Initial Investigation regarding the so

Mindanao Action Points Advocacy Coordinating Group
Mining Research Databanking Template
Title of Research Study:
Lead Research Institute :
Principal Investigators:
Source of Funding Support:
Period Covered for the Study:
Over-all Objective/s of the Study:
Research Methodologies Employed:
Initial Investigation regarding the so-called Magnetite Mine in Barangay Balocawe, Matnog, Sorsogon
Institute for Environmental Conservation and Research, Ateneo de Naga University
Dr. Emelina Regis, Dr. Melanio Regis & two Field Assistants
Diocese of Sorsogon
October 2010-February 2011
The main purpose of the INECAR Team was to have a quick look of the area and the current situation in
the mining site (Rapid Assessment).
/ In-depth Interview
Focus Group Discussion
 Preliminary observations
 Measurement of the pH of a creek on site and soil/sediments of the mine site
 Chemical analyses for heavy metal content such as cadmium, chromium, copper, iron,
manganese and nickel
 Toxicity Testing of bioindicators
Barangay Balocawe, Matnog, Sorsogon
Unit and Local of the Study:
Findings and Recommendations
Significant Findings
Preliminary Observations:
 The project is said to be mining of magnetite and other
minerals and reported to be small-scale. Yet, this mine is using
several heavy equipment that are only used in large scale
 Mining involves excavation of materials consisting of boulders
and some rocks and small stones mixed with soil and/or
sediments. The boulders are crushed by heavy equipment to
facilitate transport. This could result in large scale removal of
mountain top when desired materials deeper under the
ground are still economically profitable. The excavated
materials are stockpiled in several places in the vicinity of the
mine site and on lowland areas farther from the mine site.
Later, these materials are transferred and stockpiled in
another mining site in Bulan, Sorsogon. At the port of Bulan, a
large cargo boat awaits for the excavated materials for
shipment to China.
Recommendations or Implications
Implications of the Mining Project:
The impact of rare earth mining is not only on the large scale
excavation that could flatten a hill or a mountain but what happens to
the excavated site during mining and after abandonment. The most
dangerous effect of large scale excavation is on the weakening of the
structural foundation of rocks under the ground. The removal of
natural cover such as vegetation and scrapping of upper layers of rocks
would allow rainwater to seep through cracks, cleavages and spaces
between rock layers that could eventually lead to landslides. Rare
earth mining in small island ecosystems can definitely aggravate and
facilitate the situation of landslides hazards that have caused many
deaths to people and other living organisms in both the terrestrial and
marine environment.
The denudation of vegetated upland exposes the soil/loosened
sediments to sun and rain. During dry season, barren land will cause
dust particles in the air to spread by wind and attack the lungs of
humans and animals. During the rainy season and typhoon months,
Mindanao Action Points Advocacy Coordinating Group
Mining Research Databanking Template
The mining operation seems to be using child labor as young as
probably 10-12 years old and tasked to carry sacks loaded with
excavated materials.
Based on existing literature from government and private
companies, the excavated materials are known as Rare Earth.
This material is much sought for by industrialized countries of
the world; China being the major exporter of rare earth to the
United States. Rare Earth elements exist in association with
“alkaline to per-alkaline igneous complexes, in pegmatites
associated alkaline magmas and/or associated with
carbonatite” that are intrusive (Jones et al. 1996), thus, show
rare earth materials having volcanic origin.
Measurement of the pH of a creek on site and soil/sediments of the
mine site:
 The water pH was measured in various segments of the creek
from downstream towards the upstream just near the
excavation site. Measurements obtained show decreasing
values with the upstream segments having the lowest value
(more acidic) and increasing values (neutral to alkaline
downstream. This condition indicates that Acid Mine Drainage
is occurring and is originating from the excavation site located
at upper elevation about 182m above sea level (asl).
 The pH value of the soil/sediment is slightly acidic. Since only
iron sulfides generate AMD, this condition may be due to three
(30 possibilities: a) the soil/sediments have just started
generating acid when samples were collected, b) the rain
water diluted the acid in the soil as October is a rainy month,
or c) both a and b were occurring at the same time.
Chemical Analyses for heavy metal content such as cadmium,
chromium, copper, iron, manganese and nickel:
 Iron has the highest level followed by Chromium which is near
the critical level. Copper is still within the neutral level while
Manganese is uncertain because of its very high variability
soil and sediments will be washed away by rain and carried down slope
causing siltation of water bodies such as the rivers which eventually
reach the sea to dump its load of silt on coral reefs and other habitats
within the marine ecosystem. The loss would be on livelihood in
agriculture and fishery due to acidification and siltation of rivers and
burial of coral reefs.
Rare earth does not only contain one or all of the rare earth metals.
Magnetite is associated with iron ore (iron sulphide) that normally
attracts toxic heavy metals that would eventually be released through
the process of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). AMD is a phenomenon
wherein iron sulfide rocks when exposed to oxygen and water (rain
and humidity) will undergo chemical reaction producing sulfuric acid
and red iron sulfate precipitate (Jackson and Jackson 1996). The latter
makes sediments and rocks appear red and the water acidic. This is
confirmed by the acidic water that has started in the creek segments
near the mine site. The acid dissolves whatever heavy metals are
contained in the rocks and this could be any or all of the following:
cadmium, copper, chromium, manganese, mercury, arsenic, lead, zinc,
and others. AMD is also known to be self-perpetuating, thus will
continue for many years until all the sulfide rocks have been dissolved
and carried away by the acid. In some areas in the world, it could take
hundreds of years.
The impacts of acid soil on plants especially on legumes that produce
nodules is described by Helyar (1981) as causing “nodulation failure”.
Leguminous plants create nodules through a symbiotic relationship
with rhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium enables the formation of a root
nodule within the cortical cells of the plant roots. The benefits derived
by the bacteria from the association are food from the roots. The
benefits obtained by the plant from the bacteria is the conversion of
gaseous nitrogen into ammonia, a process known as nitrogen fixation,
thereby enabling the production of plant protein. Acidic soil restricts
the survival of rhizobium in the soil, thus nodules could not be
established resulting in the inability of roots to fix nitrogen from the
Mindanao Action Points Advocacy Coordinating Group
Mining Research Databanking Template
from less than 1 to 4,000 mg/kg. In this study, three (3) of
these metals – Chromium, Iron and Manganese – were
considered as most likely causes of environmental problems
on health of the ecosystem. Heavy metals impact the aquatic
and terrestrial environments by bringing about various kinds of
diseases especially cancer for humans and animals and
abnormalities in plants that disrupt their proper functioning.
air, hence inhibiting the production of protein by plants. Failure of
nodulation causes seedlings to turn yellow. This change from green to
yellow also indicates severe deficiency of necessary calcium and
magnesium which could not be absorbed by plants grown in acidic soil.
Conclusion and Recommendations:
The mining operation in Bgy. Balocawe has no proper precaution to
safeguard the present and future health of the local communities and
Toxicity Testing with Bioindicators:
ecosystems within and near the mining site. Likewise, it has no regards
 Microscopic examination of the mesophyll of the leaves for the possibility of landslides that could affect people in the vicinity.
revealed that the percentage of starch observed between the
control and contaminated (treated) plants did not differ much. Vegetated hills and mountains with forest trees are precious
Statistical analysis proved that the result obtained is not watersheds because their presence enables the continued supply of
significant. After several trials, it was concluded that the starch clean and safe water for the local communities and their farmlands.
of leaves were not seriously affected by the heavy metals These hills and mountains also act as barriers from strong winds during
typhoons. Mining these site endanger the structural foundation of the
copper and chromium.
 In the experiment and subsequent analyses, size reduction was area that could lead to landslides in earthquake events and heavy
observed in many stomata of the leaves of the test species downpour during rainy seasons. Thus, it is recommended that the local
raised in the collected soil obtained from the mining site. The government and the local people must prioritize protection of these
decrease in sizes (stomata and its opening) is believed to result natural ecosystems, hence initiate a stoppage of this project.
in a corresponding decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide Since other countries such as those in large continents have their own
that could enter the leaves. Since carbon dioxide is one of the rare earth metal resources which they could mine, the natural wealth
major components of carbohydrate production, a consequent of the Philippines should remain intact for sustaining the ecosystems
reduction in productivity followed.
that meet the NEEDS for clean water, clean air, a balance ecology, food
 The test proved significant difference between the control and production, shelter and livelihood of local inhabitants. These
the contaminated set-ups indicating that the metal iron ecosystems should not be destroyed and human communities should
impacted the growth of the roots.
not be sacrificed for the WANTS of a few wealthy individuals or
 Cleome rutidosperma is a weed known to tolerate various corporations.
conditions in the environment such as growing along the
roadside with passing vehicles, near garbage dumps, dry places It must always be remembered that the country is broken up into small
and others. In the experiment however, all of the plants of the island ecosystems where extraction of earth and rock damages not
same species raised in contaminated soil died after 1 week only the mountains and hills but also the lowland areas and the coastal
environment that could be affected by the destructions. These areas
while those in the control plant remained alive and healthy.
provide people with food and other basic needs for sustainable
existence for generations. People, especially the local government
Mindanao Action Points Advocacy Coordinating Group
Mining Research Databanking Template
Submitted by:
Date Submitted:
Contact Details of the Research Institute:
should be grateful for such natural wealth because they are
sustainable if not disturbed and destroyed. Moreover, saving whatever
intact ecosystems we still have, inspite of abuses by ignorant and
dangerous legislations such as the Mining Acts of 1995, is our global
contribution to halting climate change. It is also imperative that the
basic needs for food, water and shelter for people should not be
INECAR, Ateneo de Naga University
April 17, 2015 / (054) 473-8447 loc. 2217