CHS School Parent Compact

What is a School-Parent
A School-Parent Compact is an agreement that
parents, students and teachers develop
together. It explains how parents and teachers
will work together to make sure all our students
reach grade-level standards. Effective
Family Activities at
Cedartown High School
Based on the Spring parent involvement
survey results, parents requested the
following parent programs for 2015-2016:
Bulldog Academy–
Link to goals of the school improvement plan Move On When Ready/Dual Enrollment
Focus on student learning skills Annual Title I Meeting
Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality instruction. Financial Aid Night
Writing Workshop
Share strategies parents can use at home National Honor Society Induction
Explain how teachers and parents will
communicate about student progress. Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer,
observe, and participate in the classroom. At Cedartown High School the parents,
teachers, and students developed this compact
to increase student achievement. Teachers
described what students would be expected to
learn and suggested ways parents would be
able to support the learning. Parents added
ideas to make them more specific, and students
explained what would help them learn. The
compact is referred to at all parent meetings and
input is recorded. An annual meeting is held to
re- view and revises the compact based on
student needs and data. If you have questions
about your child’s progress please contact your
child’s teacher by phone at 770-7480490 CEDARTOWN HIGH
School -Wide Plan
Power School Workshop
Title I Parent Input Meeting—May
*Dates and times are subject to change
How we will communicate about
Student learning:
Cedartown High School is committed to
frequent two-way communication with
families about children’s learning. Some of the
ways you can expect us to reach you are:
Weekly Principal
School Web
Page Announcements
Progress Reports
Conferences with teachers
US Mail
Phone calls Email
Teacher web page
Teacher Web Page
Our Mission at Cedartown
High School:
We will empower and inspire our
students to achieve excellence, learn
passionately and live with integrity
Darrell Wetherington, Principal
Cedartown High School
167 Frank Lott Drive
Cedartown, GA 30125
Polk School
District Goals
9th-12th Grade Teachers, Parents, StudentsTogether for Success
In CHS Classrooms:
1.Improve student
2. Provide a healthy and
supportive educational
3. Provide fiscal
responsibility and plan
wisely for growth.
4. Provide a highly qualified
faculty and staff in all
High School
Cedartown High School
Administrators, teachers,
and parents have analyzed
student performance data
and decided on goals for
the school.
All students will become
proficient in language arts,
math and social studies.
The teachers at CHS will work with students and
their families to support students’ success in
becoming proficient in all core subject areas.
Some of our key connections with students will
 Provide credit recovery and remediation
through Directed Studies  Incorporate technology  Recommend students for after school
tutoring At home:
CHS Parents joined staff to develop ideas about
how families can support students’ success in becoming proficient in all core subject areas. The
parents came up with these ideas:
 Stay in contact with the Parent Involvement
Coordinator about their child’s progress in
Directed Studies
 Look into college and careers at home for their
 Use technology at home
 Provide college and career preparation
through TAA Cedartown High School Students:
CHS students joined staff and parents to develop ideas about how they can succeed in school and
become proficient in all core subject areas. Students thought of the following ideas to make
connections between learning at home and school:
� Show up on time every day to school
� Be responsible for their iPads
� Show up on time for Directed Studies
� Pay attention, study and use the opportunities available to further their education
Revised June 3, 2015