Scholarship Application Instructions for 2016 - 2017 Deadline: March 11, 2016 To consider your application, the NJLA Scholarship Committee will require the following materials. All accompanying materials must be postmarked by March 11, 2016. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all requested materials are received timely. 1. The completed online application form submitted no later than March 11, 2016. Application URL: Including the following to be submitted online with the application: A 150-250 word essay explaining your choice of librarianship as a profession. A résumé or CV that includes your work and education history, along with any internships or volunteer work. 2. Official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities attended (undergraduate and graduate). Please have transcripts sent to you. (You will include the sealed copies of your transcripts in your application packet—see below.) 3. Two letters of recommendation. Submit two letters of recommendation from individuals from your professional, business, or educational history who can comment specifically on your ability to excel as a graduate student in library and information science, as well as within the profession. Letters of recommendation must be in the original sealed, postmarked envelope, and include the reference’s contact information, including mailing address, email address, and phone number if mailed. Letters of recommendation can also be emailed by the individual writing the recommendation, to: All applicants must agree to be available for an interview on Friday, April 8, 2016 at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, if selected. The essay, résumé or CV, sealed official transcripts, and sealed letters of recommendation should be sent in one packet to: Debbie Maynard NJLA Scholarship Committee Co-Chair Pequannock Township Public Library 477 Newark Pompton Turnpike Pompton Plains, NJ 07444 Scholarship Application for 2016-2017 Name: (Last) (First) (Middle initial) Current Address: (Street) (City, State, Zip) (Street) (City, State, Zip) Permanent Address: (if different) Email: Phone: GRADUATE DEGREE in Library and Information Science Are you currently attending library school? Yes No Have you been accepted into a program? If yes, please specify institution: If yes, please specify: (Institution) (Credits completed) On campus Online Full time Part time Anticipated year of graduation Degree Objective: Master’s On campus Online Full time Part time Anticipated year of graduation Degree Objective: Master’s Doctorate Doctorate If not yet accepted, where have you applied? 1. 2. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (list ALL undergraduate and graduate institutions attended, with most recent first) College or Institution Year(s) Degree Major GPA 1. 2. 3. 4. DIVERSITY NJLA offers an Ethnic Diversity Scholarship. If you believe you would be eligible for this scholarship, please indicate your basis of eligibility. African American Latina/Latino/Hispanic Another category not listed (describe) Asian/Pacific Islander Native American/Native Alaskan INCOME TAX DATA (Most recently filed tax return) Adjusted Gross Income from ________(year) tax return $ Total federal income tax paid $ State or local income tax paid (total all jurisdictions) $ Filing status: Single Married, filing jointly Married, filing separately Head of household DEPENDENTS Do you claim dependents on your tax return? Yes No If yes, please specify: Live at Home (Y/N) Age School Name Public or Private? Anticipated Tuition Costs Financial Aid/ Scholarships/Loans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. More than 5, please list on reverse. ASSETS Estimated Current Amount or Value Amount Owed Cash, savings, checking $ $ Home $ $ Other real estate and investments $ $ Business and farm $ $ Other assets (describe) $ $ CURRENT EMPLOYMENT DETAIL Applicant: Employer Job Title Date Employed Current Salary Full Time or Part Time? Current Salary Full Time or Part Time? Spouse or Domestic Partner (please write N/A if not applicable) Employer Job Title Date Employed Will spouse or domestic partner be a student during the 2016-2017 academic year? Institution Yes Graduate Undergraduate Financial Aid Expected Grants: $ Loans: $ No OTHER FINANCIAL RESOURCES – 2016-2017 Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships Applied Awarded 1. 2. 3. Financial assistance from family and others $ STUDENT AND SPOUSE/DOMESTIC PARTNER'S ANTICIPATED INCOME AND BENEFITS – 2016-2017 (Please write N/A if not applicable) Academic Year 2016-2017 Summer 2016 Applicant's anticipated taxable income (not including financial aid) Spouse/domestic partner's anticipated taxable income (not including financial aid) Applicant's Social Security educational benefits (if applicable) Applicant's veteran's educational benefits $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ INDEBTEDNESS Total Owed as of December 2015 Amount to Be Paid in Academic Year 2016-2017 Applicant's student loans $ $ Spouse/domestic partner's student loans $ $ Other debt (credit card, home equity line of credit, personal loans) $ $ MONTHLY HOUSING EXPENSES Rent or mortgage payment (monthly) $ Real estate taxes $ Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, annually $ Other $ TRAVEL EXPENSES (please write N/A if not applicable) Automobile make, model, and year Monthly auto payment (including insurance) $ Amount owed on automobile $ Anticipated 2016-2017 monthly mass-transit costs $ ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION Use this box to explain any other financial consideration that you would like the committee to use in evaluating your need: PREVIOUS NJLA SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT? Did you previously receive a New Jersey Library Association scholarship? (Note: Previous applicants or award recipients are eligible to reapply.) Yes No OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE Scholarship recipients are given an opportunity to be of service to NJLA. Would you be interested in this? (Your answer is not a factor in the selection process) Yes No STATEMENT: All the information on this application is true and complete to the best of my (our) knowledge. If requested by an authorized official, I (we) agree to provide the Scholarship Committee documentation regarding the information I (we) have provided on this form and acknowledge such proof may include a copy of relevant federal, state, and local tax returns. We acknowledge that failure to present such documentation, when asked, will result in disqualification of my application and no aid will be granted. Applicant's Signature Date Spouse's or Domestic Partner's Signature Date I AGREE TO BE AVAILABLE FOR AN INTERVIEW on Friday, April 8, 2016, at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ (RAIN/SNOW DATE Friday, April 15, 2016). (Signature)