Turnco Tool & Instrument, Inc. Health Hazard Evaluation and Investigation 1. Date: 2. Product involved: 3. Model, serial, lot number: The Customer Job Number(s) _______________ 4. Volume in distribution or shipped, and possibly in use: 5. Recalling firm (could be our customer): ________________ 6. Product description and intended use: 7. Complaint, incident, problem reported (describe all reasonably known information available or found while investigating this incident per MDR procedure 6.3-001): 8. Number of complaints/incidents/problems reported: 9. Number of injuries: Deaths: 10. Source of reports (and qty.): Complaint/Feedback form Scorecard Other 11. Describe the hazard or problem that may result from the reported defect, malfunction, problem, or error in use: 12. Describe any predisposing, conditional, mitigating, or other use-related factors contributing to the reported health hazard situation: 13. Population at risk (children, elderly, pregnant women, etc.): 14. Describe any immediate and/or long range health consequences of the reported hazard: Health Index 15. Likelihood of the occurrence of the potentially hazardous event: Remote Rare Occasional Frequent Continuously occurring Turnco Tool Apprv: BG 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 Ver: 001 Health Hazard Eval. & Investigation form Page 1 of 2 Rel Date: 3/14/14 16. Probability of Injury Occurring to the Population at Risk or Exposed: Extremely unlikely Unlikely, but possible Likely Very likely Extremely Likely 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 17. Severity of the Injury or Adverse Health Outcome: None Limited Moderate Severe Life Threat 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 (No adverse health consequences) (Transient, self-limiting illness or minor injury) (Temporary but significant impairment, reversible) (Serious injury, permanent impairment, irreversible) (A life threatening situation, death could occur) Hazard Index 18. Scoring (The index is obtained by adding the score of the above three variables): 0–3 4–6 7–9 10 – 12 None/negligible Low Moderate High Hazard index (name the ‘rank’ and the specific score): 19. Summary: 20. Comments: 21. Physician concurrence required? Yes No 22. If YES: Name of physician: Date Physician concurred? Yes No If NO, describe comments and actions: 23. Prepared by: Title: Signed: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________ Turnco Tool Apprv: BG Ver: 001 Health Hazard Eval. & Investigation form Page 2 of 2 Rel Date: 3/14/14