Updates - Graduate College

Graduate College Update: May 2, 2012
Posted on May 2, 2012 by Carla Coorts
Graduate Assistant Awards:
Outstanding Administrative Graduate Assistant: Drew Rogers, Social Work
Outstanding Teaching Graduate Assistant: Kate Shellenberg, Communication and Gary Iman, Communication
Outstanding Research Graduate Assistant: Michael Carr, Psychology
Graduate Mentor Award:
Outstanding Graduate Mentor: Heather Carmack, Communication
IDF Awards:
Oral Presentations – Category
1st Place – Kelly Green, Audiology
2nd Place – Andrew DeWitt, Geospatial Sciences in Geography & Geology
Oral Presentations – Category
1st Place – Kris Inman, Communication
2nd Place – Stacie Hammer, Criminology
Poster Presentations – Category A
1st Place – Joseph Harvey, Cell & Molecular Biology
2nd Place – Chen Li, Biology
3rd Place – Allie Maltzman, Cell & Molecular Biology
Nelson Rono, Chemistry
Richard Wells, Biology
Poster Presentations – Category B
1st Place – Trevor Brown, Public Administration
Graduation Deadlines
May 18, 2012 – - Commencement (10:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.).
10:00 a.m. ceremony:
College of Arts & Letters
College of Education
College of Humanities & Public Affairs
1:30 p.m. ceremony:
College of Health & Human Services
College of Natural & Applied Science
Darr School of Agriculture
5:00 p.m. ceremony:
College of Business Administration
Graduate Interdisciplinary Forum
86 participants—24 oral presenters and 62 posters. Oral session attendance was 20 – 50. Nearly120 people
attended the Awards Ceremony session. The number of IDF participants was 160 in 2005; 115 in 2006; 100 in 2007;
94 in 2008; 117 in 2009; 79 in 2010; 85 in 2011; and 86 in 2012.
Lunch with Graduate Award Winners
To recognize and celebrate the achievements in teaching, research, administrative assistance, mentoring, advising,
thesis writing, and oral/poster presentations during 2011-12, a luncheon with President Smart and Provost Einhellig
was arranged on April 24 in Plaster Student Union.
2012/13 Graduate Catalog
The Preliminary Version of the 12/13 Graduate is on the Graduate College website. Changes are still being made
and departments/programs will be sent information in June to proof their section. As a reminder, hard copies of the
Graduate Catalog and the Undergraduate Catalog are no longer being printed.
Program Coordinators Meeting
The Agenda was: Meet Graduate Recruitment Coordinator and a short survey; Meet Graduate Student Council about
revisions in their Constitution; Summary of the 2012 MAGS meeting last week in Chicago; Summary of events in IDF
2012; Online Graduate Programs; Graduate Student Workshops for Professional Development; Comprehensive
Exam; and As May Arise
Orientation for New Graduate Student
The orientation for fall is scheduled for August 13 (for any graduate student) and August 14 (for all teaching
assistants). Information is available at http://graduate.missouristate.edu/Orientations.htm. Please help spread the
Program Highlights
Biology. Denise Thompson received a grant form Sigma Xi in the amount of $500 to support her thesis
research. Only approximately 20% of applicants receive any level of funding. Dr. Day Ligon is Denise’s thesis
Literacy. Four students had articles based on their master’s research work published in the Fall 2011 issue of the
state peer-reviewed reading journal, The Missouri Reader. Dr. Beth Hurst is the RFT faculty member who guides
students’ research and encourages them to submit manuscripts. The students included were:
Elizabeth Bax, The Impact of Peer Writing Conferences
Kasie Ferguson, Implementing Small Group Skill-Based Writing Instruction in First Grade
Diane Pierce, Reading Recovery Practices in Special Education Classrooms
Miranda Snowden, Increasing Exposure to Nonfiction through Book Talks for Fourth Graders