Returns to education and wage structure in the Philippines: a quantile regression perspective By Jan Carlo B. Punongbayan1 Abstract In the Philippines, education is seen as a crucial pathway in reducing poverty and inequality. However, education can prove to be inequality-increasing if returns to education are found to be larger for higher-income workers than for lower-income workers. In this study we go beyond usual OLS earnings equations and use quantile regressions on the Philippine Labor Force Survey (LFS) to estimate returns to education across the conditional wage distribution. We find that returns to education (especially at higher levels) actually decrease with quantiles (i.e., are higher for low-wage individuals). To our mind this supports efforts to expand access to formal education. At the same time, our findings challenge the merits of promoting the vocational school paradigm, which may limit the ability of low-ability individuals to reap the rewards of investments in higher education. More generally, our results uncover trends in the country’s wage structure which would otherwise not be captured by OLS analysis. We argue that a quantile regression perspective offers a fuller characterization of the country’s wage structure, thereby offering more depth in the analysis and formulation of various labor market policies. Keywords: returns to education; quantile regression; income inequality; Philippine Labor Force Survey JEL Classification: I24, J31 C31 1 Introduction Since the seminal work of Becker [1974] on human capital theory, there has been an explosion of theoretical and empirical work on the demand for and returns to education. The primary workhorse for the empirical estimation of such returns to education was pioneered by Mincer [1974], where earnings is expressed as a function of schooling, experience, and other variables assumed to affect earnings. Not only can the coefficient for schooling be interpreted as the private financial return to schooling, but it can also be understood as the proportionate effect of wages to an additional unit of schooling [Harmon et al. 2003]. For earnings equations estimated using ordinary least squares (OLS), such coefficient captures the effect of education on earnings for someone on the mean wage. Thus far, a great majority of the existing literature on returns to education has relied on OLS, pointing to the (intuitive) stylized fact that extra schooling results in higher wages, on average. OLS, however, ignores the possibility that the returns to schooling may vary for individuals found along different parts of the conditional earnings distribution. That is, it may be incorrect to assume that the schooling-related increment to earnings is constant across the wage distribution — an assumption that OLS makes. For instance, an extra year of schooling may have (significantly) different coefficients 1 The author is presently a Research Assistant at the World Bank’s Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit (PREM). He is a summa cum laude graduate of the University of the Philippines School of Economics in 2009, holds a master’s degree from the same school, and served as Economist for the Securities and Exchange Commission from 2012 to 2013. This paper benefited from helpful clarifications on the LFS by Louie Limkin. 1 between individuals with low wages and those with high wages. Since OLS hides these differential effects across the conditional earnings distribution, an alternative econometric approach to the returns to education puzzle can provide a more holistic understanding of the determinants of earnings. This approach is especially important in understanding the effects of education on earnings inequality. For instance, if ability and education are treated as complements, a finding that schooling has a greater positive effect on high-wage individuals (versus low-wage individuals) may lead to the implication that educational investments should be concentrated among high-ability individuals given the superior returns on their wages. Education, therefore, turns out to be inequality-increasing. On the other hand, if schooling has a greater positive effect on low-wage individuals (versus high-wage individuals), one might conclude that education is inequality-reducing. An empirical understanding of the differential effects of schooling on the conditional earnings distribution, can, therefore, have important public policy implications in terms of education and redistribution (among others). In the Philippines, we are unaware of any previous study which has explored education returns from the perspective of quantile regression. This paper hopes to contribute to the discussion, especially in light of the fact that education remains to be regarded as one of the most surefire pathways out of poverty in the country. Our findings suggest that returns to education actually decrease with quantiles, and education indeed is an inequality-reducing mechanism that justifies the expansion of formal education especially for those with low-ability. These results thereby challenge the policy of segregating students into vocational school and higher education (e.g., the K to 12 program), since this may limit low-ability individuals’ chances of reaping the financial rewards of investing in higher education. More generally, our results also uncover other trends in the wage structure (e.g., pertaining to the gender wage gap and regional wage “penalties”) which would otherwise not be captured by the usual OLS analysis. This paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 provides a quick overview of quantile regression as has been used to study returns to education. Section 3 goes through the basics of quantile regression model and the data and empirical strategy used in this study. Section 4 summarizes and discusses the results and Section 5 explores possible implications. Section 6 concludes. 2 Review of literature The stylized fact that earnings increase with education is well-established [Card 1994], almost to the point of becoming self-evident. However, recent studies suggest that the gap between returns to primary schooling and tertiary schooling has been increasing over time. That is, the returns to post-primary education (i.e., secondary and tertiary school) are increasing relative to the returns to primary education [Fasih et al. 2012; Jimenez and Patrinos 2008]. This would suggest that the usual goal of universal primary education may no longer be adequate in lifting the poor out of poverty, since the poor will have to progress to higher and higher levels of education to enjoy high financial returns to their schooling investment. However, not everyone may benefit from additional education in the same way. For instance, even if individuals enjoyed greater returns from tertiary schooling on average, some individuals may enjoy much greater (or much less) returns than the average individual. This poses a problem if certain 2 individuals (such as high-skilled people) systematically enjoy higher returns to further schooling, since this implies that tertiary schooling is, after all, most beneficial to non-poor individuals than poor individuals. Owing to the implications of heterogeneous returns to schooling on inequality and public policy, there has since been a move to go beyond usual estimations of returns to schooling on average. Among the first to recognize the value of examining the heterogeneous returns to education was Buchinsky [1994]. His research came at a time when competing explanations were used to explain the dramatic changes in wage inequality seen in the US during the 1980s. For instance, while wage inequality within racial groups seemed to have declined in the 1960s, such inequality seems to have risen in the 1970s and even accelerated in the 1980s. Returns to education and experience were seen as crucial in the widening wage gap. Buchinsky [1994] found that while returns to education in the US are higher at the higher quantiles, returns to experience are higher at the lower quantiles. Also, the overall increase in returns to education from the 1960s to the 1980s in the US was primarily due to the increase in the return to college education for new entrants and experienced workers. The study was particularly path-breaking in tracing the returns to education at extreme quantiles of the wage distribution, owing to the availability of household survey data from 1964 to 1988. The stylized fact that returns to education are higher for those at the top of the earnings distribution seems to be a consistent finding among studies of developed countries. Martins and Pereira [2004], drawing evidence from household surveys in 16 countries in North America and Europe, found that the additional earnings associated with schooling is higher for those whose unobservable characteristics place them on the top of the conditional wage distribution. Hence, schooling likely contributes to withingroup inequality. Martins and Pereira [2004] cite possible reasons behind this finding, including over-education (where those with much schooling take on low-paying jobs) and differences in school quality. But one possible explanation, which has since emerged to be among the most prominent in the literature, is the possible interaction between schooling and ability in which those with high ability benefit the most from schooling. At the very least, there seems to be an interaction between schooling and some factors which affect the pay gap and are heterogeneously distributed among workers at any level of education. The evidence from developing countries is more mixed. Patrinos et al. [2009] find that while returns are higher for high-wage individuals in Latin American countries (similar to the trend in North American and European countries), returns are lower for high-wage individuals in East Asian countries. By distinguishing between private and public sector employment, however, it was found that the “equalizing” effect of schooling was found in the public sector, and not so much in the private sector. Hence, this implies that the extent of public sector employment may be another important factor in determining the structure of returns to schooling. In the Philippines, studies on the returns to education are surprisingly few and far in between. Gerochi [2002] estimated a 14% return to college education relative to secondary education, and a larger 17.1% return to elementary education relative to no education. While this study found that returns to education in the Philippines were at par with developed countries, this was contrary to the findings of an earlier 3 study [Tan and Paqueo 1989], which found that educational investments yield lower returns than in the average developing country. One of the latest studies on returns to education in the Philippines is Luo and Terada [2009] who use in their analysis the Labor Force Survey pooled between 2003 to 2007. Aside from finding a monotonic increase in returns for workers with elementary, secondary, and tertiary education (relative to those with no education), they also find that education is the single most important factor contributing to wage differentials (as much as 30% of wage differentials at the national level). To our knowledge, no study has yet looked at returns to education in the Philippines from a quantile regression perspective. In this paper we conduct such an analysis, seeing that returns to education on average may provide a limited view of the wage structure of the Philippines. Our use of quantile regression is also supported by the apparent importance of education in explaining a large part of wage inequality in the Philippines [Luo and Terada 2009]. 3 Estimation methodology This section briefly introduces the method of quantile regression; the nature of the datasets used; and the estimation strategy for the empirical analysis. 3.1 Quantile regression Since the pioneering work of Buchinsky [1994], quantile regression or QR has been the predominant empirical methodology used in examining heterogeneous returns to education. While alternative methodologies such as instrumental variable (IV) and marginal treatment effects (MTE) techniques have also been used, it is perhaps because of the relatively more advanced development of QR theory and its practical implementation (in various statistical software) that gave rise to QR’s being the predominant method of choice.2 QR stems from the seminal work of Koenker and Bassett [1978]. Whereas OLS summarizes the relationship between regressors and an outcome variable based on the conditional mean function πΈ(π¦|π₯), quantile regression considers such relationship using the conditional quantile function ππ (π¦|π₯) wherein the quantile π ∈ (0,1) represents how π¦ splits the data into proportions π below and (1 − π) above. Consider for instance the case of median regression (or least absolute deviations regression), which is a special case of the quantile regression model where π = 0.5. Whereas OLS minimizes the sum of squared residuals, or ∑π ππ2 , median regression minimizes the sum of absolute residuals instead, or ∑π|ππ |. Specifically, for the median case or q=0.5, define π(π¦, π) = ∑π |π¦π − π| . The first order condition is given by: Fasih et al. [2012] comment that the IV technique works best under very strict assumptions on the instrument’s correspondence with the policy, while the MTE technique usually faces severe data limitations. 2 4 ππ(π¦, π) = ∑[πΌ(π’π > 0)(+1) + πΌ(π’π < 0)(−1)] ππ π where π’π = π¦π − π and πΌ(. ) is an indicator function. Hence, a median regression minimizes the sum of residuals such that there are as many π¦π higher than π as there are π¦π smaller than π. Note, however, that the absolute-error loss function is symmetric in that the signs of prediction errors are irrelevant. Hence, for quantiles q other than the median, there is an “asymmetric penalty”. More generally, the quantile regression estimator for quantile q minimizes the weighted sum of absolute residuals such that: argminπ [ ∑ π|π¦π − π₯π′ π| + ∑ (1 − π)|π¦π − π₯π′ π|] π:ππ ≥π₯π′ π π:ππ <π₯π′ π or, equivalently: argminπ ∑ ππ (π¦π − π) π where the weight function is specified by ππ (π’) = π’[π − πΌ(π’ < 0)]. As such, QR minimizes a sum that gives asymmetrical penalties (1 − π)|π¦π − π| for overprediction and π|π¦π − π| for underprediction. This function can be minimized via the simplex method, and a solution is guaranteed to exist in a finite number of iterations. Unlike OLS, QR is more robust to non-normal errors and outliers, and is also invariant to monotonic transformations such as log(.) [Baum 2013]. Hence, the presence of heteroskedasticity (as detected by, say, the Breusch-Pagan test) is particularly useful in justifying the use of QR vis-à-vis OLS. Also, QR can be thought of as a summary of all quantile effects, so that ∫ π(π|π₯)ππ = πΈ[π¦|π₯] where π(π|π₯) = π(π) + π₯π(π) is the qth conditional quantile on π₯ [Bassett Jr. et al 2002]. The QR parameter ππ (π) can be thought of as the effect on the dependent variable due to a unit change in regressor π₯π at a specified quantile q, hence making coefficient interpretations similar to OLS. It is in this sense that QR allows for a richer characterization of the data at hand, since it allows one to uncover the impact of regressors on the entire conditional distribution, and not just on its mean, as what OLS is limited to. 3.2 Data and empirical strategy For our analysis we use the October rounds of the Philippine Labor Force Survey (LFS) from 2001 to 2010. The LFS is a household-level survey conducted quarterly nationwide for the primary purpose of monitoring changes in the employment status of the working age population for a specified period of time [BLES 2011]. The sample size for any given period is around 51,000 households, and considering only individuals for which data on wages, education, and province are non-missing, the 10-year sample is reduced to 341,400 observations (an average of 34,140 per year). 5 Our primary interest in using the LFS is its collection of data on basic pay per day for individuals 15 years old and above. Collected starting 2001, the basic pay variable (also known as basic wage) is defined as “the pay for normal time, prior to deductions of social security contributions, withholding taxes, etc. It excludes allowances, bonuses, commissions, overtime pay, benefits in kind, etc.” [NSO 2010]. This wage variable (deflated using provincial CPI data with 2006 as the base year3), along with data on highest educational attainment and experience (which takes on the usual Mincerian form of age minus years of schooling minus 6), form the basis for our estimations of the wage equation per survey year. We also create dummies by sector for manufacturing and services (with agriculture as the reference category); by occupation for officials/managers/executives and professionals (with workers/laborers as the reference category); and by regional group for Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (with the National Capital Region as the reference category). Table 1. Descriptive statistics by LFS survey year Log real daily wage 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Observations 36,148 33,276 37,794 35,192 32,497 32,069 32,903 32,987 33,749 34,785 Percent of total obs. 10.59 9.75 11.07 10.31 9.52 9.39 9.64 9.66 9.89 10.19 Mean age 34.74 35.01 33.97 34.35 34.61 34.67 35.03 35.16 35.18 35.41 Mean years of educ. 12.47 12.57 12.24 12.27 12.54 12.57 12.64 12.62 12.67 12.71 Mean years of experience 16.27 16.44 15.72 16.09 16.07 16.10 16.39 16.54 16.50 16.70 Mean log daily wage 5.39 5.41 5.31 5.30 5.28 5.28 5.31 5.26 5.27 5.27 10th percentile 4.43 4.46 4.38 4.35 4.35 4.34 4.38 4.41 4.38 4.36 50th percentile 5.43 5.46 5.36 5.35 5.33 5.29 5.34 5.29 5.31 5.30 90th percentile 6.33 6.34 6.26 6.23 6.22 6.20 6.18 6.18 6.23 6.25 Note: All LFS survey years refer to the October round. Years of schooling based on assigned estimated years based on highest educational attainment. Experience=age–years of schooling–6. Table 1 above provides an overview of the yearly LFS data used in terms of years of education, experience, and log of daily wage. Note that while there has been a very slight change in years of education (approximately corresponding to the same category as high school graduate), there has been an 11% decrease in average real daily wages over the same period (average nominal wages, on the other hand, increased by 31% over the same period). What is more, the decrease in average real daily wages is higher for the 50th percentile than for the 10th and 90th percentiles (12% versus 8% and 8%, respectively). 3 Note that wages were not deflated for Zamboanga Sibugay, Compostela Valley, and the City of Isabela (amounting to 1.02% of total observations) due to the absence of such CPI data. 6 4 Results In this section we go through the differences between OLS and QR results for the main covariates used in the regression, namely education, experience, sex, sector and occupation, and region. In between we also analyze apparent changes in the estimated returns over time. But before we proceed, a technical note on the interpretation of coefficients. We recognize the commonly overlooked mistake of interpreting coefficients of dummy variables in semilogarithmic regression models as if they were coefficients for continuous variables. However, as pointed out by Halvorsen and Palmquist [1980], the proper representation of the impact ππ of a zero-one dummy variable on the dependent variable with coefficient ππ is ππ = 100[exp(ππ ) − 1], not ππ = 100ππ . Hence, in all our results below which use dummy variables, reported effects on the log of wages use this more proper interpretation. 4.1 Education Figure 1 below shows that, as might be expected, returns to college education (relative to no education) are highest (an average of 183% by 2010), followed by returns to high school (50% by 2010) and returns to elementary education (14% by 2010). It also appears that from 2001 to 2010 average returns to college seem to have risen the most (45.8 percentage points), relative to returns to high school and elementary education (just 6.5 and 1.2 percentage points, respectively). At this point it is worth noting that our OLS results are largely consistent with earlier findings in the Philippine literature. Luo and Terada [2009] also find a 12% return to elementary education (versus no education), a 49% relative return to high school education, and a 175% return to college education. Similarly, Limkin et al. [2013], in their study of the determinants of the rural-urban wage gap, also find a 49% return to high school education, but a much higher 253% return to college education.4 While returns to college education have increased on average (a 45.8 percentage point difference as shown by the OLS column in Table 2), returns look very differently across the conditional wage quantiles. In particular, returns have actually increased more for those at the higher end of the wage distribution (a 58.5 percentage point increase among those at q=0.90) than those at the lower end (a 27.3 percentage point increase among those at q=0.10). This has led to the trend that, while returns to college education are higher for low-wage workers than high-wage workers in 2010, the gap between them has diminished since 2001. Furthermore, OLS is unable to uncover these underlying changes in the return to college education across the quantiles, as signified by the asterisks in Table 2 and the trends shown in Figure 2.5 Note that these previous studies’ results were already adjusted to account for the proper interpretation of dummy variables in semilog regression models. Hence, it is possible that previously published returns to education in the Philippines may be understated by the non-adjustment of coefficients as outlined by Halvorsen and Palmquist [1980]. 5 Our use of QR is further justified by the finding that all OLS regressions from 2001 to 2010 (using whether education dummies or years of education) are characterized by heteroskedasticity as found by implementing the Breusch-Pagan test. 4 7 Figure 1. OLS versus QR results — returns to education over time* 200.0% 180.0% Percent returns 160.0% College 140.0% 120.0% 100.0% 80.0% High school 60.0% 40.0% Elementary 20.0% 0.0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Elem.-OLS Elem.-Q10 Elem.-Q90 HS-OLS HS-Q90 College-OLS College-Q10 College-Q90 2009 2010 HS-Q10 *Note: Reference category is “no education”. Table 2. OLS versus QR results — returns to college OLS Q10 2001 137% 155% 2002 140% 155% 2003 134% 143% 2004 138% 149% 2005 171% 182% 2006 165% 172% 2007 154% 152% 2008 162% 161% 2009 173% 173% 2010 183% 183% Difference (2001 to 2010) 46% 27% Q90 * * * * * 110% 126% 125% 118% 148% 150% 148% 153% 161% 169% 59% *QR estimate significantly different from OLS estimate (i.e., they fall outside the 95% OLS estimate C.I.). All estimates significant at α=1%. 8 * * * * * * * * * Figure 2. OLS versus QR results across quantiles — returns to college 200% 190% 2010 2010 2010 Percent returns 180% 2010 2010 2001 2010 2010 170% 2010 2010 2010 2003 160% 2001 150% 2001 2004 2001 2005 2001 140% 130% 2006 2001 2001 2007 120% 2001 110% 2008 2001 2001 100% OLS q10 q20 2002 q30 q40 q50 q60 q70 q80 2009 2001 q90 2010 Quantiles As an alternative perspective to the returns to education results, we have also estimated OLS and QR results using years of education instead of the dummy variables for educational attainment. What we get is a similar result in that returns to an extra year of education do seem to increase over time (from 2001 to 2010) but that OLS has a difficult time capturing changes in trends across wage quantiles, especially for those at the higher portions of the wage distribution. Breaking down returns by quantile as in Figure 3 below, we see that while OLS estimates do capture returns for the lower quantiles (e.g., q=0.10), they do not fully capture changes in return trends in other quantiles, especially for the highest quantiles (e.g., q=0.60 to 0.90). In particular, returns to education for these higher wage quantiles consistently fall below and outside the confidence range of the OLS estimates. In 2005 for instance, while OLS captured the increase in returns to education among lowwage individuals, OLS failed to show that returns for high-wage individuals actually did not increase as much. Figure 3. OLS versus QR results across time — returns to years of education 10.00% OLS OLS 9.50% OLS 9.00% OLS q10 OLS q10 Percent returns 8.50% 8.00% OLS q10 6.50% 6.00% q90 q10 q90 q10 OLS q90 q10 7.00% q90 q80 q10 q10 q10q90 OLS OLS 7.50% OLS q90 q80 q80 q90 q80 q90 q70 q80 q80 OLS q80 q10 OLS-C1 q90 q10q90 q80 q80 OLS-C2 5.00% 2002 2003 2004 q80 q90 q80 5.50% 2001 q60 2005 2006 2007 9 2008 2009 2010 4.2 Experience To derive returns to experience, we need to evaluate it at certain levels of experience using the formula π½2 + 2π½3 πΈ (where the betas are the coefficients for experience E and its square). We choose 5 and 15 years for those with low experience and high experience, respectively. Figure 4 below shows that returns per extra year of experience is higher among the less experienced than the experienced (as is expected). Also, among the less experienced, while returns have increased among low-wage workers (those in q=0.10), returns among the high-wage workers have actually declined considerably (by almost half a percentage point over the 10-year period). Among those with more experience, the high-wage workers have also experienced a notable decline in returns to experience than those with lower wages (although the decline is muted relative to their relatively less experienced counterparts). It is possible that this trend of decreasing returns to experience for high-wage individuals comes from greater job mobility among the high-wage workers (whether less or more experienced), and that moving from one job to the other is becoming less and less of a liability in terms of career movements. Hence, an additional year of experience does not count as much as other factors affecting wages. Figure 4. OLS versus QR results across time — returns to experience (5 yrs. and 15 yrs.) 2.4% 2.2% OLS - 5y Percent returns 2.0% q10 - 5y q90 - 5y 1.8% q90 - 5y q90 - 5y q90 - 5y q50 - 5y q90 - 5y q90 - 5y q90 - 5y 1.6% q90 - 5y OLS - 15y q90 - 5y 1.4% q10 - 15y q90 - 5y q90 - 5y q90 - 15y 1.2% q90 - 15yq90 - 15y q90 - 15y q90 - 15y q90 - 15y q90 - 15yq90 - 15y 1.0% q90 - 15y q50 - 15y q90 - 15y q90 - 15y 0.8% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4.3 Sex OLS tells us that males earn higher wages than females on average, but the QR estimates qualify that this is more the case among low-wage earnings than high-wage earners. As shown in Figure 5, the quantile returns to being male are significantly higher for those at q=0.10 than those at q=0.90. Moreover, such returns fall outside the estimates derived from OLS, especially for the extreme ends. 10 Lastly, it appears that such wage gap has increased over time across all quantiles, but especially among those in the lower wage quantiles.6 Figure 5. OLS versus QR results across quantiles — sex dummy 70.0% 2005 2005 60.0% 2005 Percent returns 50.0% 2005 2010 2010 2010 40.0% 30.0% 2010 2001 2005 2010 2001 2001 2005 2010 2001 20.0% 2001 2005 2005 2005 2010 2001 2001 2005 2010 2001 2010 2001 2010 2001 q70 q80 q90 10.0% 0.0% OLS q10 q20 q30 q40 q50 q60 Quantiles 4.4 Sector and occupation Returns to employment in the manufacturing sector (vis-à-vis the agricultural sector) are higher compared to the relative return on the services sector. But across both manufacturing and services, there seems to be a concave pattern of quantile returns, in that returns increase from the low-wage to midwage earners, and then begin to decline until one reaches the highest-wage earners. In other words, returns to working in these sectors increase as one’s wages increases, but at a diminishing rate across quantiles. Also, with respect to occupation, it appears that the wage premium for officials, managers, and executives (vis-à-vis workers and laborers) increase along the wage distribution. But as for professionals (including those in academia) returns are particularly lower for those at the higher end of the wage distribution. A further breakdown will reveal that much of this trend comes from public sector employment among professionals, rather than private sector employment. These results conform with the earlier findings of Patrinos et al. [2004] where it was found that public sector employment may actually comprise a different wage structure than the private sector. 4.5 Region In a sense, the regional dummy variables can be thought of as wage “penalties” for those not situated in the National Capital Region. As one might expect, such “penalty” is lower for Luzon than in the Visayas and Mindanao.7 We leave for future study the implementation of Heckman’s sample selection model to account for possible sample selection bias. Note that at present variables required to execute such model are not available in the LFS datasets alone. 6 11 But over time, the OLS estimates suggest that the penalty is growing across the regions, and also across all quantiles according to the QR results (albeit at varying degrees). For instance, while in 2001 the minimum penalty is 11% (for the highest wage decile in Luzon) and the maximum is 35% (for the 4th decile in Mindanao), in 2010 the minimum is 23% (for the highest wage decile in Luzon) and the maximum is 50% (for the lowest wage decile in Mindanao). While the overall average trends given by OLS may suggest the worsening primacy of wages in the NCR, the QR results further characterize which segments of the wage distribution in each region face the greatest increases in such wage penalties over time. Figure 6 below elaborates on the QR returns for Visayas, for example: over the years returns for the lowest-wage earners (q=0.10) have gone down the most relative to other parts of the wage distribution — a trend that OLS fails to reflect. Similar trends are also apparent for the Luzon and Mindanao dummies, but the quantile trends are not as striking as those for the Visayas dummy. Figure 6. OLS versus QR results across quantiles — Visayas dummy -20.0% 2001 Percent returns -25.0% 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 -30.0% -35.0% 2010 2010 2010 -40.0% 2010 2010 2010 -45.0% 2010 2010 -50.0% OLS 2010 q10 q20 2010 q30 q40 q50 q60 q70 q80 q90 Quantiles 5 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Implications Our results indicate that OLS has difficulty capturing the returns to education especially for the higher wage quantiles. Also, much of the discrepancy between OLS and QR comes in the college dummy. This might provide an indication that current returns to college education may be overestimated for those with higher wages, than those with lower wages. But this is not to say that the gap between both ends of the wage spectrum has not improved: as seen in Figure 2, returns to college for high-wage earners seems to have caught up over time to the returns enjoyed by low-wage earners. 7 These results also conform with the findings of Limkin et al. [2013], who find that the gap between rural and urban wages is around 33%. However we only consider in the paper NCR vis-à-vis the rest of the country, which is a more aggregated treatment of the rural-urban wage gap. 12 Thus, in accordance with findings in the literature (particularly Patrinos et al. [2009]), the Philippine labor market seems to display an “equalizing” effect of education on financial returns, in that those in the higher end of the wage distribution do not enjoy significantly greater returns than those at the lower end. In fact, quite the opposite is true. In this sense, if ability is taken to be a complement to education (as is widely proposed in the literature), education (particularly higher education) remains a viable investment even for those with low ability. In other words, this suggests that (higher) education is indeed inequality-reducing in the Philippines, justifying increased educational investments across the board. This result therefore also puts into question the merits of programs (such as the K to 12 Basic Education Program of the Department of Education) which promote vocational education for those with low ability, in that segregating high school graduates into those taking up vocational school and higher education may limit the ability of low-ability individuals to reap the financial rewards of investments in higher education. Aside from returns to education, the estimated QR effects tend to behave similarly and consistently across quantiles, whether we use education dummies or years of education: The gender wage gap seems to be higher among low-wage earners; returns to manufacturing and service industry employment both have concave trends across quantiles; the wage premia for officials and executives increase across quantiles but decrease among professionals; and the wage “penalties” for those in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao are particularly high for the lowest-wage earners, and low for the highest-wage earners. Furthermore, our analysis examines how such quantile effects have changed over time. In particular, our findings uncover a possibly increasing gender wage gap across quantiles (especially for the lowest wage quantiles), as well as a possibly increasing regional wage penalties (also for the lowest wage quantiles). These bring to light issues which might require policy intervention but are otherwise not captured by standard OLS studies. Although the possible interventions may prove to be complex and interrelated (e.g., policies which promote employment growth in the regions and at the same time promote greater gender wage equality), our findings point to the usefulness of using a quantile perspective in order to look at wages and uncover a fuller characterization of the wage structure and its correlates. From a policy viewpoint, the QR methodology arguably offers a superior description of the overall wage structure, thereby offering more power and depth in the analysis and formulation of labor market policies. 6 Conclusion Our study used the method of quantile regression to examine the wage structure of the Philippine labor market, focusing on the returns to education. Our findings are consistent with findings from other Asian countries in that education tends to “equalize” returns across the conditional wage distribution, in that, if ability and schooling are taken to be complements, high-ability individuals do not enjoy superior returns to education vis-à-vis their low-ability counterparts. In fact, quite the reverse is true. On the one hand, this finding supports efforts toward greater educational access and investments across the board, since education (particularly higher education) remains a viable investment even for those with low ability. On the other hand, our results also put into question the merits of programs such as K to 12 Basic Education Program which segregate students into vocational school and higher education, 13 thereby possibly limiting the ability of low-skilled individuals to reap the rewards of investments in higher education. Our results also uncover a number of trends over time, such as a growing gender wage gap especially for low-wage individuals, and a growing wage penalty for those in the regions especially for low-wage individuals. We leave for future study a full exploration of possible reasons for these emergent trends, but our results do underscore the merits of studying the overall wage structure from a quantile regression perspective, which moves away from the limited focus on “average” returns. References Bassett Jr., G., M. Tam and K. Knight [2002] “Quantile models and estimators for data analysis”, Metrika 55(1-2): 17-26. Baum, C. [2013] “Quantile regression”, lecture notes for Applied Econometrics, Boston College, Spring 2013. Buchinsky, M. [1994] “Changes in the US wage structure 1963-1987: application of quantile regression”, Econometrica 62: 405-458. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Employment [2011] “Session on Labor Force Survey”, LearnStat: Learning Statistics the Easy Way. 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