Richland Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes April 20, 2012 Members present: Sara Crum-President, Monica Greenwald-Vice President, Lisa PierceTreasurer, Veronica Pero-Secretary, Rob Woodrow-Principal, Desiree LaDuke, Kelley Baldwin, Carey Campbell, Tom Krawczyk, Mary Kay Pederson, Heather Francis, Theresa Meinert, Merijo Jordan Motion to approve March minutes by Monica Greenwald, second by Sara Crum Guest Speakers: *Kelley Baldwin*Vote YES on May 8th. Fliers were handed out regarding the upcoming bond. Every child will have access to technology. 70% technology, 30% other things like roofing, Richland Elementary gym, boilers. *The Vietnam War wall will be visiting November 1, 2, 3, 4, on the west side of Gull Lake High School, available 24 hours a day. *Ryan PTO*Carey Campbell shared the Ryan Intermediate PTO budget. They use a general fund to pay for all field trips. The Ryan Rally pays for it all. This year the Ryan Rally raised $25,000 with only half the school participating. Carey would like to educate second grade families about the Ryan Rally since it is in the fall. Shari Donovan invited all to come to Ryan Intermediate PTO meetings. Look for a sign up in the fall to volunteer. Any amount of time you can share would be appreciated. President’s Report: *Gull Lake Kids for a CURE Team is raising funds to save lives of children suffering with cancer. We are off to a great start raising funds. Please support this cause and donate $10 to participate in the walk/virtual walk on May 19th in Kalamazoo. Purchase a bracelet for $3.00, all proceeds goes to the team. *Teacher Appreciation is May 11th. Theresa Meinert shared some ideas, gift cards, or send in money, vases for flowers, notes to teachers. Theresa will send a note home explaining. This will include teachers, Para pros, janitorial and cafeteria staff. *Wednesday, April 25th is Professional Administrative Day. PTO will honor Janine, Tam and Cindy by sending flowers. *Movie Night is scheduled for May 3, 6:00-7:30. Admission is $5.00, $2.00 for additional siblings (Richland Elementary students only). The movie will be Alvin and the Chipmunks Chip Wrecked, rated G, run time of 87 minutes. We are in need of parent volunteers to help with snacks and supervision. *Year End Carnival (reporting for Jen Yapp) will be Wednesday, June 6, 2012. Dunk Tank rental, pick up, and delivery will cost $139. Motion to approve spending $139 was passed. Estimated cost of event is $120 for bounce house, $200 to buy games, $500 for food. We should recoup all outgoing costs. Jen is in need of a lot of volunteers to run games, sell food and run raffle stations. Shifts will run 30-60 minutes. *Need chair positions for 2012/2013 school year: -Year End Carnival Co-Chair -Yearbook -Teacher Appreciation -Co-Chair for Wee Deliver, Marie Salvato will continue to schedule volunteers. Co-Chair would need to cover shifts if someone cancels last minute. *Second grade poetry book is in progress. Thank you Elizabeth Gray. *$12.00 yearbooks are still available. *Mileage Club starts Monday, April 23, 2012. Vice President’s Report: NONE Treasurer’s Report: *Balance as of April 19, 2012 is $23,829.95 *Pfizer donated $1,000 to the PTO because our recycle chair Heather Francis who works for Pfizer, volunteers at Richland Elementary. Thank you Heather for all your hard work. *It was decided to buy a cover for the new popcorn machine. Secretary’s Report: NONE Teacher’s Report: NONE Principal’s Report: *Second grade field day is being planned. *There has been a lot of academic training for teachers. Gull Lake is in the process of transitioning to the Common Core Standards. Gaps are being covered. We have been doing Common Core Math Standards all year. Common Core Standards need to be implemented by 2014. Chair Committee Reports: NONE New Business: NONE Last PTO Meeting for the 2011/2012 school year will be May 18, 2012 at 9:00am in room 120.