Leonardo da Vinci mobility project Nr. LLP-LdV-IVT-2011-LT0501 ,,Through mobility to flexible teaching” Leonardo da Vinci partnership project Nr. LLP-LdV-PRT-2010-LT-0161 ,,Automobility – expansion pack” Evaldas Andrukaitis, Vaidas Dabravolskis, Aurimas Paleckis (Vilkija School of Agriculture) Savo Consortium for Education, Savo Vocational College, Kuopio, Finland The training placement period: 05-05-2012/26-05-2012 Evaldas Andriukaitis, Aurimas Paleckis and Vaidas Dabravalskis’s impressions of the training placement in Finland At the beginning of May, 2012, we went for the training placement to Finland with two students from KBPC and Marijampole professional preparation centre, accompanied by KBPC profession teacher Vygantas Zinevicius. We knew that this would be the last training placement of our project. On the first day of our journey to Finland, we arrived to Tallinn by car. On the second day we continued our journey and took the ferry over to Helsinki. Savo Vocational College is situated in Kuopio town, which is 460 km from Helsinki. In Kuopio, we were greeted by an English teacher and international connections coordinator Irja Nenola. She told us about the school, showed us the way to the living quarters, from which the schools workshop is 200 meters away, and the department, situated in Silinjarvi town, which is 26 km away. The first day, we were introduced to the mechanic department director – Harri Hakkola. He introduced us the plan of our whole placement, shoved us the schools workshop, the town and gave us copies of the plans. Together with the practical teaching (two days per week), we had English language and physics classes. These lessons we had together with finish students. Physic’s lessons were different from those at our school. We didn’t use any textbooks, and did physics tasks separately. The right answers were later placed on the board, and the teacher explained them in English. At the English classes, we communicated in English: we talked about ourselves, our town, school. Savo Vocational college English teacher told us about Finland, Kuopio town, the most commonly visited places. Savo Vocational College has about 5600 students. There are many specialties, but we were most interested in the transport sector. The lodgings were made not only for theory, but also practical for studying. We were amazed by the teaching equipment, and the car painting saloon in Silinjarvi town. We worked 8 hours per day, and the rest of the day and the weekends we relaxed. We got to know Kuopio town and its surroundings. We visited an old car museum and the so called Mammoth museum. Here we saw a huge exhibition of the finish wildlife and the main accent – a mammoth. We visited Kuopio swimming pool, Kusama town, which is in the mountains. There was a lot of snow here, so we decided to go sledging. We really enjoyed the fun park in Tampere town, and spent the whole day there. On the last week of our placement we played a friendly game of football and basketball with Savo Vocational College students. We didn’t seem to do well at football, but we won the basketball match. At the end of the third week of our placement, we met the teachers of Savo Vocational College, discussed the impressions, and answered the questions. We were given the Europass mobility documents and certificates of this placement. A trip to Lithuania was waiting for us. When we arrived to the capital of Finland, we were amazed by its beauty. In the evening, we took the ferry “VIKING LINE” to Tallinn, and on Saturday (the 26th of May) we came back to Lithuania where we were greeted by our families. We really enjoyed this project. It gave us the chance to improve our knowledge and practical skills abroad working with modern car parameter calculating, malfunction determination, technical safety and repairing equipment, car body painting technologies. We got to extend our foreign language (English) knowledge, communication and job in other culture and international teamwork skills.