Phone Interview Tips

Created 2013 KC
How exciting! You have a phone interview coming up!
Here are a few things to keep in mind to prepare for the phone interview.
Best wishes!
The Career Development Center
Get yourself in the right frame of mind
 Dress professionally
o Go through the same routine you would if you were having a face-to-face interview, this will psychology get
your mind ready to speak on a professional level on the phone
 Sit comfortably in a chair as you would in a face-to-face interview
o If you are someone that paces when you are on the phone this is absolutely fine, just be mindful to not get
distracted as you are communicating with the interviewer
 Read through the position description a few times prior to the interview
 Practice the STARR technique for behavioral based questions you feel the employer might ask you
Get organized
 Where are you taking the phone interview? PLAN AHEAD
o Choose a space with minimal distractions and interruptions
o Be creative- you might have a friend/family member that would allow you to use their office
o Communicate to roommates/family that you have a phone interview at what time and for how long
 If you are taking the phone interview on your cellphone make sure that your phone is fully charged
o Also do a few practice calls with friends and family to assure that you have clear service in the area in which
you will be conducting the phone interview
 Have your resume and cover letter in front of you to reference
 Have notes or examples you might want to refer to during the interview (example the STARR exercise handout)
 Did they tell you how long they set aside of the phone interview?
o Set a stopwatch/monitor the time
o DO NOT RUSH! Take your time with your answers, expand on the points you are communicating, make the
most of the time you have with the interviewer
 You will not be able to pick up on the nonverbal cues of the interviewer as you would in a face-to-face interview, do
not let this freak you out, be confident and completely answer the questions
 You might need to adjust your communication style because the interviewer will not be able to see your nonverbals
or hand gestures, thoughtful address each aspect of the question
 Before the formal interview begins (after the greeting and small talk) make sure you’ve jotted down the name(s) of
the interviewer(s) so that you can address them by name as you answer their questions
 Keep in mind- you may be on a phone interview with multiple interviewers.
Additional Tidbits:
 This is a really exciting opportunity! Communicate your excitement and interest in the position over the phone. Make
it painfully obvious for interviewer to gage your level of competence and interest in the position
 You can do it! In a competitive job market, how flattering to be offered a phone interview! They wouldn’t be investing
the time in talking to you if they were not interested. Take this seriously, but let your confidence show!