Realized Niches & Habitats: Ecology Activity Sheet

Changes in a Realized Niche
This graph shows the location where species A feeds and the size of its preferred prey. The
darkest shade in the center of the graph indicates the prey size and feeding location most
frequently selected by species A.
1. State the range of lengths of prey on which species A prefers to feed.
2. Identify the maximum height above ground at which species A feeds.
3. Describe what the palest shade at the edge of the contour lines represents.
4. Critical Thinking Predicting Outcomes Species B is introduced into species A’s ecosystem. Species B has
the same feeding preferences but hunts at a different time of day. How might this affect species A?
5. Critical Thinking Interpreting Graphics Species C is now introduced into species A’s feeding range.
Species C feeds at the same time of day as species A but prefers prey that are between 10 and 13 mm long.
How might this change affect species A?
6. On the graph above, outline the best you can the realized niches for species A & species C.
Activity Sheet Name: _____________________ Date: ________________
A. Match the habitat to the correct organism:
1.Monkey: _____
2.Polar Bear: _____
3.Shark: _____
4.Fungus: _____
5.Squirrel: _____
e.Seaside Cliffs
6.Frog: _____
f.Tropical Beach
7.Puffin: ______
8.Buffalo: ______
h.Rotting Log
9.Palm tree: _____
i.Oak Forest
10.Wild flowers: _____
j.Tropical Rain Forest
B. Match the niche to the correct organism:
1.Squirrel: ______
2.Beaver: ______
3.Oak tree: ______
4.Sunflower: _____
5.Grizzly Bear: ______
6.Humpback Whale: _____
7.Lion: _____
8.Mushroom: ______
9.Spider: ______
10. Salamander: _____
a.Make webs and eat insects
b.Live inthe African savannah and catch antelopes to
c.Form part of a forest and produce acorns
d.Live in the ocean and eat plankton and krill
e.Grow tall using the sun and produce lots of sunflower
f.Find food all year long (berries, fish etc.) and hibernate
in the winter time deep in the forest
g.Lay eggs in a pond, live in moist forest under logs and
rocks and eat small bugs
h.Help to decompose rotting wood and return nutrients
to the soil
i.Build dams to flood an area and make a deep pond
where I can build a lodge
j.Stay very busy all year eating and storing nuts and