Mother of Divine Grace Catholic School 2612 East Monmouth Street Philadelphia PA 19134 215-426-7325 Fax: 215-426-0753 Mother of Divine Grace School reserves the right at anytime to amend or add to the policies, rules and regulations in this handbook, and to make such changes applicable to current and new students when the situation dictates. Prayer for Catholic Education “We have Faith in Catholic Schools” Blessed are You, O God! You are with us at all times, in all places. We give thanks and praise that You continue to reveal Yourself to us. Give our administrators, teachers and staff in Catholic schools the grace of insight in their endeavor to educate minds, bodies and spirits in Your lifegiving ways. Give our diocese the courage to overcome obstacles and persevere in the pursuit of academic excellence, stewardship and service to God’s people. For our pastor we ask the gift of wisdom to guide the staff, students and families. We thank You for the generosity of our Catholic families and community donors who continue to sustain our schools’ programs through volunteerism, participation in fund-raising and contributions of goods and services. With grateful hearts we recall all who have gone before us on a pilgrimage of faith and hope. We ask Your blessing on all who have sacrificed so much to ensure the viability of our Catholic Schools. Awaken in the hearts of our youth openness to the way of life You have designed for them. May they grow to be priests, religious Sisters and Brothers, married or single persons who faithfully spread the Good News of Your kingdom. May all in our school communities find in You the source of all truth. This we pray in the name of Jesus our Savior and Brother.AMEN Mother of Divine Grace, Pray for us! ACADEMIC POLICIES Mother of Divine Grace School follows both diocesan and state educational guidelines. Within that framework basic skills are taught in various ways in accordance with teacher choice. This process reflects our school’s commitment to excellence. Homework: The curriculum is child centered, with skills organized toward individual pacing, homework time and content varies according to grade level. The following is a suggested time frame; this includes both written and study assignments, subject to change according to teacher discretion: Grade K 15 minutes daily Grades 1 and 2 30 minutes daily Grades 3 and 4 60 minutes daily Grades 5 and 6 90 minutes daily Grades 7 and 8 120 minutes daily We strongly encourage a home study time that is free of distractions and consistently adhered to daily. Homework should be done by the student independently. While this does not preclude parental help or interest, the assignments should not require undue parental assistance or supervision. Monitoring and checking homework is important to assure a quality product. Student Recognition: Students in Grades 4-8 may receive First or Second Honors. First or Second Honors will be given only for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester. First or Second Honors are not given for the final average. Any student late 4 or more times during any trimester will not be eligible for honors. Students who receive a check mark on the Personal Development and Behavior section and Effort and Study Skills section are not eligible for honors. Students who receive an I or U in Art, Physical Education, Music or Technology are not eligible for honors. Please note that a student’s attendance and early dismissals are also taken into consideration when awarding Subject Awards. The following criteria is used: First Honors: 92 or above in all major subjects Second Honors: 87 or above in all major subjects Subject Awards Students in Grades Kindergarten through Eight are eligible to receive a subject award. Subject Awards are given to students: *who try his/her best *who has the highest general average *who has not been late 4 or more times *who have not received a check mark on the Personal Development and Behavior section and Effort and Study Skills section *who has not received an I or U in Art, Physical Education, Music or Technology Please note that a student’s attendance and early dismissals are also taken into consideration when awarding Subject Awards. ATTENDANCE Regular school attendance impacts positively on the child’s academic development. The total amount of days that school is in session is prescribed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Be aware that an excessive number of absences may result in a student’s retention or the student’s need to attend summer school. Parents are required to call the school office by 8:30 AM in the case of a student absence. This includes a daily call for extended absence as well. If a student is not returning for the afternoon session, parents are required to call the school by 1 PM. Upon returning to school, a student must present a note of excuse written by a parent. State Law mandates students not be admitted without the excuse note after an absence. A doctor’s note is required for absence for an extended nature 3 or more days. Failure to submit an excuse note from the parent or a doctor will result in the absence being recorded as unexcused and as parental neglect on the official attendance form. When absent, a student is responsible to make up academic work. If a student is absent, parents may call the school office for homework before 8:30 AM. Student work may be picked up at the school office no earlier than 2:30 PM. Students who don't feel well enough to come into school at the start of the school and feel better later in the morning are not permitted to come to school. Students who are absent in the AM are not permitted to come to school for the PM session without a doctor's note. If your child is sent home sick from school he/she is not permitted to return to school the next day. Vacations while school is in session are discouraged. Teachers have no obligations to assign work ahead of time and/or reteach missed lessons due to vacations. Teachers have no obligations to assign “make up” work. Students will be excepted to complete all school and homework assignments upon their return from vacation. If vacations take place during assessment, student must take that assessment immediately upon returning to school with the time and place of assessment at the discretion of the teacher. Credit will be lost for oral and written classwork, assignments, projects, reports, tests, etc. that are not complete due to absences for vacation. Families are urged to schedule vacations during the school holiday breaks. Parents are requested to make dental and doctor appointments outside of school hours. However, when unavoidable, parents are required to write a note to the student’s teacher for early dismissal. Whenever early dismissal occurs, the student must be accompanied by an adult. A student is marked absent if he/she leaves after lunch or does not return to school after lunch for a doctor’s appointment or early dismissal. If a student is absent for a half day he/she will not receive perfect attendance. If a student arrives late due to a doctor’s appointment or is absent for any reason for a half day he/she will not receive perfect attendance. Student must be fever free, vomit free and diarrhea free for 24 hours before they return to school. If you have called your child out due to illness you may not send your child to school if he/she is feeling better late in the day. EARLY DISMISSALS OR CLOSINGS In the event of an early dismissal due to emergency or weather, listen to the radio station, KWY 1060 AM for the announcement “All Philadelphia Public and Parochial Schools will be closed. Please do not call the school or rectory since we do not receive advance information. If our school is in session during inclement weather when road conditions may be dangerous in certain areas, we ask parents to use their parental judgment in sending their children to school. In the case of an early dismissal due to snow emergency or any other emergency, each student must know the information that parents have written on his/her student information form for an emergency dismissal. This form is distributed to each student on the first day of school. It must be completed by parents and returned to the school on the next school day. Parents should discuss this emergency plan with their children at the time it is requested by the school. CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN-SHELTER IN PLACE PLAN Mother of Divine Grace School has a Crisis Management Plan in place. If, for any reason, the school must be evacuated, our plan calls for us to walk the students to the Sons of Italy Hall at 2537 East Monmouth Street or Cohox Playground at 2889 Cedar Street where parents/guardians may come to pick up students. In case of emergency where evacuation is necessary, do not call the school or the Sons of Italy hall. Our plan is to leave the building immediately and meet parents/guardians at this hall. In this type of emergency evacuation, there will not be time or personnel to answer telephones, instead go immediately to the hall. Mother of Divine Grace School Community is most grateful to the members of the Sons of Italy and Cohox for their immediate and enthusiastic response to opening their buildings to us. Mother of Divine Grace School has a Shelter in Place Plan. “Shelter in Place” means that our school will be called either by the Police Department, Fire Department or the Office of Catholic Education to alert us to begin a Shelter in Place Plan. This plan means that our school will be in a lock down mode—no one in, no one out. The police department will be on site to enforce this regulation. This plan is not meant to last more than three hours at which time the police department will have buses on site to remove our students to a safe location which would be announced through the media and the emergency alert system to the community at large so that parents must go to the designated evacuation site, not to the school, to pick up their children. ACADEMIC POLICIES Progress Reports One parent must attend a mandatory progress report meeting in October. Progress Reports are sent home mid trimester prior to the closing of the trimester. Learning not only cultivates intellectual skills, but also responsibility for one’s actions; we will issue a progress report for any of the following reasons: *Neglect of written homework *Student not working to ability *Test Failures *Failure to listen to and follow directions after repeated warnings *Lack of responsibility in handing work on time or failure to return a test paper or project signed by parents/guardians *Absence work not made up after reasonable amount of time *Carelessly written or incomplete homework assignments Report Cards Report Cards are issued two times a year to students in Pre Kindergarten. Report Cards are issued three times a year to students in Grades Kindergarten through Eight. Each student is responsible for his/her own report card grade by satisfactorily fulfilling the following requirements: *major testing *quizzes *oral and written reports *independent classroom work *active participation in classroom lessons and activities *class/individual project COMMUNICATIONS Frequent communications between home and school is essential to your child’s education. As a parent, we invite and encourage you to correspond with the classroom teacher. This correspondence may take place either by calling the school to request a return phone call by the teacher at his/her convenience, email or by a written request. Unscheduled meetings are not permitted at any time. Parents must schedule a meeting with the teacher if you would like to meet with the teacher. The principal and pastor will not discuss nor meet with a parent if the teacher is not contacted first. Please be mindful that the teacher(s) may not be able to contact you the same day you have contacted them. Please be mindful that no staff member will respond to an email or phone call on the weekends. LEGAL CUSTODY ISSUES Parents are asked to inform school personal when legal custody of the children resides with one parent. It is important for the school to have a copy of the custody decree. This will help school personnel to make effective decisions when the need arises. This Court Order / Custodial Agreement is placed in a confidential file. Custodial parents are likewise asked to supply the school with copies of restraining orders if the need arises. All persons without legal custody of a child have no right to educational participation-including receipt of school materials-including step parents, friends and family members. Recognizing that requiring Mother of Divine Grace School to provide duplicate copies of school grades, notices and other related educational materials and notices is administratively difficult, Mother of Divine Grace School will send only one set of such materials to the parents/guardians. Therefore, parents/guardians retain the responsibility of communicating such information to each other for the health and welfare of the child. Mother of Divine Grace School is not required to send such material to any other person. A child will not be released to a parent that does not have physical custody, without the written consent of the custodial parent. SCHOOL UNIFORM All Pre Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students -Yellow golf shirt (short or long sleeves) with Mother of Divine Grace School, blue shorts or sweat pants, blue sweatshirt or blue cardigan sweater with Mother of Divine Grace School, sneakers-NO CHUCKS, white or black athletic socks that are seen at the ankles. Girls in Grades 1-4-Blue, white and gold plaid jumper with school emblem, jumper may be no shorter than two (2) inches above the knee, yellow Peter Pan collar (Short or long sleeves), blue socks or blue tights, blue cardigan sweater or sweatshirt with Mother of Divine Grace School, solid blue tie saddle shoes with rubber soles and heels. Girls in Grades 5-8 -Blue, white and gold kilt, kilt may be no shorter than two (2) inches above the knee, yellow golf shirt (Short or long sleeves) with Mother of Divine Grace School, blue socks from September through November again in April through June, blue tights from November through April, blue cardigan sweater or sweatshirt with Mother of Divine Grace School, solid blue tie saddle shoes with rubber soles and heels. Boys in Grades 1-8 -Yellow golf shirt (Short or long sleeves) with Mother of Divine Grace School, blue dress pants, black belt, black socks, blue cardigan sweater or sweatshirt with Mother of Divine Grace School, sensible black tie shoes with rubber soles and heels. NO BLACK SNEAKERS Physical Education Uniform for Boys and Girls in Grades K through 8 - Navy blue sweat shorts, Gym shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh, navy blue sweat pants, yellow or blue Mother of Divine Grace School tee shirt, navy blue Mother of Divine Grace School sweatshirt, sneakers-NO CHUCKS OR VANS, white or black athletic socks that are seen at the ankles. Spring / Summer Uniform for Boys and Girls in Grades 1 through 8 -This uniform is optional-short sleeve yellow golf shirt with Mother of Divine Grace School, *Navy Blue or Khaki walking shorts NO CARGO SHORTS, shorts must be no shorter than midthigh, sneakers-NO CHUCKS, white or black athletic socks that are seen at the ankles. From the 1st day of school until November 1st students may wear their spring/summer uniform. From November 1st until March 31st students must wear their regular uniforms. On April 1st until the end of the school year students may wear their spring / summer uniform. JEWELRY / MAKE UP/ HAIR STYLES It is important that each student respects his/her own dignity by his/her appearance. We have a uniform code so jewelry, make up, and hair styles are not distracting or presenting the wrong message about our Christian community. Earrings are not permitted for boys. Facial piercings are not permitted. Small post earrings are permitted for girls-only one earring in each earlobe. No dangle or hoop earrings are permitted due to various school activities that may cause damage to earlobes. One ring per hand is permitted for boys and girls. Religious medals or crosses may be worn under the students’ clothing to prevent breakage. No other type of necklaces may be worn by boys or girls. One rubber statement bracelet may be worn. An example of a statement bracelet is one in support of a cause. Reminder: It is best for jewelry to remain at home due to its great value, both monetary and sentimentally. The school assumes no responsibility for jewelry worn to school and which becomes misplaced or missing. Protect your valuables. Leave them at home to wear on special occasions. No make up is permitted. No hair feathers or strips of hair color. No nail polish of any color is permitted. Students are only permitted to wear prescription eyeglasses. No artificial nails are permitted. Boys: Hair for all students is to be kept neat, clean and well groomed at all times. Hair color must be one that is found naturally on human beings. No outlandish hair styles. Boys’ hair length in back must not extend below the collar. Bangs may not be below the eyebrows. Hair may not cover the ears. Facial hair, specifically beards, mustaches and extreme sideburns are not permitted. Girls: Hair for all students is to be kept neat, clean and well groomed at all times. Hair color must remain the same from September through June. If hair has been colored or hi lighted over summer vacation you must maintain that same color or hi lights through the school year. If hair cannot be maintained than hair must be colored back to your original hair before the start of the school year and kept that way until June. Hair color must be one that is found naturally on human beings. No outlandish hair colors-acceptable colors: soft blonde, soft brown or soft red. No outlandish hair styles. Girls with long hair must wear their hair up at all times; it must not touch the collar. This is for health reasons. Bangs may not be below the eyebrows. Girls’ hair accessories must be of reasonable size. Tuition and Fees *Monthly payments are due starting April 15th through March 15th for the current school year. *Tuition payments are due on the 15th of each month. *Tuition must be paid up to date for a student to return to Mother of Divine Grace School at the start of each new trimester. *Tuition must be paid in full for the current school year for a student to participate in any end of year activities. End of year activities include, but not limited to: 8th grade trip, graduation dance, class trips, farewell for Pre Kindergarten and 8th grade and graduation for Kindergarten and 8th Grade. *No report cards will be given to a student if there is a tuition balance for the current school year until the balance is paid in full. *No transfer slips will be issued if there is a tuition balance for the current school year until the balance is paid in full. *Students are not permitted to return to Mother of Divine Grace School if there is an outstanding tuition balance from the previous school year. *Any tuition or fees that are still due after April 1st for the current school year must be paid by money order or certified check for the school year. *While recognizing the possibility of special financial arrangements between single, separated and divorced parents either through mutual agreement or court order, the parent/guardian signing the tuition agreement assumes full responsibility for the payment of all tuition according to the timetable listed on the tuition agreement as published. *If a financial hardship should develop, please contact the tuition committee as soon as the hardship arises. MONEY Please follow these procedures for turning all money: *Put money in an envelope. *Mark the envelope clearly with student’s name, grade, amount of money and purpose of the money. *Do not send cash in school to when paying tuition, fees or sales. PARTIES On a student’s birthday, with the permission of the teacher, a small healthy treat may be sent in for the class. No student may distribute party invitations in school at any time. Party invitations should be distributed outside of school environment so that social functions do not create unnecessary upsetment to some students who may not be included on the guest list. ELECTRONIC BOOK READERS, TABLET COMPUTERS, PERSONAL MUSIC PLAYERS, HANDHELD DEVICES Personal music players, electronic book readers, tablet computers, handheld electronic games and other items that, in the view of Mother of Divine Grace School, may be distracting or disruptive to the learning environment, are not permitted in Mother of Divine Grace School. If a student brings one of the above mentioned items into school it will be taken from the student and a parent must come to school to get the item back. PRETZELS / SNACKS / DRINKS Cost for pretzels is $0.35 each day and are to be ordered and paid for weekly for the first day of the school week. Pretzel money must be sent into school with the students, not dropped off at the office. Please send weekly money to school in an envelope appropriately marked. There are no refunds for absences or snow days. Snacks should be nutritious and the amount of food should be appropriate for your child. Many times we find wasted food thrown away because the amount was just too much for the child. Students may only bring in water for snack time. Students may not bring in any type of juice, soda or flavored water. Snacks and waters must be sent into school with students, not dropped off at the office. DISCIPLINE CODE Discipline is not a punishment. It is so necessary to the work of education, that without it, no education is possible. One of our aims is to motivate the children to develop Christian attitudes toward discipline and responsibility. Children need to realize that the observation of rules brings happiness to themselves and others. Social growth is a major part of education. Children should be instilled with respect for the person and property of others and appreciate what others do for him/her. Manners in classroom, lunch room and school yard should be carried over from the training at home. Full cooperation and respect is expected and appreciated. All students of Mother of Divine Grace School are expected to conduct themselves properly at all times. Their behavior should reflect the Christian values of honesty, courtesy, fair-play, proper language and good relationships with others. This policy applies both in and out of the classroom, in the school community and where the behavior is contrary to Catholic teachings or could bring disrepute or embarrassment to the Mother of Divine Grace School Community. In order to keep the lines of communications between parents and school open, a school wide calendar has been instituted. This monthly calendar provides parents with information about student’s behavior and performance in school on a daily basis. The students are responsible for getting the calendar signed daily when completing their nightly homework. A new calendar will be provided each month. The calendar provides parents and students with a list of unacceptable school behaviors. Any student receiving three violations will be given a detention, which must be served after school. Detention must be served for a major offenses. Detention will be held each Wednesday for students who need to serve a detention. Students will receive the written detention slip to be signed by parents and returned to school. Detention is 45 minutes for students in Grades 1-4 (2:45 PM until 3:30 PM) and 60 minutes for students in Grades 5-8 (2:45-3:45 PM). Number 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A Mother of Divine Grace School Academic Policy 2014-2015 Reason for number Consequence Late arrival to school 4 late arrivals = a meeting with the student, parent, teacher and principal. Homework not completed. Consequence will be determined by individual teacher. Class work not completed. Consequence will be determined by individual teacher. Group work not being complete Individual assignment. Not having the necessary supplies No supplies = lose of MDG money to purchase the necessary supplies from the stationary closet. Project not completed. Staying after school the next day until the project is completed. Test not signed. Consequence will be determined by individual teacher. 3 academic numbers in one trimester requires a meeting with the student, parent, teacher and principal. Discipline Policy 2014-2015 Number Reason for number 1D Disruptive in classroom 2D Taking at inappropriate times 3D Showing disrespect to teachers, staff, student or others. 4D Unsatisfactory behavior at lunch. 5D Unsatisfactory behavior in Church. 6D Unsatisfactory behavior in the bathroom. 7D Unsatisfactory behavior in special classes. (Art, Gym, Technology, Music) 8D Not following directions 9D Uniform violation 10D Chewing gum/candy 11D Misbehaving in line or hallway. 12D Other For three numbers(academic and discipline together), a detention will be issued. If a child receives 2 detentions in one trimester, a discipline board meeting will be called so that a proactive solution can be made with the staff, student and parents. If a child receives three detentions in a trimester, then a Saturday detention is issued. Suspension can occur after two (2) Saturday detentions or when deemed necessary by the principal and staff. Expulsion can occur for serious offenses and or for continuous disregard for the rules. Safe Environment The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has written the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The Charter calls for the establishment of a Safe Environment Program. The key components of this program are : a code of conduct (Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries) for all clergy, as well as those parish employees and volunteers who have regular contact with children and training, for these same groups as well as parents, in the identification, reporting and prevention of the sexual abuse of children. Article 13 of the Charter mandates background checks for all clergy, as well as those parish employees and volunteers who have regular contact with children. These are the Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check and Department of Public Welfare Child Abuse History Clearance. As of April 1, 2007, all newly employed personnel and volunteers are required to be fingerprinted. All school personal have met these requirements. In addition, all school personnel have been instructed in the Standards of Ministerial Behavior and Boundaries. Copies of these four required documents are in school personal files. It is our mandate that all children under our care during the course of the school day be kept safe and free from inappropriate behavior. Only parents/guardians who have the three above clearances may participate in school activities or class trips where there is direct student contact. CHANGE IN ADDRESS AND/OR TELEPHONE NUMBER It is necessary for parents/guardians to notify the homeroom teacher and the school office concerning any change in address and/or telephone number whether it be a change at home or place of employment. This should be done as soon as changes are made. This is very important both in case of emergency and in keeping our records up to date. RESPONSIBLE STUDENTS One of our goals is to assist you in making your child a responsible young person. With the exception of lunch, parents are not to bring forgotten articles to the student. No student has permission to call his/her parents for forgotten articles except for his/her lunch. This includes homework, projects, books, etc. No student or family member is permitted entrance to a classroom for forgotten books or other materials after school has been dismissed. The school secretary has many obligations during the course of the day, but one duty that is not hers is the role of messenger for parents to students unless there is an emergency situation. Please do not call the school office with messages for your child. Certainly telephone messages of an EMERGENCY NATURE from parents are necessary and expected, but other types of messages will not be delivered. Therefore, it is extremely important that YOU remind your child before school if there are any changes in his/her usual dismissal procedure, early dismissal for an appointment, etc. A calendar is published monthly on our website. Please refer to it often so there is no confusion for you or your child. SUSPENSION A student who has served 6 detentions will be suspended. Infractions of a serious nature, as determined by Mother of Divine Grace School, will also lead to suspension. Suspensions will be implemented in school or out of school at the discretion of the Principal. Following the suspension, the student and his/her parent(s) will be interviewed by the appropriate school officials. After two (2) formal suspensions, a student will be dismissed. CONFIDENTIALITY OF STUDENT RECORDS The contents of student files are released only to authorized persons. A parental/guardian signature is required before records are sent to any agency. Copies of student’s grades will be made after 24 hours notice is given to the office. Divorced/separated parents are required to file a notarized copy of the custody sections of the divorce/separation decree with the school. This procedure helps to protect the rights of everyone in the family. CELL PHONE POLICY If a parent feels that it is necessary for his/her child to bring a cell phone to school the student must do the following: *Sign the cell phone agreement. *Give his/her cell phone to the teacher each morning. *Each teacher will send all of the collected cell phones to the office where they will be stored in the office. *If a student needs his/her cell phone when he/she goes home for lunch, he/she must pick up his/her cell phone from the office before the office staff goes to lunch duty. *If a student does not get his/her cell phones from the office staff before they go over to lunch duty the student may not get his/her phone cell. *When the students return from lunch they must return their cell phones to the office. *At the end of the day all cell phones will be distributed back to the students by the homeroom teachers. Students are not permitted to use their cells in school, the school yard or in line at dismissal times. If a child does not hand in his/her cell phone each morning and it is seen by a staff member the cell phone will be taken from the child. The cell phone will be sent to the office and a parent must come and get the cell phone from the principal. If this happens the child will lose the privilege of bringing a cell phone to school. Mother of Divine Grace School assumes no responsibility for a cell phone that is broken or misplaced. INTERNET USE Unauthorized and inappropriate use of the internet in school is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Inappropriate student internet use at home that in some way associates his/her wrongful conduct with the school, students of the school, and teachers and staff, may be cause for disciplinary action if the use affects the administration of the school generally, or the relationship of the school to the students specifically. Thus, for example, the posting of an internet site from home containing threatening and derogatory comments about a teacher, student or school official may be grounds for dismissal. This is so particularly where the site creates an atmosphere of fear or otherwise adversely affects the educational and religious mission of the school. See the Acceptable Use Policy for Technology for Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia included in this handbook. VIOLENT-THREATENING-HARASSING-AND INAPPROPRIATE ACTS BY STUDENTS AND PARENTS It is the intent of Mother of Divine Grace School to provide an educational environment free from all forms of improper threats, intimidation, hostility, offensive and inappropriate behavior. Such improper conduct may take the form of unwanted verbal or physical conduct, verbal or written derogatory or racial / discriminatory statements and behavior otherwise not conducive to the educational and religious mission of our school. These include, but are not limited to: -disrespectful behavior of any kind toward or about any staff, student or other parent of students -intimidation, harassment or threats of any kind -insubordination -fighting -bomb scares or triggering other false alarms -cheating or plagiarism -use or possession of drugs or alcohol -smoking -stealing -weapons These categories do not cover every possible situation. The school is responsible for determining what is appropriate or inappropriate behavior, both in and out of the classroom, in the school community generally, and outside the school community where such improper behavior affects the school community. Conduct by students or parents/guardians or anyone acting on their behalf, incompatible with the educational and religious mission of the school is grounds for disciplinary action, including but not limited to immediate dismissal of the student, as well as reporting the incident to the appropriate legal authorities where appropriate. In addition, in the case of threats of violence or harassment, in any form, including oral, written or electronic, by a student against any member of the school community, the student, if suspended but not dismissed, may be required to have psychological or psychiatric clearance before returning to school. ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY FOR TECHNOLOGY Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia PURPOSE Technology is a valuable educational tool. Our schools are committed to teach its students, faculty, administrators, staff, and school community to work and to learn effectively with technology and to ensure responsible use of technology. The policy outlined below applies to all technology use including, but not limited to Internet use. The Acceptable Use Policy for Technology applies to all students, faculty, administrators, staff, volunteers or community members allowed access to school technology resources. GOAL The school’s goal is to prepare its members for life in a digital, global community. To this end, the school will: • provide a variety of technology based tools • teach technology skills • integrate technology with curriculum to enhance teaching and learning • encourage critical thinking and problem solving skills • facilitate evaluation and synthesis of information • encourage ethical practices and provide education for internet safety and digital citizenship RESPONSIBILITIES OF USER Our schools will make every effort to provide a safe environment for learning with technology including Internet safeguards. The students, faculty, administrators, staff, and school community are granted the privilege of using the computer hardware and software, peripherals, and electronic communication tools including the Internet. With this privilege comes the responsibility to use the equipment correctly, respect the name and intellectual property of others, and follow the policies outlined below. TECHNOLOGY USE GUIDELINES • Educational Purpose/ Appropriate Use: All technology use and Internet access at schools for faculty, staff and students is provided solely for educational purposes. Educational sites and teacher created assignments are to be used to enhance student learning. Students must not access social networking sites or gaming sites, except for educational purposes under teacher supervision. Expressed permission to use the Internet and hardware/software in any area of the school must always be obtained. • Copyright/Intellectual Property and Identity: All sources obtained for teacher and student work should be properly cited. Users are to respect the rights of and the intellectual property of others in accordance with Federal Copyright Law. Transferring copyrighted material to or from a school without expressed permission of the owner is a violation of Federal Law. When using school technology, teachers and students are to use their assigned user name and password at all times. Each person is reminded to log off of their assigned account before leaving a computer unattended. •Communications: Electronic and/or Digital communications with students should be conducted for educationally appropriate purposes and employ only school sanctioned means of communication. The school sanctioned communications methods include: Teacher school web page, teacher school email, teacher school phone number and educationally focused networking sites. Teachers or administrators in their normal responsibilities and duties may be required to contact parents outside of the school day. A teacher or administrator is free to contact parents using a home phone or a personal cell phone. However, they should not purposely distribute a home phone number or a personal cell phone number to students. If a student contacts a teacher or administrator using a teacher or administrator’s personal numbers, email or networking sites, the teacher or administrator should immediately report this to the administrator or appropriate authorities. • Electronic and Mobile Devices: Use of any technology oriented device in our schools should have an educational focus. Users must adhere to local school policy regarding the use of additional electronic devices including but not limited to personal digital assistants (PDA), calculators, gaming devices, cellular phones, and pagers. Access will be determined by the administrator of the school. The school’s technology policy regarding authorization, use, responsibility, integrity, intellectual property, and monitoring will be applied to these devices. If a particular mobile device is to be used for educational purpose, the school administration and/or teacher will provide parameters for this use. N.B. The types of electronic and digital communications referenced in this AUP include, but are not limited to, social networking sites, cell phones, digital cameras, text messaging, email, voice over ip, chat rooms and instant messaging. Examples of Unacceptable Uses: *Users must not use equipment to harass, threaten, deceive, intimidate, offend, embarrass, or annoy any individual. *Users must not post, publish, or display any defamatory, inaccurate, violent, abusive, profane or sexually oriented material. *Users must not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude or threatening language. *Users must not knowingly or recklessly post false information about any persons, students, staff or any other organization. *Users must not use a photograph, image, video or likeness of any student, or employee without express permission of that individual and of the principal. *Users must not use school equipment to create any site, post any photo, image or video of another except with express permission of that individual and the principal. Maintaining or posting material to a Web site or blog that threatens a likelihood of substantial disruption in school, including harming or interfering with the rights of other students or teachers to participate fully in school or extracurricular activities is a violation of the Acceptable Use Policy and subject to the disciplinary measure found herein. *Users must not attempt to circumvent system security, guess passwords, or in any way gain access to secured resources, another person’s files or another person’s password. *Users must not install, move, delete, download, upload, reconfigure, or modify any software or files on school equipment without permission. Examples of Unacceptable Uses continued: *Users must not move, repair, reconfigure, modify, or attach external devices to the systems without permission. *Users must not deliberately visit a site known for unacceptable material or any material that is not in support of educational objectives. Students must not access social networking sites or gaming sites, except for educational purposes under teacher supervision. *Users are not to plagiarize content and may not present the work of another as their own without properly citing that work. *Users must not violate license agreements, copy disks, CD-ROMs, or other protected media. *Users must not use technology for any illegal activity. Use of the Internet for commercial gains or profits is not allowed from an educational site. • Reporting: Users must immediately report any damage or change to the school’s hardware/software that is noticed by the user. • Administrative Rights: The school has the right to monitor both student and employee use of school computers and computer accessed content. Due to the evolving nature of Technology, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Office of Catholic Education or the school administration reserves the right to amend or add to this policy at any time without notice. Violation of the above rules will be dealt with by the administration of the school. Violation of these rules may result in any or all of the following: • Loss of use of the school network, computers and software, including Internet access. The student will be expected to complete work on a non-networked, stand-alone computer system. • Issuance detentions, if applicable. • Disciplinary action including, but not limited to, dismissal and/or legal action by the school, civil authorities, or other involved parties. Each student will receive a copy of this policy with a contract for him/her and his/her parents/guardians to sign at the start of each school year. No student will be permitted use of technology equipment until this contract is signed and returned to the school office. RESPECT FOR OTHERS Jesus tells us that we should “accept others as He has accepted us.” (Romans 15:7) We will get along better with some people than with others. As students who are disciples of Jesus, we show by our words and actions that we respect all persons. An atmosphere of respect will be present in our school when the following rules are followed. Students uphold the good name, character, and reputation that is part of each member of Mother of Divine Grace School community. Students are responsible to show good example to the school community by their words and actions. Students refrain from speaking, writing, or gesturing obscenities. Students refrain from using words or actions, that abuse the dignity or rights of any member of the school community. These include, but are not limited to, racial slurs, teasing, name calling, threatening, ridiculing, physically challenging, and laughing at another’s mistake. Students refrain from disrespectful attitude toward authority. Students settle conflict using nonviolent means rather than physical force. Students seek permission to use or handle the possessions of any student or faculty member of Mother of Divine Grace School. Students respect the property and person of all students, teachers and the parish. In the event that property is damaged, destroyed or broken, the parents of the student are responsible to pay for the replacement or repair of the property. Students are responsible to answer all persons (administrators, teachers, adult volunteers, guests, students) in a tone of voice and with a choice of words that are respectful and dignified. Students show good manners and proper etiquette throughout the school day and in extracurricular activities. Late arrivals *The school day begins promptly each day at 7:55 AM. *All students, grades Pre Kindergarten through 8, must be in the school yard when the bell rings at 7:55 AM. *The teachers begin the educational day as soon as the students enter the classroom at 7:55 AM. *Upon arrival at school the student is to report to the main office to receive permission to enter his/her classroom. *Any student who arrives after 7:55AM is late. *Any student arriving to school after 9AM must have a doctor's note. *Any student who arrives after 12:40PM is late. *Each time a child arrives late they are disrupting the educational process. Children miss many valuable lessons due to late arrivals. *Late arrivals are recorded electrically and therefore are an accurate record of each child’s attendance. *Any student late 4 or more times during any trimester will not be eligible for perfect attendance, honors, student of the month, peacemaker of the month or subject awards. *Any student with 4 or more late arrivals in each trimester will have to attend scheduled meeting with the student’s parent(s), teacher and principal to discuss this situation. If a student is late 12 or more times through the entire school year, he or she will be required to make up the time in June. We must work together, school and home, to prepare the students for their futures at college and in the work force. Arriving on time is an important and valued tool for future success. Lunch Program There is a lunch fee for those families who choose to have their children remain in school daily for lunch. The yearly lunch fee is used to help with the up keep of the lunch room, expenses incurred from the lunch program and pay our lunch parents. Students are responsible to bring his/her lunch with him/her in the morning to school. Parents should not be dropping off lunches to the office. Students must know what days he/she is receiving hot lunch. No student will receive a hot lunch unless it is ordered and paid for in advance. Fast food lunches are not permitted. *Each student must have two napkins packed in their lunch from home. One is to be used as a placemat. The other is needed for the student’s lap. *No student may be out of his/her seat for any reason while eating lunch. *After lunch, weather permitting, students have a short recess in the school year. *When the students are taken to the school yard after lunch, they are under the supervision of a staff member who has lunch duty. It is expected that students treat the moderator with respect and obedience. *Any student who does not obey these regulations will receive appropriate consequences for his/her actions. If continued disobedience occurs, the student will not be permitted to remain in school for lunch. If a student is enrolled in our lunch program, he/she may not go home for lunch or to a friend’s home for lunch without a written note of permission from a parent to do so. This note must be presented to the homeroom teacher upon arrival in the morning. No student may call a parent to ask for permission to leave school at lunch time.