Tricaine MPS

Input Communication for November’2013
Common Input for ATM Brands
Input Detailing: Special Issue of Frontline Magazine - Differential Allocation
Suggested communication:
Sir, kindly accept this special issue of Frontline Magazine on the occasion of completing 100
glorious years of Indian Film Industry. I am sure you will really enjoy reading & knowing
more about Indian Cinema. This comes to you from…
For Tricaine-MPS Drs:
... Tricaine-MPS - The ‘Jubilee antacid, anti-flatulent, anaesthetic formula...completing its
silver jubilee this year. Sir, in hyperacidity, gastritis, epigastric pain, prescribeTricaine-MPS,
The first and the only one antacid, anti-flatulent & anaesthetic formula.
For Azistart-O Drs:
... Azistart O. Sir, in empirical therapy of Polymicrobial infections (like URTI, LRTI & AOM),
Fever of unknown origin & Typhoid fever, Azi start super spectrum Azistart-O for sure shot
Azistart-O has IR-SR technology where Azithromycin is instant release that dissolves in
minutes andOfloxacin is sustained release. Please pass on the benefits of this unique
combination Azistart O to your patients for sure shot results.
For Minmin Tonic Drs:
Minmin Tonic-The Complete Tonic Formula; Minmin contains Hematinic formula along with
Proteins, Vitamins, Minerals & Amino acids. Minmin Tonic is available in 5ml dosage which
ensures 40 dosages in 200ml bottle. Minmin Tonic is alcohol & sugar free, so can be safely
prescribed in Diabetic patients.
Sir, in General Weakness, Iron deficiency anemia, Pregnancy & Lactation, Growing Children,
Post-surgical Convalescence & Anorexia prescribe Minmin Tonic-The Complete Tonic
Input Detailing: Fever cards – 20 / TBM
Suggested Communication:
Dear Sir, in Typhoid Fever Azi start super spectrum Azistart-O for sure shot results.
(Azithromycin 500mg and Ofloxacin 400mg SR Tablets)
Open the card:
Sir, due to its negligible relapse rate and faecal carriage, and its favourable outpatient
compliance, azithromycin could become the preferred drug of choice over ceftriaxone,
ofloxacin & chloramphenicol in Typhoid Fever.
Sir, Half-life of Azithromycin is 68 Hrs while that of Ofloxacin is just 3-4Hrs & it works only
for 9 Hrs. Azithromycin concentrates intracellularly & 50% is excreted unchanged in bile.
Cefixime concentrates less intracellularly & is excreted through kidney.
Azithromycin has convenient OD dosage while Cefixime is to be given BID.
Sir, the average terminal half-life of azithromycin is 68 Hrs
Azistart-O Offers double targeted action wherein Azithromycin acts on 50s subunit of
bacterial ribosome & Ofloxacin inhibits DNA Gyrase.
Sir, In empirical therapy of Polymicrobial infections (like URTI, LRTI & AOM), Fever of
unknown origin & Typhoid fever pass on the benefits of Azistart-O to your patients for sure
shot results.
Sir, Azistart-O has IR-SR technology where Azithromycin is instant release that dissolves in
minutes and Ofloxacin is sustained release. Once daily Azistart-O is recommended to be
taken 1 Hr. after food.
Tricaine MPS
Input Detailing: Bottle shaped Reminder Cards: Scorpio: 50 / TBM
Suggested communication:
Sir, this bottle shaped reminder card of Tricaine-MPS will reveal the secret Personality
Traits of Scorpio’s.
Sir, in hyperacidity, gastritis, epigastric pain, prescribeTricaine-MPS, The first and the only
one antacid, anti-flatulent, anesthetic formula.
Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide in balanced 2:1 ratio provides prompt
relief from hyperacidity. Simethicone relieves flatulence immediately. Oxethazaine offers
prolonged anaesthetic effect.
Prescribe Tricaine-MPS, The first and the only one antacid, anti-flatulent anaesthetic
Input Detailing: Tricaine-MPS Diwali Posters: 25 / TBM
Take permission from your doctor to stick this poster as a part of Patient Education
Suggested Communication:
Sir, the Feast and Festivals of the season may cause Hyperacidity to your patients.
Sir, in hyperacidity, gastritis, epigastric pain, prescribeTricaine-MPS, The first and the only
one antacid, anti-flatulent, anesthetic formula.
Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide in balanced 2:1 ratio provides prompt
relief from hyperacidity. Simethicone relieves flatulence immediately. Oxethazaine offers
prolonged anaesthetic effect.
Prescribe Tricaine-MPS, The first and the only one antacid, anti-flatulent anaesthetic
Also, prescribe Rabee, the rapid acid blocker everyday everytime. Rabeprazole is a day-andnight PPI as it works for 24 hours after dosing.
Input Detailing: Tricaine MPS Dispensers: 25 / TBM
Put 3 Bottles of Tricaine-MPS in each dispenser & give it to the Doctor.
Sir, in hyperacidity, gastritis, epigastric pain, prescribe Tricaine-MPS, The first and the only
one antacid, anti-flatulent, anesthetic formula.
Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide in balanced 2:1 ratio provides prompt
relief from hyperacidity. Simethicone relieves flatulence immediately. Oxethazaine offers
prolonged anaesthetic effect.
Prescribe Tricaine-MPS, The first and the only one antacid, anti-flatulent anaesthetic
Input Detailing: Tricaine, Tri-You-Can Puzzles: 25 / TBM
Ask your doctor to arrange these 4 pieces of a puzzle in such a way that both the horses are
running in the race with their riders.
Step: 1
Keep these pieces of a puzzle facing opposite direction as shown in the above picture.
Step: 2
Then keep the Horse-riders as shown in the above picture & solve the puzzle.
Suggested Communication:
Sir, in the Tri-problems of hyperacidity, gastritis, epigastric pain, prescribe the Tri solution,
Tricaine-MPS, The first and the only one antacid, anti-flatulent, anesthetic formula.
Aluminium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide in balanced 2:1 ratio provides prompt
relief from hyperacidity. Simethicone relieves flatulence immediately. Oxethazaine offers
prolonged anaesthetic effect.
Prescribe Tricaine-MPS, The first and the only one antacid, anti-flatulent anaesthetic
Qugyl-OP Ointment
Input Detailing: Episiotomy Posters: 20 / TBM
Take permission from your doctor to stick this poster as a part of Patient Education
Suggested Communication:
Sir / madam, the commonest infection was infection at the site of episiotomy. Infection at
the site of episiotomy reaches 50% of all Post – Partum infections.
Anaerobes grow in 50% of cases.
Sir / madam, Ornidazole is effective against anaerobes when applied topically.
Sir / madam, in Episitomy & Post-surgical wounds, prescribe Qugyl-OP Ointment, Complete
Wound Healing With Ornidazole Advantage.
Qugyl-OP Ointment
Input Detailing-Qugyl-OP Ointment (Beat The Betadine Detailer): 1 / TBM
Suggested communication:
Sir, Povidone Iodine 10% concentration may cause dermatological side effects like, Allergic
contact dermatitis, Local irritation, itching & burning. Sir, Qugyl-OP provides 5% Povidone
iodine which scores over brand B in terms of safety.
Sir, Qugyl-OP contains 5% w/w Povidone Iodine which doesn’t causes any significant
adverse effects. Brand B contains 10% w/w Povidone Iodine which leads to dermatological
side effects like local irritation, itching & burning.
Sir, Qugyl-OP contains Ornidazole for Anaerobic coverage which is absent in Brand B. QugylOP costs just Rs. 49 while Brand B costs Rs. 75.
Sir, in Episitomy & Post-surgical wounds, Abscess and Cellulitis, Diabetic wounds & Pressure
ulcers prescribe Qugyl-OP Ointment, Complete Wound Healing with Ornidazole Advantage.
Sir, here are few references which clearly shows that 10% Povidone Iodine causes
Dermatological side effects. Qugyl-OP provides 5% Povidone Iodine which scores over brand
B in terms of safety.
Sir, ensure complete & economical wound dressing with Qugyl-OP Ointment (Povidone
Iodine 5% w/w & Ornidazole 1% w/w) which gives Complete Wound Healing With
Ornidazole Advantage.
Clinical Experiences / Case Studies by Paediatricians: 10 / TBM
Suggested communication:
Front: Sir, I am pleased to present a series of Pedismec – sharing clinical experiences; the
first one is by Dr. Raza Modak, Consultant Paediatrician, Neonatologist & Intesivist, Mumbai.
Inside: Sir, Dr. Modak has treated around 30 patients aged 3 years and above with Pedismec
& as per his in clinic experience Pedismec is Safe, well tolerated & Efficacious in paediatric
patients to treat Acute Infectious Diarrhoea.
Back: Sir, in acute infectious diarrhoea, prescribe Pedismec for powerful eradication of
diarrhoea with ASE advantage (Pedismec is 3 gm dioctahedral smectite.)
Pedismec Adsorbs viruses, bacteria and toxins resulting in the protection of gut mucosa.
Pedismec is Safe as it is well tolerated in infants with acute diarrhoea and has no effect on
intestinal motility.
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Pedismec is Effective as it significantly reduced the duration of diarrhoea and decreased
stool output. Pedismec has antisecretory property and neutralizes endotoxins.
A recent Meta-analysis has also shown that the chance of cure on intervention day 3 was
significantly increased in the Pedismec (smectite) Vs. control group.
Pedismec is available as a pack of 3 sachets and in delicious Mango flavor.
Sir, in acute infectious diarrhoea, prescribe Pedismec with Peditral for powerful eradication
of diarrhoea with ASE advantage. (Pedismec is 3 gmdioctahedral smectite.)
Naprosyn 250 & 500mg / Naprosyn SR / Rabee
Input Detailing: Cardiac Safety LBL for Naprosyn: 20 / TBM
Sir, an article published in the BMJ (Jan’ 11) confirms that Naproxen seems to be the safest
analgesic for patients with Osteoarthritis in Cardiovascular terms.
Sir, among the seven NSAID’s analysed, Naproxen seemed least harmful for cardiovascular
Sir, Goodman & Gilman states that Naprosyn has a better efficacy with regards to analgesia.
Naprosyn is available at a very economical price.
Sir, In Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis & Spondylitis prescribe Naprosyn – Safe, Effective
& Economic.
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Sir, also prescribe Naprosyn SR-750 mg tablets in Morning Stiffness associated with
Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Sir, In Acute Pain, Fever & Inflammation prescribe Naprosyn P (Naproxen 300mg +
Paracetamol 500mg) – Fast yet friendly.
Sir, in NSAID induced Peptic Ulcers CO-PRESCEIBE Rabee along with Naprosyn / Naprosyn SR
& Naprosyn P.
Sir, In acute low back pain with muscle spasm prescribe Myoflex SR (Thiocolchicoside 8 mg
SR tablets) – Finally flexible.
Sir, In Joint Pain, Low Back Pain, Sprain & Strain and Muscular Pain prescribe Religel – The
Reliable Pain-relief gel.
Sefdo Dry Syrup
Input Detailing – Sefdo DS LBL for Paediatricians & ENT’s – 10 / TBM.
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Sir, in Respiratory Tract Infections, Pyrexia of Unknown Origin, Acute Otitis Media (AOM) &
Community-acquired Pneumonia prescribe Sefdo (CefpodoximeProxetil 50 mg) – Effective
Sir, 10gm / 30ml concentrated formula of Sefdo ensures less exposure to unnecessary
excipients. Oversize bottle of Sefdo provides enough shake space. Sefdo has convenient BID
Dosage. Sefdo is available in Delicious Orange Peppermint Flavour.
Sir, Sefdo is a useful option for empirical activity with a broad spectrum of antibacterial
activity. Cefpodoxime proxetil (Sefdo) is well tolerated by Paediatric patients. It also has
better safety profile & Compliance.
Sir, in Respiratory Tract Infections like Pharyngitis & Tonsilitis, Acute Sinusitis, Pyrexia of
unknown origin, Acute Otitis Media & Community acquired Pneumonia please pass on the
benefits of Sefdo (Cefpodoxime Proxetil 50 mg) – Effective Empirically to your patients.
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Serenace Anxious Moments Series: School admissions
Input detailing: Anxiety series LBL – Anxiety during school admissions:20 / TBM
Suggested communication:
Sir, during school admissions parents get anxious. Anxiety in the form of rush to get
admission, interview performance, optimism at admission time & ever increasing fees.
Sir, for better management of anxiety, prescribe Serenace, the day time Anxiolytic.
There is no sedation, no drug dependence, and no drug tolerance with Serenace compared
to Alprazolam. Serenace is preferred when Mental Alertness is essential which is not with
the case of Alprazolam. Serenace has convenient BID dosage while Alprazolam has TID dose.
Sir, pass on the benefits of Serenace, the day time Anxiolytic to your patients.
(Aplrazolam is not easily available at the retail counter. There are many documents a
chemist needs to keep while dispensing & selling Alprazolam. So make maximum use of
this golden opportunity & sell maximum of Serenace.)
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Speciality Reminder Cards
All brands – 30 / TBM; Ortho – 10 / TBM; Gynec – 10 / TBM; Pedia – 10 / TBM
This reminder cards consists of a list of products which can be prescribed by the concerned
speciality. When using these reminder cards you can highlight one or two products which
the doctor has potential to prescribe.
Gyne RC
All Brand RC
Ortho RC
Pedia RC
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