POLICY Academic Rank and Promotion for Faculty

Policy Group: Human Resources
Policy Number: HR –FAC-01
Date Approved: 1 October 2000
Effective Date: 1 October 2000
Date Last Revised: 1 April 2007
Responsible Office: Office of the Provost
Academic Rank and Promotion for Faculty
I. Policy
1. On Appointment
An academic rank will be awarded to each faculty member at the time of initial
appointment. The assigned rank will be based on an evaluation of the faculty
member’s academic and professional preparation, relevant experience, evidence of
scholarship or creative activity, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. In general,
faculty who have been awarded academic rank at an accredited university that uses the
same rank structure as Zayed University will be appointed at the same rank.
Guidelines for assessing rank for applicants from countries which use a different rank
structure or nomenclature will be followed. The appointing authority will determine
the appropriate rank to be awarded when an offer is made.
Faculty will be appointed to one of the following academic ranks:
a. The rank of Instructor will be awarded to faculty who have completed a
Master’s degree or equivalent from an accredited university and who have
either demonstrated teaching effectiveness in previous appointments or
provide evidence of probable success as an effective teacher and who show
promise of advancing the mission of Zayed University.
b. The ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor will be
awarded to faculty who have completed the Doctorate degree (or equivalent) or
a recognized terminal degree in their field of specialization from an accredited
university, or can demonstrate equivalent professional experience. Faculty
appointed at Assistant Professor rank normally must have a demonstrated
record of teaching effectiveness for a minimum of three years and show
promise of advancing the mission of Zayed University through scholarly or
creative achievements and professional service. Faculty appointed at Associate
Professor or Professor rank must show evidence of progressive professional
development in the areas of instruction and instructionally related activities,
scholarly or creative activities and professional service.
c. Specially designated ranks (e.g., Visiting Faculty, Scholar-in-Residence,
Professional-in-Residence) will be awarded to faculty who are widely
recognized for achievements in their field and who are appointed for temporary
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periods of time to assist in advancing the mission of Zayed University.
Appointments will be made by the Provost upon a recommendation of the
Dean of the appropriate College. Duration of the appointment, and
compensation and benefits, shall be determined by the Provost.
2. Promotion
Faculty become eligible for promotion to a higher rank upon providing satisfactory
evidence of achievements that fulfill the University criteria for the higher rank.
Additional criteria may be specified by Colleges provided they do not conflict with
University criteria.
1. University criteria for promotion to:
a. Assistant Professor: Completion of a Doctorate degree (or equivalent) or a
recognized terminal degree in their field of specialization from an accredited
university. Candidates will normally have at least three years teaching
experience at the college or university level.
b. Associate Professor: All the requirements for Assistant Professor plus at
least five years service at the rank of Assistant Professor, at least two of which
must have been at Zayed University. Candidates must demonstrate a high level
of teaching effectiveness, a record of scholarly or creative activity, and
significant contributions in service to the University beyond the Department
level. Faculty who had been awarded a doctoral degree when they began their
appointment at Zayed University in 1998 or 1999 will have all their time at
Zayed University count as years of service at the rank of Assistant Professor.
c. Professor: All the requirements for Associate Professor plus at least six years
service at the rank of Associate Professor, at least two of which must have been
at Zayed University. Candidates must demonstrate a high level of teaching
effectiveness, scholarly or creative activity which was recognized by peers
outside the University, and leadership roles in providing service to the
University at all levels.
In exceptional cases, the minimum time at rank for Assistant and Associate Professor
may be waived. Additionally, professional experience credited towards rank and
salary on appointment may also be credited towards time at rank for promotion.
2. Review of promotion candidates
a. The evaluation of candidates applying for promotion to Associate Professor and
Professor occurs annually. Faculty portfolios of these candidates are reviewed
by College Promotion Committees, the College Dean, the University Faculty
Promotion Advisory Committee and the Provost. The scholarly and creative
achievements of candidates will normally be examined by external reviewers.
b. The College Promotion Committee is responsible for reviewing all requests for
promotion within the College and making recommendations to the Dean.
Colleges will establish promotion committees consisting of senior rank faculty
(Full Professors and Associate Professors) from within the college and also, if
desired, from other colleges. Committee members may not participate in the
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evaluation of faculty members seeking promotion to a rank higher than the
committee member presently holds (e.g., Associate Professors may not
participate in the evaluation of individuals seeking promotion to Full
Professor). Each College should establish criteria and other internal procedures
to be followed when undertaking promotion recommendations.
c. External reviewers will be selected for each of the faculty in consultations
between the Deans and the Provost’s Office. The external reviewers will be
asked to provide their assessment of the quality of the faculty member’s
scholarly and creative achievements, based on criteria that will be developed by
the appropriate College Promotion Committee and approved by the Provost.
d. The University Faculty Promotion Advisory Committee (UFPAC) is
responsible for reviewing all requests for promotion and making
recommendations to the Provost. The UFPAC will ensure that College and
University processes have been followed, that College and University
promotion criteria are met, and that University criteria have been consistently
applied across the Colleges. The committee is comprised of one Full Professor
from each College, one of whom will be elected chair. Members will be
appointed for two year terms, with two or three members appointed each
academic year. The Provost’s Office appoints an ex officio staff member to the
e. The Provost will review the faculty portfolios, external reviews, and the
recommendations of the College Promotion Committee, the Dean, and the
University Faculty Promotion Advisory Committee and will make the final
decision. The Provost will notify the faculty member of the final decision.
3. Effective date of promotions
Promotions to Assistant Professor following completion of the terminal degree
become effective in the month following receipt by Zayed University of written
confirmation of completion of all requirements for the degree. Faculty promotions
to Associate Professor or Professor become effective on August 1st following
approval of the promotion.
II. Application
This policy applies to faculty.
III. Related Policies
HR -ALL-01 Appointments and Re-Appointments
IV. Revision History
23 August 2006
14 September 2005
12 January 2005
Change in Procedures to encourage electronic portfolios
Clarified role of Provost and Vice President, revised procedures
Combination of policy on academic rank (previous ACA-11) and policy on
faculty promotion (previous ACA-17)
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