 and also incorporated as a charitable institution with a view to provide services and products in the field of Family Planning, Family Welfare to the economically weaker and hard to reach sections of the Indian population. PHSI was established on 31st March 1999, with a mandate to work in the field of Maternal and Child Health focusing primarily on Family Planning and HIV /AIDS prevention. PHSI specializes in social marketing, which entails the promotion and distribution of health products at prices affordable to low income people through the existing wholesale and retail infrastructure. The organization is specialized in social marketing, which entails the promotion and distribution of health products at prices affordable to low income group through the existing wholesale and retail infrastructure. PHSI’s expertise is in developing technical and informative materials and behavior change campaigns. PHSI started its Social Marketing Program from 1999 itself, in partnership with Government of India, by marketing Nirodh Deluxe and SMO brand in four southern states of India. PHSI started its independent Social Marketing Activities, with the delivery and promotion of Social Marketing Brand called “THRIL” under the Social Marketing Program of the Ministry (SMP). Subsequently PHSI was also given marketing rights for “KHUSHI” an Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCP’s) under this program. In the year 2003-04, PHSI was permitted the marketing of “Nirodh Deluxe” (Condoms) and ‘’MALA D‘’(OCP’s) in certain areas and another brand of condom “KAMAGNI” was also added to the list of contraceptives; priced low enough to meet the reach of the economically backward strata. PHSI is focused on delivering solutions to people, to have children by choice and not by chance. PHSI operates Clinics and provide Outreach Voluntary Contraceptive Surgical services in remote and hard to reach areas and implements mainstreaming and awareness building strategies. 1 The Table1: Enumerates the contraceptive sales achieved by PHSI in the last four years Services 2009 Condoms 109,632,148 Oral Contraceptive Pills 6,382,900 IUDs 67,852 Injectable Contraceptives 153,632 Emergency Contraceptive Pills 149,100 2010 2011 2012 TOTAL 106,602,931 88,014,516 127159672 387,754,811 7,517,319 55,534 6,654,589 30,018 4156743 32369 26,191,988 185,812 190,520 122,007 165392 535,411 141,760 362,628 274734 857,670 1. Delivery Channels With operations and networks covering all the states of India; it provides contraceptives services and products through three main channels – 1A - Social Marketing Program (SMP) 1B - Outreach Voluntary Surgical Contraceptive (VSC) Program under NRHM 1C - Running of Clinics named as Jyothi Reproductive Health Care Center’s. 1A - Social Marketing Program (SMP): PHSI’s Social Marketing Program markets a variety of Reproductive Health Products including condoms with dual protection messaging on HIV/AIDS prevention and Family Planning. The objective of the social marketing program is to provide clients, products they need, in the most convenient and affordable format, with respect to time and cost. 1B Outreach Voluntary Surgical Contraception: PHSI launched its Outreach Voluntary Surgical Contraception under NRHM in the month of June, 2003. PHSI in collaboration with various District Medical and Health Department’s in selected low Social Marketing • Condoms • DX Nirodh • Kamagni • Thril • Fire • OCPs • Entire Range • Injectables • Test kits •Supplements Clinics • Long term FP methods • CAC Outreach • Permanent FP methods 2 performing districts of four states conduct outreach sterilization camps. The main objective of the Program is to improve the availability and accessibility of good quality outreach FP services. Over 100,000 free sterilizations are being provided annually under this program. 1C - Jyothi Reproductive Health Care Centers: PHSI is an associate of Marie Stopes International (MSI), U.K the worldwide pioneers in family planning and comprehensive abortion services. With MSI’s technical assistant and stringent standard operating procedures, PHSI runs and manages its Jyothi Centers all over India, modeled on the same lines as Marie Stopes Centers all over the world. Affordability of services is the key. These centers provide temporary and permanent contraceptive methods to eligible couples at free/subsidized prices. All Jyothi Centers are also certified to provide safe abortion services to women. 2. PHSI Capacity to implement the program The 600 employees work in three departments – ̷ Marketing & Sales ̷ Technical Projects ̷ Administration & Finance Each department is headed by a Director who reports directly to the Managing Director & CEO. Marketing & Sales is largest employing over 70% of the total staff, spread all over India. PHSI employees are well experienced and mostly recruited from the private sector. The Managing Director & CEO and the three Directors jointly decide on the day to day operations and also does the Strategic and Financial Planning and new Business Development. The Head Office which provides the overall framework and logistics & supervisory support consists of around 30 full time professionals in Sales & Marketing, Administration and Finance, HR, MIS, Research and Communication. PHSI holds over 500 years of combined Senior Management Teams (SMT) professional experience. For backend support for such an extensive network, PHSI maintains 17 offices spread all over India, with its head office located at Hyderabad. 35 31.3 3. Capacity and experience in Demand Generation Sales Qty. in Millions 30 25 21.7 Number 21.4 Traditional 21 of Outlets While establishing a supply-side 20 mechanism through its networks, PHSI 15 has also launched various 10 communication campaigns that use mass and local media optimally to 5 address the demand side of 0 programming. Press advertisement for Kamagni Thril brands Kamagni, Thrill, Deluxe Nirodh and other contraceptive has been part of a demand generation activity. During last year 149 advertisements Non 82,775 2010-11 19.4 2011-12 8.2 Nirodh Deluxe 7.3 4 1.5 1.9 Mala D khushi were released. Hoardings 3 for the past couple of years were – Kamagni 40, Thrill 30 and Nirodh Deluxe was 87. Additionally, over 3,000Nirodh Deluxe wall paintings were executed. Point of Purchase produced were stickers, multi size posters, branded tapes, posters, danglers, pamphlets, flip charts and tin plates. PHSI also markets premium Brand of Condoms, Imported condoms and non subsidized contraceptive like OCP’s IUCD, Injectable contraceptives, and emergency contraceptives. In addition to contraceptives PHSI also market’s other reproductive health and pharmaceutical products like ORS, water purification tablets, IFA, Zinc and Calcium supplements. PHSI has also successfully completed five previous similar assignments contracted out by NACO. 4. National Aids Control Project ( NACO) PHSI is associated with National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Department of AIDS Control, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Govt of India in implementing the National AIDS Control Programme funded by multiple donor partners and Government of India. PHSI was successful in implementation of 4 phases of Condom Social Marketing Programme across high priority districts, for the States such as as Kerela, North East, Goa and Jharkhand from the past four years ( 2009-2013). PHSI was instrumental in developing, designing and implementing State Specific condom social marketing program to achieve the goal of increasing the access to condoms in outlets, more specifically through the conventional and nonconventional outlets (non chemist outlets, pan/cigarette shops, tea stalls etc.) in prioritized geographies with specific focus on high risk areas, rural markets and urban slums; undertaking local and mid media activities. PHSI would also Coordinate with organizations implementing Targeted Interventions (TI), Truckers Halt Points and RCH /NRHM interventions of MoHFW for having a synergized condom promotion campaign and marketing of subsidized condoms and increasing the annual demand of condoms. 4A. Behavior Change Communication: Mid Media Activities for Demand Generation of Condoms Promotion and outreach activities were essential to create demand for the use of condoms. The objective is to motivate men in the age group of 15-49 to seek out the male condom, and creating awareness to use it correctly and consistently. During the project period PHSI will design various POP’s and implement the brand promotions activities for Deluxe Nirodh. Communication Approaches had been carefully and appropriately designed. Decisions also were made on how to promote the condom within the context of existing program activities. The three way approach was followed by PHSI in implementing the Demand generation and Mid Media Activities were implemented strategically: Interpersonal Communication - One to one communications (interactive games), and One to Group by utilizing IEC tools like flip charts/condom demonstrations & leaflets and Community Events (Road Shows with condom demonstrations/ Condom Man/Branded Vehicles/street shows/events participations) were organized. 4 Mid media achievers/Promoters were recruited and trained to conduct one to one and one to group session, for the purpose of generating quality contacts among the general population and high risk population. Communication Locations The activity was executed near the outlets where condoms were sold. The locations such as near TI hotspots like bus stand, railway stations, public parks, cinema halls, colleges, markets, HAATS, malls, hotels & lodges, trucker halting points etc were covered. For conducting the IEC and IPC sessions/contacts, Promoter lead activity, Van tours, Street shows were planned and executed to reach the set targets. For more Information Please visit us at : 5