COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECAHNICAL ENGINEERING Computational Methods for Engineers (MMJ 1113) PRE-REQUISITE EQUIVALENCE LECTURE HOURS Page : 1 of 6 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : : : : 28 August 2012 : : : Nil 3 hour lectures per week Lecturers E-Mail Room No. Phone No. 1. PM Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah C25-333 34740 2. Dr. Mohd Foad Abdul Hamid C25-334 34750 3. En. Mohsin Sies C24-313 34578 SYNOPSIS This course provides students with a sound understanding of the use of computational simulation and modeling techniques applied to engineering problems. In addition, students are exposed to the scientific programming techniques. The course further provides an introduction to the distributed and high performance computing methods. PREPARED BY : CERTIFIED BY : Name : PM Dr. Abu Hasan Abdullah Name : Signature : Signature : Date : Date : F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 PM Dr. Mohd Shafiek Yaacob (Head of Engineering Computing Panel) COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECAHNICAL ENGINEERING Computational Methods for Engineers (MMJ 1113) Page : 2 of 6 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : 28 August 2012 : : : COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course, students should be able to : No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Note : 1. 2. 3. Course Learning Outcomes Apply the techniques of software development process and a variety of numerical and computational methods relevant to engineering problems Analyze engineering problems and select an appropiriate programming method to solve them numerically Translate physical computational models. systems into Design and develop software algorithms relevant to scientific simulation and modeling process Programme Learning Outcome(s) Addressed Bloom’s Taxonomy PO1, PO2 C3, P3, A4 PO1,PO3 PO1,PO2 PO3, PO4 C6, A4 C5, A4 C5, P3, A5 Assessment Methods T, HW, PR T, HW, PR T, HW, PR HW, PR (T – Test ; PR – Project ; Q – Quiz; HW – Homework/Assignment ; Pr – Presentation; F – Final Exam) If PR and Pr is addressed, must have at least addressed one of PO4 to PO9. Assessed PO: Bold, Addressed PO: italic Notation: PO1:Knowledge; PO2: develop ideas, and integrate and apply engineering knowledge; PO3: competency in identifying, analysing, and solving mechanical engineering problems; PO4: Communication ; PO5:Teamworking; PO6:Profesionalism; PO7:Life Long Learning & Information Management; PO8:Entrepreneurship; PO9:Leadership F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECAHNICAL ENGINEERING Computational Methods for Engineers (MMJ 1113) Page : 3 of 6 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : 28 August 2012 : : : STUDENT LEARNING TIME No. Teaching and Learning Activities 1. Lecturer SCL Activities Lab work 2. Practical 3. Student Learning Time (hours) 30 6 12 Independent Study self learning information search library search reading 24 4. Assignment self learning group discussion 20 5. Project - 24 6. Tests 4 7. Exam and preparation for the exam 0 information search library search group discussion report writing Total TEACHING METHODOLOGY 1. Lectures and discussion 2. Students will be required to conduct projects and write reports F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 120 COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECAHNICAL ENGINEERING Computational Methods for Engineers (MMJ 1113) Page : 4 of 6 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : 28 August 2012 : : : WEEKLY SCHEDULE Week 1 2 3 4 5 Topic / Content Computing System. Mathematical Preliminaries and Error Analysis. Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations System of Linear Equations Solution of Matrix Eigenvalue Problem Numerical Integration and Differentiation Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation 6 7 8 Project Discussion MID SEMESTER BREAK ODE: Numerical Methods for Initial-Value Problems 9 ODE: Numerical Methods for Boundary-Value Problems 10 Numerical Methods for Partial-Differential Equations 11 Numerical Methods for Partial-Differential Equations 12 Numerical Methods for Partial-Differential Equations 13 Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Partial-Differential Equations 14 15 16-18 Project Discussion REVISION WEEK AND FINAL EXAMINATION F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008 COURSE OUTLINE FACULTY OF MECAHNICAL ENGINEERING Computational Methods for Engineers (MMJ 1113) Page : 5 of 6 Revision Date of issue Last Amendment Edition : 28 August 2012 : : : REFERENCES 1. Numerical Recipes-The Art of Scientific Computing, 3rd Ed. (2007) Press, W.H et al; Cambridge University Press Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists (2002) Rao, S.S.; Prentice Hall Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th Ed. (2006) Chapra, S.C. and Canale, R.P.; McGraw-Hill 2. 3. GRADING No. Assessment Number % each % total 1. Test 1 1 20 20 2. Test 2 1 20 20 3. Assignment 4 5 20 4. Projects 2 20 40 Overall Total Dates 100 ATTENDANCE The student should adhere to the rules of attendance as stated in the University Academic Regulation :1. Student must attend not less than 80% of lecture hours as required for the subject. 2. The student will be prohibited from attending any lecture and assessment activities upon failure to comply the above requirement. Zero mark will be given to the subject. F/Kurikulum/Folder Rangka Kuliah/10 June 2008