Data Analytics Bootcamp Date: Week of June 22nd Our world now is awash in data of many different types and often interesting or important questions can be answered with the right kind of data and the appropriate analysis program. This summer course is designed to introduce student to modern methods of looking at large volumes of observations and measurement to gain quantitive understanding of problems and answer questions. With some knowledge of some analytics software and familiarity with some statistical techniques and plots it is easy to unlock a wealth of information. Information that may not be obvious by just looking at the numbers on a spread sheet. Overall idea is to teach applied data analytics to high school students. Software used will be R and a bit of Python. . Main format will be short lectures followed by practical exercises, with instructors providing hands-on support. There will be other activities included in the workshop, namely a tour of the NCAR facility as well of the Wyoming Super computing site. Things to do: 1) Create flyer and think about distribution at high schools, deadlines 2) Arrange tour of NCAR [Dorit] 3) Arrange tour of Wyoming Super Computing Site [Go through CISL EOT Carolyn/silvia can help] 4) Find guest lectures [Dorit and Doug, ideas: Jennifer Hoeting at CSU] [Dorit], Will Kleiber [Dorit, he has tentatively confirmed], Srinath? [Dorit], Allison Baker ? [Dorit], Sheri Mickelson (TDD) Mandy Herring (CSM), Mari Tye (MMM) could also involve some SIPARCS interns depending on who they are. Will might like to give an overview lecture on spatial statistics. 5) Work with Silvia and Carolyn on administrative details [Dorit and Doug] breaks, laptops, parental permission forms. 6) Think about creating a pre-survey and sending out a preparatory survey [Dorit and Doug] 7) Ask Al to give short welcome speech. 8) Discuss materials with Doug: Idea: use selected chapters from “An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R” for the foundational lectures followed by working with the fields package, Will might like to give an overview lecture on spatial statistics.) Hands on exercises that use chapter topics and are related to geophysical data. Can use front range/boulder examples to make more immediate. 9) Get a Climate Scientist to give a lecture? Maybe Clara Desser? This may be too much. Another person is Yaga Richter.