Table of contents
Nomenclature ......................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2 Content, structure and accessibility of the background report ........................ 9
3 General aspects in the background report ....................................................... 9
5.3 Product description .................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
5.4 Area of application .................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
A4-A5, Construction process stage, information modules ..........................................14
B1-B5, Use stage, information modules related to the building fabric .........................14
B6-B7, Use stage, information modules related to the operation of the building .........15
D Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary, information module ....................16
Description of the system boundary in the background report ...................................17
Table of contents
Description of the allocation processes in the background report ...............................20
6.6 Description of the unit processes in the background report ................................. 20
7 Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment ..................... 21
7.1 Indicators for the life cycle inventory analysis according to FprEN 15804 .............. 21
7.2 Indicators for the life cycle impact assessment according to FprEN 15804 ............ 22
8 Life cycle interpretation ................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
9 Documentation of additional information ........ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
9.1 Laboratory results and scenario-related informationОшибка! Закладка не
9.2 Documentation for the calculation of the reference service life (RSL) ........ Ошибка!
Закладка не определена.
Annex A Description of Selected Impact CategoriesОшибка! Закладка не
Annex B Quality assurance at [name of the company]Ошибка! Закладка не
List of figures
List of tables
Abiotic Depletion Potential
Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential for elements
Abiotic Resource Depletion Potential of fossil fuels
Acidification Potential
Benefits and Loads Beyond the System Boundary
Centrum voor Milieukunde, Leiden (NL)
Components for re-use
Exported energy per energy carrier
Eutrophication Potential
Environmental Product Declaration
Use of net fresh water
Global Warming Potential
Hazardous waste disposed
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
Materials for energy recovery
Materials for recycling
Use of non-renewable secondary fuels
Non hazardous waste disposed
Ozone Layer Depletion Potential
Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Use of non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Total use of non-renewable primary energy resources
Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Total use of renewable primary energy resources
Product Category Rules
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential
Use of renewable secondary fuels
Reference Service Life
Radioactive waste disposed
Use of secondary material
General information
1 Scope
This document is the background report for the report on the life cycle assessment results of the product. The study conducted, follows the provisions and guidelines of EeBGuide.
2 Content, structure and accessibility of the background report
The background report provides the systematic and comprehensive summary of the project documentation supporting the verification of an EeBGuide compliant product LCA. The project report shall record that both the LCA based information and the additional information meet the requirements of EeBGuide of the Energy- efficient Building Initiative. It will be/was made available to the verifier with the requirements on confidentiality stated in
ISO 14025.
The background report should contain any important data and information for the data as required by the European Standard. Special attention is paid to transparently demonstrate how the data and information declared in the results from the LCA study, and how the reference RSL has been established.
3 General aspects in the background report
The present LCA study of the company is performed by the external/internal practitioner and has been conducted according to the requirements of the European Standard Ошибка!
Источник ссылки не найден.. The background report was sent/will be sent to verification as mentioned. Further details can be found in the table “General Information”.
4 Goal/ Purpose of the study
The aim of this study is the calculation and interpretation of the LCA results for the product.
The table “Goal/ Purpose of the study” illustrates important points regarding the purpose of the study.
Table 1: Goal/ Purpose of the study
5 Scope of the study
Declared / functional unit
The declaration refers to the declared/functional unit of [xxx (e.g. 1kg, 1m³)].
Table 2: Functional unit
(Describe the functional unit of your product into more detail.)
Declaration of construction products classes
The following table describes the building into more detail:
Table 3: Technical description of building
System boundaries
The system boundaries of the product LCA follow the modular design defined by /Ошибка!
Источник ссылки не найден./. The following chapters describe the modules which are within the scope of this study. The modules included are in-line with the following table:
Table 4: Definitions for the different study types
according to SBA Common Metrics Framework 2009 and EeBGuide adaptations
O relevance?
mandatory optional because of minor relevance
O data?
Study type optional due to potentially missing data
Before use stage
A1 A2
Generic data for foreground system
Generic data for background system
Specific data for foreground system
Generic data for background system
Specific data for foreground system
Generic data for background system
A4 A5
Screening - Simplified - Complete according to SBA Common Metrics Framework 2009 and EeBGuide adaptations
O relevance?
O data?
Study type
Use stage
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Estimations or literature specific when focus on it
Literature or specific energy use
Complete Literature or specific energy use
according to SBA Common Metrics Framework 2009 and EeBGuide adaptations
O relevance?
O data?
Study type
End of Life
Benefits beyond boundary
C1 C2 C3 C4
EoL data sets
Generic LCA data sets for reuse-/ recovery-/ recycling potential
Specific or generic LCA data for EOL processes
Specific or generic
LCA data for reuse-/ recovery- / recycling potential
Specific or generic LCA data for EOL processes
Specific or generic
LCA data for reuse-/ recovery- / recycling potential
Following chapters for the different modules should only be described for those included within the study. For those modules that are not included, it should be documented with a single sentence (e.g. the construction process stage is not taken into consideration in this study.)
A1-A3, Product stage, information modules
The product stage includes:
A1, raw material extraction and processing, processing of secondary material input (e.g. recycling processes),
A2, transport to the manufacturer,
A3, manufacturing,
Including provision of all materials, products and energy, packaging processing and its transport, as well as waste processing up to the end-of waste state or disposal of final residues during the product stage.
The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the product stage:
Figure 5-1: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the production module (A1-
Table 5: Module A1-A3
A4-A5, Construction process stage, information modules
The construction process stage includes:
A4, transport to the construction site;
A5, installationinto the building;
Including provision of all materials, products and energy, as well as waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during the construction process stage.
These information modules also include all impacts and aspects related to any losses during this construction process stage (i.e. production, transport, and waste processing and disposal of the lost products and materials).
The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the construction process stage:
Figure 5-2: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the construction process stage (A4-A5)
Table 6: Module A4-A5
B1-B5, Use stage, information modules related to the building fabric
The use stage, related to the building fabric includes:
B1, use or application of the installed product;
B2, maintenance;
B3, repair;
B4, replacement;
B5, refurbishment.
Including provision and transport of all materials, products and related energy and water use, as well as waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during this part of the use stage. These information modules also include all impacts and aspects related to the losses during this part of the use stage (i.e. production, transport, and waste processing and disposal of the lost products and materials).
The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the use stage related to the building fabric:
Figure 5-3: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the use stage (modules related to the building fabric B1-B5)
Table 7: Module B1-B5
B6-B7, Use stage, information modules related to the operation of the building
The use stage related to the operation of the building includes:
B6, operational energy use (e.g. operation of heating system and other building related installed services);
B7, operational water use;
These information modules include provision and transport of all materials, products, as well as energy and water provisions, waste processing up to the end-of-waste state or disposal of final residues during this part of the use stage.
The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the use stage related to the operation of the building:
Figure 5-4: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the use stage (modules related to the operation of the building)
Table 8: Module B6-B7
C1-C4 End-of-life stage, information modules
The end-of-life stage includes:
C1, de-construction, demolition:
C2, transport to waste processing;
C3, waste processing for reuse, recovery and/or recycling;
C4, disposal including provision and all transports, provision of all materials, products and related energy and water use.
The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for the End-of-life stage:
Figure 5-5: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the End-of-life stage (C1-
Table 9: Module C1-C4
D Benefits and loads beyond the system boundary, information module
Module D includes reuse, recovery and/or recycling potentials.
The following flowchart represents the system boundaries for benefits/loads beyond the system boundary:
Figure 5-6: schematic representation of the LCA system boundaries for the benefits and loads beyond the product system boundary in module D
Table 10: Module D
Overview over the included Life cycle stages
The table summarizes the included Lifecycle stages.
Figure 7: Included lifecycle stages
Electric energy mix
The selection of the background data for the electricity generation is in line with EeBGuide.
The following assumptions were made:
(A table with specifications on power generation should be added, including the reference year).
[No/ the following] CO
-certificates are considered in this study.
Description of the system boundary in the background report
The definition of the system boundaries meets the requirements of EeBGuide.
(A description of the criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs (cut-off rules) and the assumptions made must be documented. A list of non-represented processes must be reported.)
Data collection follows the guidance provided in /Ошибка! Источник ссылки не
найден./, clause 4.3.2. The calculation procedures described in /Ошибка! Источник
ссылки не найден./ are applied consistently throughout the study.
According to the definition of scope of the study, all relevant inputs and outputs related to the products or product systems are identified and quantified.
More details on the models and unit processes are illustrated in chapter 6.6.
Except for the required modules A1 to A3, which described the product stage, the calculation for the other modules is based on assumptions, described as scenarios.
[please describe the scenarios, if necessary for each life cycle stage separately]
A detailed description of the scenario(s) can be found in chapter 8.
(If an optional module of the life cycle is declared, the additional technical information related to the scenario underlying this module, e. g. recycling or reuse rates, is a required part of the information of the declared information module)
As a general rule, specific data derived from specific production processes or average data derived from specific production processes shall be the first choice as a basis for calculating a product LCA.
For life cycle modeling of the considered component, service or product, [software XY] is used. All relevant background datasets are taken from [name of database] database. The datasets from the [name of database] database are documented in [source of documentation]. The applied data sets are representative for the year [indicate year] and have a [global, regional, national coverage].
The description of the type of data and background data used must be reported (specific / generic)
The requirements for data quality and background data correspond to the specifications of
[The Data sets are based on 1 year averaged data.
The time period over which inputs to and outputs from the system is accounted for is 100 years from the year for which the data set is deemed representative.
The technological background of the collected data reflects the physical reality of the declared product / product group.
The datasets are complete and conform to the system boundaries and the criteria for the exclusion of inputs and outputs]
For life cycle modeling of the considered products the software [name of the software]
System for Life Cycle Engineering, developed by [compony of the software], is used. All relevant background datasets are taken from [name of the database] database and provided by the company [name of the firm]. The last revision of the used data sets took place less than [xxx years ago].
Generic data shall be checked for plausibility. Guidance for the selection and use of generic data is provided in CEN/TR 1594.
The background report must contain:
- the data sets used and their sources (e.g. name of the database, literature source), including details of the year for which the data is representative,
- the representativeness of the data sets used,
- the treatment of missing data,
- the data quality
In the present study no/a [name allocation] allocation has been made. Detailed explanations can be found in the chapters below.
(The following allocations have to be described if relevant:
- Allocations in the use of secondary materials as raw materials,
- Allocation of co-products (Distinction from other products manufactured in the plant),
- Allocation at multi-input processes if carried out in the modeling,
- Allocation procedure of reuse, recycling and recovery.
The chosen allocation methods and the allocation factors from independent sources have to be justified. The consistent application of the allocation rules must be documented.)
Co-product allocation
[No/the following] allocation rules are considered: [xxx]
Allocation of multi-Input processes
Different products are treated together within a process, as for example in a waste incineration plant, biomass power plant or landfill. The allocation is based on a physical classification of the mass flows.
Optionally, the environmental impacts associated with the inputs should be allocated according to how they affect the following production processes.
[No/the following] multi-input allocation rules are considered: [xxx]
Allocation procedure of reuse, recycling and recovery
[No/the following] allocation procedure for reuse, recycling and recovery are considered:
Description of the allocation processes in the background report
The application of allocation rules meets the requirements of the EeBGuide.
The modeling of the unit processes reported for the LCA are documented in a transparent way and respecting the confidentiality of the data present in the background report, as for example:
The allocation of corporate data to data sets from LCA programs
The assignment of process data to the subsections of the life cycle in the LCA
(This can be represented in a tabular manner or as flow diagrams (e.g. screenshots made from the LCA program)
Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment
The results of the LCA for all modules A1 to D are represented in the following tables. The inventory analysis indicators to be declared and the impact assessment are in accordance with EN 15804.
The following environmental indicators apply data based on the LCI. They describe the use of renewable and non-renewable material resources, renewable and non-renewable primary energy and water.
Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Use of renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Total use of renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials)
Use of non renewable primary energy excluding non renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Use of non renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials
Total use of non renewable primary energy resources (primary energy and primary energy resources used as raw materials)
Use of secondary material
Use of renewable secondary fuels
Use of non renewable secondary fuels
Use of net fresh water
MJ, net calorific value
MJ, net calorific value
MJ, net calorific value
MJ, net calorific value
MJ, net calorific value
MJ, net calorific value kg
MJ, net calorific value
MJ, net calorific value m³
The indicators describing waste categories and other material flows are output flows derived from LCI.
Other environmental information describing waste categories is described next:
Hazardous waste disposed kg
Non hazardous waste disposed
Radioactive waste disposed kg kg
Other environmental information describing output flows is described next:
Components for re-use kg
Materials for recycling
Materials for energy recovery kg kg
Exported energy
Life cycle inventory analysis and life cycle impact assessment
MJ per energy carrier
The following information on environmental impacts is expressed with the impact category parameters of LCIA using characterisation factors
Global warming potential (GWP);
Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer (ODP);
Acidification potential of soil and water, (AP);
Eutrophication potential (EP);
Formation potential of tropospheric ozone (POCP);
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP-elements) for non-fossil resources
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP-fossil fuels) for fossil resources kg CO
-equiv. kg CFC 11- equiv kg SO
- equiv kg (PO
) 3 - equiv kg Ethene - equiv kg Sb - equiv
MJ, net calorific value
In fact, the results from the impact assessment are only relative statements which give no information about the endpoint of the impact categories, overstepping of threshold values, safety margins or risk.
The table below illustrates the used environmental indicators.
Figure 8: Used environmental indicators
Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.
The following table illustrates the parameters used in the Baseline scenario.
Table 11: Description of the parameter “Baseline scenario”
Table 12: Overview over the building LCA results
Figure 9: Results Indicators - life cycle stages
[please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly]
[please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly]
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тексту, который должен здесь отображаться.
The table below illustrates the used environmental indicators.
Figure 10: Used environmental indicators
In the following table the varied parameters of the scenario are described.
Table 13: Description of the parameter “Scenario”
The following tables and figures show the results of the scenario.
Table 14: Overview over the building LCA results
Figure 11:Results Indicators - life cycle stages
[please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly]
[please insert some important tables and graphs and describe the result briefly]
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тексту, который должен здесь отображаться.
Ошибка! Используйте вкладку "Главная" для применения Überschrift 1 к
тексту, который должен здесь отображаться.
[please describe the conclusion briefly]
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Laboratory results and scenario-related information
The product LCA is based on the following documents/ evidence:
(Please insert links to documents/ evidence)
Documentation for the calculation of the reference service life (RSL)
The documentation of the RSL [is/is not] required for the EPD of the company since the entire life cycle [is/is not] declared. The RSL of [xxx] years is optionally specified.
(Please consider if relevant [EN 15804, chapter 6.3.3]: „RSL information to be declared in an
EPD covering the use stage shall be provided by the manufacturer. The RSL shall refer to the declared technical and functional performance of the product within a building. It shall be established in accordance with any specific rules given in European product standards and shall take into account ISO 15686-1, -2, -7 and -8. Where European product standards provide guidance on deriving the RSL, such guidance shall have priority.”)