Optional Homework Chapter 1,2,3,7

If complete and accepted, one bonus point will be added for each Chapter
completed. (Three questions = 1 point on test.)
Advantage: Those who complete the homework questions usually do better on
the test as well.
You may reference ONLY your text book or class notes. No internet sources.
Do not copy! That would result in no bonus points on the test for any chapters.]
Optional Homework Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1. Describe the process known as the scientific method. What specific steps are
typically taken to formulate a theory?
2. For the Big Bang evolution of the universe, describe two observed pieces of
evidence that support the Big Bang model.
3. What theory explains the origin of the solar system? What are the main events that
4. Why is the moon heavily cratered and the Earth apparently very lightly cratered?
5. What is meant by the differentiation of the Earth? List the five physical layers of the
Optional Homework Chapter 2 From Essential Questions:
Chapter 2
1. What is the definition of a mineral?
List at least 5 distinct properties of a mineral that can be observed or tested in the
lab for identification.
2. Within an atom, describe the location of protons, neutrons and electrons. What is the
electrical charge for each particle?
3. How is the atomic number of an atom determined?
Can an element’s atomic number change?
How is an atom’s atomic mass determined?
4. What is a polymorph? Compare and contrast the types of bonds and properties of
graphite and diamond.
5. List the three rock types.
Using one or two sentences for each, describe in general how each type may be
formed. Include the type of
setting (tectonic, near surface, below surface) where this rock type may form.
Optional Homework Chapter 3 From Essential Questions:
Chapter 3
1. What is a magnetic reversal and where are these recorded?
Describe the pattern of magnetic anomalies on the sea floor.
2. How did the discovery of the Mid Ocean Ridge system contribute to the theory of
seafloor spreading?
Why is ocean crust younger than 200 million years and continental crust is over 4
billion years?|
3. Explain the process of subduction and where it occurs. Why does crust subduct?
Be specific!
How do continental volcanic arcs and volcanic island arcs form?
4. Briefly explain three observations which are evidence that the seafloor is spreading.
5. Explain how plate motion can be observed or documented. Be specific.
Optional Homework Chapter 4 From Essential Questions:
1. What is meant by "relative dating"?
What is meant by "absolute dating"?
What was the basis for assuming that the Earth was young - about 6,000 years old?
Explain the principle of cross-cutting relationships.
Explain the principle of inclusions.
Uniformitarianism is considered the "guiding principle of geology".
Describe the principle and how it helps modern geologists propose the history of the Earth.
If complete and accepted, one bonus point will be added for each Chapter
completed. (Three questions = 1 point on test.)
Advantage: Those who complete the homework questions usually do better on
the test as well.
You may reference ONLY your text book or class notes. No internet sources.
Do not copy! That would result in no bonus points on the test for any chapters.]
Optional Homework Chapter 7 From Essential Questions:
Chapter 7
1. Explain how alleles on genes allow for widespread variations within a specific
Explain how mutations may result in variations that are inherited within the
2. What is a species? Describe allopatric speciation. 3. Explain how Darwin
contributed significantly to the theory of evolution by proposing a mechanism.
Explain the premise of natural selection.
4. What are homologous structures? analagous structures? Give examples of each.
5. If evolution is true, describe two observations that should be evident in the fossil
Optional Homework Chapter 8 from Essential Questions:
Answer any 3 of the following briefly in a few complete sentences:
[Chapter 8:
1. Why are greenstone belts green in color? What is the significance of the
accumulations of pillow lavas? Why are ultramafic rocks not being erupted today?
Describe the tectonic setting where greenstone belts may have formed as discussed in
2. Explain what role volcanic outgassing has played in forming Earth’s atmosphere.
Explain the accumulation of liquid water on Earth’s surface.
3. What is abiogenesis?
Describe Stanley Miller’s experimental apparatus.
Why are scientists looking at submarine hydrothermal vents for explanations of the
origin of life forms on Earth?
4. What per cent of Earth’s history occurred during the Archean Eon?
What per cent of Earth’s history occurred during the Proterozoic Eon?
What is the total per cent of Earth’s history for Precambrian time?
5. Describe the early evolution of land masses and the first continental nuclei.
Define Precambrian shield; platforms; craton.
Where in North America is the Precambrian shield exposed today
Optional Homework Chapter 9 from Essential Questions:
Answer any 3 of the following briefly in a few complete sentences:
[If complete and accepted, one bonus point will be added for each Chapter completed.
(Three questions = 1 point on test.)
Advantage: Those who complete the homework questions usually do better on the test
as well.
You may reference ONLY your text book or class notes. No internet sources.
Do not copy! That would result in no bonus points on the test for any chapters.]
Optional Homework Chapter 9 from Essential Questions:
Answer any 3 of the following briefly in a few complete sentences:
Chapter 9
1. What is a Wilson cycle?
How is this represented by the Wopmay orogeny?
2. What is the environment of formation for the widespread deposits of sandstone,
carbonate and shale?
3. What is the evidence for the mid-continent rift in North America?
4. Explain the model presented in the text for the formation of banded iron. Include the
source of iron and silica that form the rocks.
Why did the large deposit of banded iron form at a specific time in Earth's history?
5. What is the significance of the evolution of eukaryotic cells?
How do these cells differ from prokaryotes?
Optional Homework Chapter 10 from Essential Questions:
NOTE CHANGE! on Ch 10 and 11 only
1. What do cratonic sequences represent?
2. What specific type of evidence points to an early Paleozoic epeiric sea in New York
3. What is represented by the vertical sequence of rocks in the Grand Canyon known as
the Tapeats Sandstone (bottom), Bright Angel Shale (middle), and Muav Limestone
Optional Homework Chapter 11 from Essential Questions:
Answer any 2 of the following briefly in a few complete sentences: (It is always
recommended to know answers to all the HW but only two are required for the extra
[If complete and accepted, one bonus point will be added for each Chapter completed.
(Two questions = 1 point on test.)
Advantage: Those who complete the homework questions usually do better on the test
as well.
You may reference ONLY your text book or class notes. No internet sources.
Do not copy! That would result in no bonus points on the test for any chapters.]
1. Describe the Acadian and Caledonian Orogenies.
What is the relationship between the Old Red Sandstone and the Catskill Delta red
2. What is a cyclothem? In what type of environment would coal beds form?
3. How did the formation of Pangaea affect habitat, ocean circulation, and climate? How
may have this related to the Permian extinction?
Optional Homework Chapter 12 from Essential Questions:
[If complete and accepted, one bonus point will be added for each Chapter completed.
(Three questions = 1 point on test.)
Advantage: Those who complete the homework questions usually do better on the test
as well.
You may reference ONLY your text book or class notes. No internet sources.
Do not copy! That would result in no bonus points on the test for any chapters.]
Answer any 3 questions for each chapter briefly in a few complete sentences:
Chapter 12 (choose 3)
1. In general, what effects did the break up Proterozoic supercontinent and the end of a
glacial period have on evolution?
2. List at least four advantages for an organism with an exoskeleton.
3. There were at least three mass extinctions during the Paleozoic. What are three
possible causes of mass extinctions?
4. Describe the preservation and significance of the Burgess Shale. What is the
significance of the organism Pikaia,
Chapter 13 (choose 3)
1. Very recently scientists discovered the Tiktaalik roseae organism. What “link” does
this represent? In general, how did
scientists decide where to search when trying to
find such a link?
2. What are three problems for animals to move from water to land?
Name two characteristics of amphibians evolved to make the transition.
3. What is the significance of the amniote egg? How would this give rise to the “Age of
4. Coelacanths are called “living fossils”. Briefly explain what a living fossil is.
5. What special abilities are present in a lungfish?
Chapters 14 & 15 combined - counts as one chapter (choose 3)
1. Describe the changes that occurred in the arrangement of the continents during the
Mesozoic. How did this affect ocean circulation, climate, and deposits of evaporites?
2. What is the criteria for dinosaurs to be classified as "ornithiscian" or "sauriscian"?
Classify Tyrannosaurus rex and stegosaurus. Also classify as carnivore or herbivore.
3. What effect did the Cretaceous - Paleogene (5th extinction) have on the dinosaurs?
Why do paleontologists believe that birds are living dinosaurs?
4. Describe the process of rifting that affected the eastern coast of what is now North
America. Give one location of evidence of this rifting. Describe the evidence.
5. After the Atlantic Ocean was formed, the eastern continental crust of North America
became a passive margin. Explain what this means, why it occurred, and why it is still a
passive margin today.
6. What process formed the Sierra Nevada mountains. Explain why they are at up to
14,000 feet elevation today. Name a natural resource that has come from this mountain