FACULTY OF COMPUTER MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Course (Code) System Analysis and Design (BCS 2413) Program Bachelor of Computer Science with Business Management Semester (Session) 1 (2015/2016) Course Learning Outcome No. & Assessed for the Assessment ( ) CLO 3 Ability to implement the design of data model using simple database P.L.O Evaluated 5 Assessment No Release Date Percentage attributed to total mark 2 12 November 2015 Submission Date 10% 19 Nov 2015 Student Name Student ID Student Declaration I hereby declare that the attached piece of work is my own (our own) and has not been copied from any other materials without proper references. & Signature __________________________ Date: __________________ Administrative Procedure Prepared By: Checked and approved By: ____________________ _________________________ Name : Iliana Mohd Ali Name: Date : 12 November 2015 Date : COMMENTS TOTAL EVALUATION This assignment accounts for 30% of the total marks for the course and shall be assessed based on the Rubrics attached . You would be given feedback on the assignment before the Final Semester Examination commences. PLAGIARISM: MARKS DEDUCTION Warning: The submitted assignment will automatically undergo a similarity check. If plagiarism is detected, marks would be deducted as follows: Assignments with 10 - 30 % overlap with others: 20% deduction from the total marks scored. Assignments with more than 30% overlap with others : Zero mark would be given ASSIGNMENT 2 QUESTION Bakar wants you to work on user interface design. You will consider user needs, and apply principles of human-computer interaction to build a user-centered interface that is easy to learn and use. Create a detail report that will display all courses in alphabetical order, with the course name and the instructor name in a group header; the Social Security number, name, telephone number of each current student in the detail section; and the student count in group footer. Figure 1 Figure 2 (15 marks) END OF PAGE APPENDIX 1 ASSIGNMENT RUBRICS PO5: Ability to plan, analysed, design, implement and evaluate to improve the computer system application (Scientific Methods and Critical Thinking) Level Criteria Very Poor 1 Poor 2 Average 3 Good 4 Excellent 5 Ability to apply complex information/data Unclear information or data Applies some appropriate information and data Applies completely complex information/data Construct system using updated tools Un able to construct appropriately Construct but does not follow the guideline. Construct with appropriate tools Ability to solve technical problem Cannot solve technical problem, can only restate the problem Expands thought towards solution Expands thought towards solution through analysis and evaluation Total Points/ Marks Total Marks (Max)