Personal details: Name: Abbou Fouad Mohammed Nationality

Personal details:
Name: Abbou Fouad Mohammed
Nationality: Moroccan
Designation: Professor
Specialization: Electrical Engineering
Academic Qualifications:
Delft University of Technology
Ingenieur (M.Sc)
Delft University of Technology
Ph. D.
Multimedia University
Position held:
2008-to date:
o Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs & Research and Development
o Professor at Al-Madinah International University.
Dean, Institute of Postgraduate Studies.
2008-to 2009 Professor (Alcatel-Lucent visiting fellow) at multimedia university.
2005-2008 associate professor at multimedia university (MMU) and Alcatel-lucent
visiting fellow.
2001-2005 Alcatel-lucent visiting fellow at multimedia university (MMU), Malaysia.
Lecturer at multimedia university (MMU), Malaysia.
Researcher at computer assurance service center (casc ), netherlands.
Researcher at PTT Research, Netherlands
1. Title: Performance Evaluation and Design of optical burst switched WDM Networks
Degree: PHd
Status: Graduated 2007
2. Title: Design and Performance Analysis of WDM packet switched Networks
Degree: PHd
Student: Hakim Mellah
Status: Graduated 2008
3. Title: WDM Networks: Contention Resolution, Amplified Spontaneous Emission Noise
and Four-Wave Mixing Aware Wavelength Routing and Wavelength Assignment
Degree: PHd
Student: Tan Saw CHin
Status: Graduated 2008
4. Title: Analytical Evaluation of the impact of Cross-phase Modulation (XPM) on the BER
Performance of a WDM Transmission System
Degree: MEng.
Student: P.M.A. Zahidin
Status: Graduated 2001
5. Title: Performance Analysis on Phase-Encoded OCDMA Communication System in the
presence of Dispersion
Degree: MEng.
Student: C. H. Chua
Status: Graduated 2003
6. Title: A Novel Wavelength Converter Based on Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) in Single
mode Fiber and Sideband Brillouin Amplification
Degree: MEng.
Student: Jude Lopez
Status: Graduated 2003
7. Title: Performance Analysis of SCM-WDM Optical Transmission Systems
Degree: MEng.
Student: Shamini Subramaniam
Status: Graduated 2005
8. Title: Performance Analysis and Design of Optical TDM-WDM Transmission
Degree: MSc. Eng,
Student: Hiew Chee Choong
Status: Graduated 2005
9. Title: Performance Analysis and Design of a WDM Ring Network
Degree: MSc. Eng,
Student: Katrina D. Dambul
Status: Graduated 2005
10. Title: Study and design of an arrayed waveguide grating multiplexer/demultiplexer
(AWGM) for dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical networks
Degree: MSc. Eng,
Student: Sim Ee Chiang
Status: Graduated 2007
11. Title: Optical Burst Switching Network with NOLM as Buffering-Switching Device
Degree: MSc. Eng,
Student: M. F. ROGER
Status: Graduated 2008
12. Title: Performance Evaluation of Satellite-Based Quantum Optical Communication
Degree: MSc. Eng,
Student: Richard Etengu
Status: Completed 2009
13. Title: WDM Networks: Physical Limitations Aware Switching, Routing and Wavelength
Degree: MSc. Eng,
Student: Mohammad Mahadi Hassan
Status: Completed 2009
CPRA Research Centre Chairperson, 2008-2009
The Centre of Photonics Research and Application (CPRA) is a centre that has been
established to spearhead research and innovation in the broad sphere of photonics
technologies. The objective of the centre is to conduct R&D on photonics systems and devices
for applications in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and in other industries that
require the use of the technology. This is achieved through a portfolio of collaborative R&D
projects, which includes strategic long-term research programmes, industrial collaborative
programmes, and consultancy.
Chairman of the Optical Communication Group (OCG), 2001-2006
OCG is one of the focus research groups set up under the Center for Photonics Research, Innovation &
Applications (CPRIA). The group initially focuses on research related to optical communication. This
includes research on areas such as:
Photonics devices such as optical sources, optical switches, integrated optics,
waveguide, routers, etc.
Lightwave system architecture scheme such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing, Time
Division Multiplexing, Subcarrier Multiplexing, Soliton transmission, optical computing,
etc. Research on fibre non-linearity in optical fibre communication system is also of
Chairman of Broadband Technologies Group (BTG), 2001-2006
The Broadband Technologies Group is one of the focus research groups set up under the
Center for Photonics Research, Innovation & Applications (CPRIA)
The objective of the group is to conduct research in various technical aspects involved in
bringing optical broadband networking access to homes and offices.
Membership of Academic Committees:
(i) Member of Master of Engineering Committee, Faculty of Engg, MMU, Malaysia (Jan 2000to date).
(ii) Member, Academic and Corporate Planning Committee, Faculty of Engg, MMU, Malaysia
(Jan 2000- July 2002).
Professional Activities:
Member, Technical Program Committee, 14th IEEE International Conference On
Telecommunications (ICT) and 8th IEEE Malaysia International Conference on
Communications (MICC), ICT- MICC 14th-17th May 2007, Penang, Malaysia.
Member, Program Committee, 8th IFIP/ IEEE International Conference on Mobile and
Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN 2006), Hosted by Université Pierre et Marie
Curie, Paris, France, in Santiago Chile, 20-25 August, 2006
Member, Technical Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Networks
(ICON), Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, 16 – 18 November 2005.
Member, Technical Program Committee, The Second International Conference on
Innovations in Information Technology (IIT'05) Emirates Towers Hotel. Dubai, UAE September 26-28, 2005.
Member, Technical Program Committee, 7th IFIP International Conference on Mobile and
Wireless Communications Networks (MWCN 2005),Hosted by Centre for
Telecommunications Research, King's College London. Morocco, 19-21 September, 2005
Chairman of the optical communications session, MMU International Symposium on
Information and Communications Technologies (MUSIC) 2004 Conference, Putrajaya,
October 2004.
Chairman of the Technical Committee, Photonics network technologies, The 9th Asia Pacific
Conference on Communications 2003 (APCC2003), Penang from the 21st to 24th
September 2003.
Chairman of the optical communications session MMU International Symposium on
Information and Communications Technologies (MUSIC) 2002 Conference, Kuala Lumpur,
October 2002.
Membership of Professional Bodies:
1. Member, Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
2. Member, Netherlands Institute of Engineers.
Reviewer for the following technical Journals:
IEEE Communications letters
IEEE Journal of Lightwave technology
SPIE: The International Society for Optical Engineering.
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Research & Publication:
Current Research Project (as a Project Leader and researcher):
1. Title: Optical packet switching network: design, performance analysis and contention
Supported by E-science funding from Ministry of Science, Technology & innovation of
IRPA Grant : RM 88,100.00
Status: Ongoing project
Previous Research Project (as a Project Leader and researcher):
2. Analysis and Design of a Arrayed Waveguide Grating Mux/Demux for DWDM
Supported by IRPA funding from Ministry of Science, Technology & Education, Government
of Malaysia.
IRPA Grant : RM 158,000
Internal grant from MMU : RM 62,000
Completed 2004
Previous Research Project (as a Project Coordinator and researcher):
3. Performance Analysis and design of an Optical TDM-WDM Transmission System and
Supported by IRPA funding from Ministry of Science, Technology & Education, Government
of Malaysia
Grant approved: RM 116,000
Collaboration with Alcatel-Lucent
Completed 2005
A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, H. T. Ewe, and Toufik Taibi, "All-Optical Internet: Next-Generation Network
Infrastructure for E-Service Applications," Chap: 12, pp 323-349, Architecture of Reliable Web
Application Software, Idea Group Publishing, 2007. ISBN: 1-59904184-7. USA.
1. Abbou Fouad Mohammed Chuah Hean Teik, S.
P. Majumder, "Limitations of Soliton
transmission in a Cascaded Optical Amplifier System", Journal of Optical Communications,
Vol. 21, No.5, pp. 165 - 170, October 2000.
2. S. P. Majumder, Md. Hasanuzzaman, and F. M. Abbou, '' Performance of a Dispersion
Compensated Optical Direct Detection Line-coded CPFSK System Impaired by SPM ", Journal
of Optical Communications, Vol. 21, No.6, pp. 208 - 212, December 2000.
3. Abbou Fouad Mohammed, Chuah Hean Teik, S.
P. Majumder, "Soliton propagation in
dispersive-nonlinear medium," Fiber and Integrated Optics, Vol. 20, No.2, pp. 197 - 206, March
4. C. H. Chua, F.M. Abbou, H. T. Chuah, and S. P. Majumder, “Performance Analysis on PhaseEncoded OCDMA Communication System in Dispersive Fiber Medium,” IEEE Photonics
Technol. Lett., Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 668-670, February 2004.
5. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T.Chuah, S.P. Majumder and A. A. R. Hairul, "BER Estimation of
Optical WDM, RZ-DPSK Systems through the Differential Phase Q,”. IEEE Photonics Technol.
Lett., Vol. 16, No. 12, pp. 2619- 2621, December 2004.
6. P.M.A. Zahidin, S.P.Majumder, F. M. Abbou, E. M. Razali, “Analytical Evaluation of the impact of
Cross-phase Modulation (XPM) on the BER Performance of a WDM Transmission System”,
Journal of Optical Communications, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 79 - 84, February 2005.
7. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T.Chuah, " Effect of Relative Intensity Noise in Optical Transmission
Systems Employing Wavelength Conversion Based on XPM and MZI", Fiber Integrated Optics,
Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 45 - 54, February 2005.
8. Katrina D. Dambul, F.M. Abbou, H.T.Chuah, “Performance Analysis of IP Traffic over a WDM
Ring Network in the presence of Crosstalk ”, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 2 (2005), No. 5,
pp.149-153. February 2005.
9. Y. M. Karfaa, F. M. Abbou, C.C. Hiew, and H. T. Chuah, “Analysis of Crosstalk Effect in an OXC
employing Wavelength Converters based XPM in SMF in a Multi-wavelength transport Network”,
Journal of Optical Communications, Vol. 26, No.1, pp. 17 - 23, February 2005.
10. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T.Chuah, and S.P. Majumder, “Analysis of Cross-phase Modulation
Effects on a Direct Detection Optical Soliton Transmission System in the Presence of GVD, SPM,
and ASE noise”, Journal of Optical Communications Online 51. Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 17 - 23, April
11. Shamini Subramaniam, F. M. Abbou, H. T. Chuah and K.D. Dambul, “Performance evaluation of
SCM-WDM fiber micro-cellular communication system in the presence of XPM”, IEICE
Electronics Express, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp.1- 6, March 2005.
12. Ezmir M.R, S. P. Majumder*, F. M. Abbou, “Eye Penalty Due to Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM)
in a Single Segment WDM IM/DD Transmission System”, Journal of Optical Communications,
Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 125 - 130, June 2005.
13. A. Abid, F. M. Abbou, H. T. Ewe, “Staged Reservation scheme for Optical Burst Switching
Networks”, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 2, No. 11, pp.327-332, June 2005.
14. S.P Majumder, A. Azhari and F. M. Abbou; “Impact of Fiber Chromatic Dispersion on the BER
Performance of an Optical CDMA IM/DD Transmission System”, IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett.,
Volume 17, Issue 6, pp:1340 - 1342 June 2005.
15. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T.Chuah, S.P. Majumder and A. A. R. Hairul, “Impact of a Post-OTDMDemultiplexing Optical Filter on dense OOK OTDM-WDM Transmission”, Fiber Integrated
Optics, Vol. 24, No. 5, pp. 457 – 470, September-October 2005.
16. Ng Wai Ling, F. M. Abbou, A. Abid, and H. T. Chuah; “Performance Evaluation of FH-OCDMA in
The Presence of GVD and SPM”, IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 2 , No.23, pp.583-588.
December 2005.
17. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T. Chuah, and A. A. R. Hairul, “A Technique to Improve Optical Time
Division Multiplexing-Wavelength Division Multiplexing Performance”, IEICE Electronics
Express, Vol. 2 , No.24, pp.1-6. December 2005.
18. Hakim Mellah and F. M. Abbou, “Contention Resolution in Slotted WDM Optical Packet Switching
Networks using Cascaded Auxiliary Switch”, IEE Proc. Communications, Vol. 153, No. 2, pp.
205 – 206. April 2006.
19. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T. Chuah, S.P. Majumder and A. A. R. Hairul, “Nonlinear BER
Performance of Dense Optical WDM Manhattan Street Network with Deflection Routing”, IEEE
Photonics Technol. Lett. Vol. 18, Issue 9, pp. 1031 – 1033, 2006.
20. H. Mellah, F. M. Abbou, “MPLS over Segmented WDM Optical Packet Switching Networks”,
Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp 431-433, 2006.
21. H. Mellah and F. M. Abbou, " Labeled Burst Switching," Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 6, No
8, pp 1814-1817, 2006.
22. F. M. Abbou, H. T. Chuah, S. P. Majumder, and A. Abid, “Semi-analytical BER Performance of a
Direct Detection Soliton Transmission System,” IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 3 (2006),
No.10, pp.203-208.
23. Tang M. F, Abbou F. M, Abid A., Mishra V.N. and Chuah H.T.," Packet Loss Rate of an Optical
Burst Switch with Nonlinear Optical Loop Mirrors,” IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 3 (2006), No.
11, pp.243-248.
24. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, “Effective Implementation of Burst Segmentation Techniques
in OBS Networks,” International Journal of Information Technology (IJIT), Vol. 3, No. 4,
pp231-236, 2006.
25. Hairul A. Abdul-Rashid, F. M. Abbou, Hean-Teik Chuah, Moncef B. Tayahi, Malik T. Al-Qdah and
Sivakumar Lanka, “System performance optimization in SCM-WDM passive optical networks in
the presence of XPM and GVD”. IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 10, Issue 9, pp 670 - 672,
Sept. 2006.
26. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," Ant-based contention resolution in slotted WDM
optical packet switched networks”, IEICE Electron. Express, Vol. 3, No. 24, pp.540-545, (2006).
27. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," Ant-based contention-resolution schemes for shared
fiber-delay line optical packet switches," INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, March,
28. Nadir Hossain, Ahmed W. Naji, Vivekanand Mishra, Abbou F. Mohammed, Hairul A. A. Rashid
and Faidz Abd. Rahman, “ Numerical analysis and optimization of remotely pumped double pass
Erbium doped fiber amplifier,” IEICE Electronics Express, Vol. 4 (2007), No. 5, pp.172-178.
29. Nadir Hossain, Naji, A. W., Mishra, V., Abbou, F. M., Hairul, A. A. R., and Faidz, A. R. “Numerical
and Experimental Analysis of Remotely Pumped Dual-Function EDFA”, International Journal of
Microwave and Optical Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 162-171, 2007.
30. Nadir Hossain, Naji, A. W., Mishra, V., Abbou, F. M., Al-Mansoori, M. H., Mahdi, M. A., and Faidz,
A. R. “Modeling, Optimization and Experimental Evaluation of Remotely Pumped Double Pass
EDFA”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letter, vol. 49, Issue 9,
pp. 2257-2261,
September 2007.
31. Nadir Hossain, Naji, A. W., Mishra, V., Abbou, F. M., Hairul, A. A. R., and Faidz, A. R.
“Theoretical Analysis, Optimization and Experimental Evaluation of Dual Function DP R-EDFA”,
Journal of Russian Laser Research, Springer, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 294 – 304, 2007.
32. E. C. Sim, F. M. Abbou, A. Faidz, “System Degradation Due to Phase Error Induced Crosstalk in
WDM Optical Networks Employing Arrayed Waveguide Grating Multi/Demultiplexer”. Journal Of
Optical and Quantum Electronics, Springer , Vol. 39, Number 7 pp 553–560, May/2007.
33. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," Ant Algorithm for Amplifier Spontaneous Emission
(ASE)-Aware Routing,” IEICE Electronics Express,Vol. 4,No. 8, pp.264-270, April 2007.
34. Yasin M. Karfaa, M. Ismail, Abbou, F. M, Shaari S., “Evaluation of Linear Crosstalk Effects in
Array Waveguide Grating Router in WDM Networks ,” Journal of Optical Communications,
Vol. 28, No.2 , pp. 100 - 102, Sept. 2007.
35. F. M. Abbou, H. Y. Wong, L. H. Hiap, A. Abid and H. T. Chuah, “Comparison of Walsh Code and
m-Sequence Performance of SPECTS OCDMA in the presence of GVD and SPM”, Journal of
Optical Communications, Vol. 28, No. 2 , pp. 145 - 147, Sept. 2007.
36. H. Mellah and F. M. Abbou, "Analytical Model for Contention Resolution in Synchronous Optical
Packet Switching," Journal of Optical Communications,Vol. 28, No. 2 , pp. 155-157, Sept.
37. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," An Ant-based Algorithm for Dynamic Routing in
Optical WDM Networks," IEE Proc. Communications, No. 4, pp. 693 – 695, August 2007.
38. Katrina D. Dambul, F.M. Abbou, and H. T. Chuah, “Impact of XPM and SRS on the Performance
of IP Traffic over a WDM Ring Network”, Journal of Optical Communications,Vol. 28, No. 3 ,
pp. 198-200, November 2007.
39. Tang M. F, F. M. Abbou, Mishra V.N. and Nadir Hossain, “An efficient buffering- switching
technique based integrated NOLM and loop buffer for OBS network,” Journal of Optical
Communications ,Vol. 28, No. 3 , pp. 212-215 , November 2007
40. F.M. Abbou, H. Y. Wong, H.T. Chuah, C.C. Hiew and A. Abid, “Optical TDM-WDM Propagation
Impairments”. Journal of Optical Communications,Vol. 28, No. 3 , pp. 221-224, November
41. Yasin M. Karfaa, M. Ismail, Abbou, F. M, Shaari S.and S.P. Majumder , “Crosstalk Penalty in an
OXC with Wavelength Converter in the Presence of Interferometric Intensity-Relative Output-ASE
Noises,” Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (23): 3705-3712, 2007.
42. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, “On the Resource Allocation in Optical Burst Switching
Networks," Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (20): 3057-3062, 2007.
43. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," Impact of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) in Ring and
Mesh Topologies For RWA,” Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (24): 4032-4035, 2007.
44. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," Four Wave Mixing (FWM) Aware-Wavelength
Assignment Using Ant-based Algorithm,” Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (23): 3796-3800,
45. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," An efficient Heuristic algorithm for Wavelength
Assignment in WDM Network,” Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (23): 3796-3800, 2007.
46. Saw Chin Tan, F. M. Abbou and H.T. Ewe," Impact Of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) in Routing and
Wavelength Assignment,” American Journal of Applied Sciences 7 (24): 4032-4035, 2007.
47. F.M. Abbou, C.C. Hiew, H.T. Chuah, D.S. Ong, and A. Abid, “A Detailed Analysis of Cross-Phase
Modulation Effects on OOK and DPSK Optical WDM Transmission Systems in the Presence of
GVD, SPM and ASE Noise,” J. R. Laser Research, Springer New York, Vol: 29, Number 1, pp.
57-70, January 2008.
48. F.M. Abbou, H.T. Chuah and C.C. Hiew, and A. Abid, “Comparisons of RZ-OOK and RZ-DPSK in
Dense OTDM-WDM Systems Using Q-Factor Models”, J. R. Laser Research, Springer New
York, Vol: 29, Number 2, pp. 133-141, January 2008.
49. H. Mellah and F. M. Abbou, “Performance Analysis of a Slotted WDM Manhattan Street Network
in the Presence of Physical Limitations," Journal of Optical Communications, Online
publication, No.3, November 2008.
50. S. C. Tan, F. M. Abbou, Ewe Hong Tat, “Selective Assign Shortest Path First (SASPF) algorithm
for RWA in the Presence of Four Wave Mixing”, IET Communications, 7(3), pp.1097-1102, July
51. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, “On The Control Packet Structure of The Optical BurstSwitched Networks,” 4th International conference on Computer Science and Information
Technology CSIT 2006, pp 346-347, 5 - 7 April 2006, Amman, Jordan.
52. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, “Design issues of optical core switches for All-optical Internet
backbone traffic,” International Science Congress (ISC) 2005, Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) module, pp 346-347, 3 - 6 August 2005.
53. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, T. Taibi, “A new signaling and reservation protocol for Optical
Burst Switching networks,” International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia,
Nov. 22 – 24, 2005.
54. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, “QoS provisioning in OBS networks with an easy
improvement to the Staged Reservation Scheme (SRS),” The IEEE
Malaysia International
Conference on Communications (MICC) and the IEEE International Conference on Networks
(ICON). MICC-ICON, 13-14th Dec 2005.
55. H. Mellah, F. M. Abbou and A. Abid, “Self-Routing For Optical Burst Switched Networks”,
Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2005. WOCN 2005. Second IFIP International
March 6 - 8, Page(s): 123 – 125, March 6 - 9, 2005.
56. K.D. Dambul, F.M. Abbou and H.T. Chuah, “Performance Analysis of a WDM Ring Network in the
presence of Accumulated ASE noise”, IEEE LEOS Malaysian Conference on Photonics, vol. 1,
pp 25-29, 30th September 2004, Bangi, Malaysia.
57. A. Abid, F.M. Abbou, and H.T. Ewe, “Partial burst dropping strategy for Optical Burst Switching
Networks,” SoftCOM 2004 12th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications &
Computer Networks, pp 351-355, 2004, Venice, Italy.
58. A. Abid, F. M. Abbou, H. T. Ewe, and H. Mellah, “IP over buffer-less WDM networks using Optical
Burst Switching”, IEEE LEOS Malaysian Conference on Photonics, vol. 1, pp 42-46, 30th
September 2004, Bangi, Malaysia
59. C.C. Hiew, F.M. Abbou, H.T.Chuah, S.P. Majumder and A. A. R. Hairul, " OTDM-WDM
Propagation Impairments and Techniques to Improve Performance," The IASTED International
Conference on COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS (CSN), September 1-3, 2004,
Marbella, Spain.
60. H. Mellah and
F. M. Abbou, A Abid, "A Framework for Labeled Burst Switching," IADAT-
tcn2004, International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Spain,
December 1 - 3, 2004.
61. H. Mellah and Abbou Fouad Mohammed, “Path Protection/Restoration in IP/MPLS-Based
Networks using LSP Tunnels”, 3th International Symposium on Communications and
Information Technologies, ISCIT 2003, pp 635-655, Songkhla, Thailand, 3-5 September 2003.
62. H. Mellah and Abbou Fouad Mohammed, “Local Path Protection/Restoration in MPLS-Based
Networks”, IEEE 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Communication APCC 2003, pp 620-622, 2124 September 2003 Penang, Malaysia.
63. P.M. A. Zahidin, S. P. Majumder, A. F. Mohammed, “Analytical Performance Evaluation of CrossPhase Modulation (XPM) in Multisegments IM/DD WDM Transmission System”, MMU
International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies, M²USIC'03, 2
- 3 October 2003.
64. M.Z Majumder, S. S, Yusoff.; Mohammed A.F.; H. T. Chuah, ”Effect of polarization mode
dispersion on optical heterodyne CPFSK system”, Global Telecommunications Conference,
2000. GLOBECOM '00. IEEE, Volume: 2, 2000. Page(s): 1233 -1236 vol.2
65. Abbou Fouad Mohammed, Chuah Hean Teik, S. P. Majumder, "Soliton Transmission in the
Presence of Higher Order Fiber Nonlinear effects", 1st International East Asian Conference on
Lightwave Systems, lasers & Optoelectronics, 16th -18th March 1999.
66. P. S/O K. Gunaselan and Abbou Fouad Mohammed, "Influence of Spurious Emission On Radio
Signals In Malaysia," RECEE 2000, 16 February 2000 UNITEN, Malaysia.
67. Md. Hasanuzzaman, S. P. Majumder, Abbou F. Mohammed, " Performance Of NRZ And AMI
Coded Optical Direct Detection CPFSK Transmission System Impaired By GVD And SPM", Proc.
2nd International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing '99
(ICICS'99), Singapore, Dec 7-10, 1999.
68. Karfaa, Yasin M.; Ismail, M.; Abbou, F. M; Shaari S.,"Homodyne Linear Crosstalk Impact in an
Array Waveguide Router as an OADM for WDM Networks", Semiconductor Electronics, 2006.
ICSE '06. IEEE International Conference on Oct. 29 2006-Dec. 1 2006 Page(s):319 – 323
69. Nadir Hossain, Hasnayeen, M. A., Naji, A. W., Mishra, V., Abbou, F. M., Hairul, A. A. R. and
Faidz, A. R.
“Numerical Analysis of remotely pumped EDFA incorporated with a CFBG”
Proceedings of the seventh IASTED International Conferences on Wireless and Optical
Communications (WOC’07), May, 30 - June, 1, 2007, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
70. Nadir Hossain, Mishra, V., Hairul, A. A. R., Abbou, F. M., Faidz, A. R., Quadir, S. M. M., AlMansoori, M. H., Mahdi, M. A. and Naji, A. W. “A Numerical Analysis of R-EDFA for Long Haul
OFCS”, Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Science of Electronic,
Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT’07),
Hammamet, Tunisia.
March 25-29, 2007,
71. Nadir Hossain, Naji, A.W., Mishra, V., Abbou, F.M., Hasnayeen, M. A., Hairul, A. A. R. and
Faidz, A. R. “Numerical Analysis of Pump Propagation Direction in Distributed Raman Amplifiers”,
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI)
Association, Thailand (ECTI-CON’07), May 9-12, 2007, Chiang-Rai, Thailand.
72. Nadir Hossain, Mishra, V., Hairul, A. A. R., Abbou, F. M., Faidz, A. R., Al-Mansoori, M. H.,
Mahdi, M. A., and Naji, A. W. “Distributed Raman Amplifiers for Long-Haul OFCS”, Proceedings
of the MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies,
November 16-17, 2006,Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
76. Yasin M. Karfaa, M. Ismail, Abbou, F. M, & Shaari S., “Effects of Crosstalk in an Array
Waveguide Grating Add/Drop Router on the Performance of WDM Networks”, IEEE, ICT – MICC
2007 Proceedings, May 11-14, 2007, Penang, Malaysia.